Originally posted by Zaza
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I like your outward elbows which means your ready to add the downward double and triple elbow strikes, working toward linking them consecutively. And since you have the reverse fist roll down you can also, come out of the reverse fist roll into a downward triple elbow strike which is purty fancy looking!
I almost missed this post.....Glad I didn't!
Oh, and everybody is ready for Speed Bag III! All levels are at home there! the atmosphere is exactly like right here on the forum!!!! Supportive and Respectful of all in attendance! And your skills will jump after that weekend for sure! Just being in the presence of these baggers brought my bagging to a new level and of course, practice is always a necessity for that to happen! But I'm preaching to the choir...Mr. a few hours a day speed bagger!!!! That's dedication and commitment my friend!
Looking real good at 4 months ZAZ! Keep on Baggin and Postin!
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