Zaza - 4 Month Update

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  • Zaza
    Originally posted by Biff View Post
    Great job, Zaza. You were looking mighty fine. I see you posted this a few months ago during my hiatus. Damn, man, how much more have you progressed since then?

    Nice video production, as usual. x5
    Thanks Biff... I'm woking on elbows & double know, all the tricky stuff you pros do.

    It's almost time for another video.....standby.....

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  • Biff
    Great job, Zaza. You were looking mighty fine. I see you posted this a few months ago during my hiatus. Damn, man, how much more have you progressed since then?

    Nice video production, as usual. x5

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  • Zaza
    Originally posted by Heppsan View Post
    Awesome work, and after only 4 months!!
    Originally posted by DanielSmith View Post
    Agree with you Heppsan... Amazing work, that too just 4 months. kind of unbelievable.
    Thanks guys... and yes, that was 4 months pretty much to the day. Get the Speedbag Bible & practice a few hours a works!

    If you don't believe...just go back and look at my first months video:

    The first time I ever hit a speedbag was March 10th, 2011.... it's been part of my workout everyday since....honest.

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  • DanielSmith
    Agree with you Heppsan... Amazing work, that too just 4 months. kind of unbelievable.

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  • Heppsan
    Awesome work, and after only 4 months!!

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  • Zaza
    Originally posted by Roush View Post
    Hey there!

    First off great moves! very fluid and smooth for 4 months. I had a question for you in regards to your base. I noticed you have two wood frames the base is attached to. Is this to quiet down the sound/vibration? I recently installed the everlast speed bag and have had neighbors complain that it is loud and vibrates. Would adding a thick layer of wood in your opinion help with this? If not do you know of any "tricks" to help with such an issue?

    Thanks for the kind words!

    As for the's there because the platform weighs about 200lbs. and I needed something I could screw the 6" lag bolts that hold it up into. Here's the whole story:

    Vibration is're best if you can mount your platform on a block or stone wall (basement or garage)...other then that, it's very hard to isolate from the rest of the building.

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  • Roush
    Hey there!

    First off great moves! very fluid and smooth for 4 months. I had a question for you in regards to your base. I noticed you have two wood frames the base is attached to. Is this to quiet down the sound/vibration? I recently installed the everlast speed bag and have had neighbors complain that it is loud and vibrates. Would adding a thick layer of wood in your opinion help with this? If not do you know of any "tricks" to help with such an issue?


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  • Zaza
    Originally posted by aad03 View Post
    Great video, it's amazing how much progress can be made in such a short amount of time. Nice consistent speed, and smooth side punching transitions.
    Thanks so much! I really appreciate you taking the time to watch & comment. Lots of work left to do...practice, practice, practice.

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  • aad03
    Great video, it's amazing how much progress can be made in such a short amount of time. Nice consistent speed, and smooth side punching transitions.

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  • Zaza
    One in the in the garage (that big old AG Spalding one). I really want one in the bedroom, I mean...heck with all the talk of nude baggin' and all, might be fun.

    latitude 42.648885
    longitude -73.750872

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  • MsDeville
    Originally posted by paranday View Post
    Can you tell me where in the house the 2 platforms are and where the third will be, or at least supply me with gps coordinates.

    Then, I think he'd have to kill you, Jim.

    But, yes, I'm also curious...

    I'm guessing you have all of them in the basement, zaza...

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  • paranday
    Originally posted by Zaza View Post
    ...I now have 2 platforms in the house and will be adding a third shortly.
    Can you tell me where in the house the 2 platforms are and where the third will be, or at least supply me with gps coordinates.

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  • Zaza
    Originally posted by Mrs Mitts View Post
    I can't believe it's only four months either!! Wow what amazing progress you've made, it's a fantastic video Zaza

    Enjoyed watching thisvery much, finally got round to it and it was well worth it! Keep up the good work, I know there's more awesome stuff to be seen under that great platform of yours.

    I like the audio track too, was going to ask what it was, but it's there on the credits... Alice in Chains -will have to have a listen to some more
    Thank Mrs. Mitts! is strange how addicting this is. I now have 2 platforms in the house and will be adding a third shortly. I want to build a small one that can fold up out of the way for the familyroom...or livingroom....or bedroom!

    I also have to say that Peanut Ball is one of my favorites.

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  • Mrs Mitts
    I can't believe it's only four months either!! Wow what amazing progress you've made, it's a fantastic video Zaza

    Enjoyed watching thisvery much, finally got round to it and it was well worth it! Keep up the good work, I know there's more awesome stuff to be seen under that great platform of yours.

    I like the audio track too, was going to ask what it was, but it's there on the credits... Alice in Chains -will have to have a listen to some more

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  • Zaza
    Originally posted by novaspeedbagger View Post
    There is no denying that you're having FUN Zaza! Your are shredding that bag and others too as I see evidence hanging on the wall in the background. Speed, Power and Control.....I saw all three in this vid. We're all gonna have miss hits and really that's the best way to learn. It's great to bag totally under control for learning and mastering combo's that we are struggling with but there is something about the speed and power that is truly captivating about the speed bag and speed baggers. With that said, we do have to exercise control and accuracy otherwise we are just having a miss hit session during a video recording.

    I like your outward elbows which means your ready to add the downward double and triple elbow strikes, working toward linking them consecutively. And since you have the reverse fist roll down you can also, come out of the reverse fist roll into a downward triple elbow strike which is purty fancy looking!

    I almost missed this post.....Glad I didn't!

    Oh, and everybody is ready for Speed Bag III! All levels are at home there! the atmosphere is exactly like right here on the forum!!!! Supportive and Respectful of all in attendance! And your skills will jump after that weekend for sure! Just being in the presence of these baggers brought my bagging to a new level and of course, practice is always a necessity for that to happen! But I'm preaching to the choir...Mr. a few hours a day speed bagger!!!! That's dedication and commitment my friend!

    Looking real good at 4 months ZAZ! Keep on Baggin and Postin!
    Thanks Nova... I'm glad you found the post too. I love to watch the talented baggers on this forum & learn from all the great videos posted.

    I'll keep at it and post again in another month or two....elbows...yes...and I'll work on the downward ones if I can stop knocking my glasses off!

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