Metal Ball And Hook Swivel Dangerous?

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  • Speedbag
    Author of the Speed Bag Bible, founder of

    • Feb 2006
    • 7119

    speed bag swivel

    Originally posted by KevinDesroches
    allen i was wondering if the 2 piece metal swivel was better made than the 1 piece with the plastic backing plate
    I can't really answer that for I haven't used the one piece plastic swivel. Some here on the forum say it has good action, after welding/supergluing it the hook shank into the plastic ball.
    Speed Bag

    Put a little Rhythm in YOUR workout!
    *attendee: Every SB gathering so far!
    The Quest Continues...
    Hoping for another Gathering...


    The Art of the Bag


    • dbfin
      Speed Bag Trainee
      • Jun 2006
      • 5

      May I ask why you need to have your shoulder replaced?
      Thank you.


      • Speedbag
        Author of the Speed Bag Bible, founder of

        • Feb 2006
        • 7119

        Shoulder replacement

        Originally posted by dbfin
        May I ask why you need to have your shoulder replaced?
        Thank you.
        Sure. I was a gym rat for years, with lots of upperbody work, presses and racquetball. I have have had several surgeries on both shoulders (and knees, elbow etc.). The most recent was left shoulder in January 2006. the finding was: there is very little cartilage left on the humeral head or within the glenoid socket. Some areas, particularly the posterior part of the socket, is now bone on bone, causing the serious, biting pain of some movements. Cartliage regeneration procedures work for the knees (read here also), but shoulders are still a few years off.

        Just about any "functional" movements (for our purposes, Punching the speed bag) is painful. Not excruciating (mostly... some movements more than others), but enough to severly limit my lifestyle. This is not an "exercise issue" that can be fixed by rehabilitation exercises. I have recently met with a shoulder replacement specialist in Dallas who is on the leading edge of replacement strategies for the younger, more aggressive individual, such as myself. ( that actually includes most people under 60 - 65 years old. Shoulders are a non-weight bearing joint, and just aren't replaced nearly as much as knees and hips. I know lots of 45+ people with artificial hips and knees.)

        and, believe it or not, Using the speed bag is not the only sport, fitness or movement activity that I do in life. Most have been stopped over the last year because of this left shoulder issue. In fact, if not for some work related issues over the next few months, I would have already scheduled the surgery.

        I do not fear the surgery nearly as much as the lifestyle limitations imposed if I do not have it. Personally, since I survived the cervical spine laminectomies and came back full tilt on the speed bag then I will prevail over a shoulder replacement.
        Speed Bag

        Put a little Rhythm in YOUR workout!
        *attendee: Every SB gathering so far!
        The Quest Continues...
        Hoping for another Gathering...


        The Art of the Bag


        • KevinDesroches
          Speed Bag Trainee
          • May 2006
          • 18

          question for allen

          allen, sorry i ment the metal ball and hook with the plastic backplate ,do u think that when they started making that version they maybe started using a lower grade metal for the housing? because i see lots of people (in pictures anyways) using the all metal (backplae and ballhook) and not ever have a problem as u mentioned u never did either . so i was wondering if maybe the all metal version was made a little better than when they switched the backing plate to plastic even though the housing remained metal , maybe they figured to cut cost even less and use cheaper metel?


          • Speedbag
            Author of the Speed Bag Bible, founder of

            • Feb 2006
            • 7119

            plastic swivel

            I have had several two piece ball hooks with a plastic base attachment to the board, and a metal attachment (lower part) to the bag, with a metal ballhook inside. The problem you site would be the same in this swivel, for the metal ballshank still hits steel/metal housing. As far as cheaper metal being used, my opinion is YES, the product was probably changed to a lesser (lower price) material.

            You can see the two piece plastic base and metal bag attachment swivel in in this videoclip after the opening. On all the fiddle/bluegrass songs, look at the swivel and you will see a black plastic base with a metal bag attachment. I used this swivel until I took this board down and replaced it with the SKU 400. This board and swivel are now hanging in my garage, where I have two identical boards next to each other.

            but I have never had any steel dust or chips in my eye from a metal swivel. At least not that I know of.
            Speed Bag

            Put a little Rhythm in YOUR workout!
            *attendee: Every SB gathering so far!
            The Quest Continues...
            Hoping for another Gathering...


            The Art of the Bag


            • KevinDesroches
              Speed Bag Trainee
              • May 2006
              • 18

              bluegrass medly

              very cool bag dancing in that clip allen besides speedbaggin, im also a guitar player and i do lots of recording. i recently set up my drum machine down near my speedbag set up and ive ben programin beats to jam to. im finaly startin to see how the bag fits in to the rhythem more and more. watchin ur clips of u jammin to tunes inspired me to do that kind of punch drummin.
              on the topic of the metal chips again, i think because i had my last board set up high and because i was punchin so hard to get it to rebound normaly that caused the chips to land on my eye.
              i did a little experiment with the chain link swivel too. i was just dangling it around and kind of simulating the rebounding effect on the swivel when being punched over a white piece of poster paper , and after bout 3 minutes it left chips on the paper not as many as the ball and hook but enough to take notice. why dont they just make these damn things right!


              • dbfin
                Speed Bag Trainee
                • Jun 2006
                • 5

                Thank you for the reply. I hope that all goes well with your surgery and that you have full and speedy recovery.


                • spdyTommyT

                  • Apr 2010
                  • 262

                  Originally posted by KevinDesroches View Post
                  that opens up another canof worms

                  Hmmmm, i like to change bags alot, that may not be the ticket for me then, what do u think of the plastic version of the ball hook as far as its resposiveness to how its being hit?
                  I hope I’m not over stepping. Changing bags is and controlling every bag you have is impossible to me. Consistently changing bags disrupts your flow. If you think you can go from a large you’ve been hitting on for a week or even a day, and then change to a xs there is usually and this me, an adjustment period. Nothing of the rebound arc will be the same, so I recommend, people should stick to one bag size most comfortable to them and rep it out. People always told me big bags are slow, not many of mine. But if you notice I have used the same type of bag for almost ten years my go to. And I play all the bags except the vintage, they are history and don’t beat on them. Thank you
                  The Speed Ball should be in every hall


                  • ventanakaz
                    Senior Member
                    • Jun 2011
                    • 131

                    Originally posted by spdyTommyT View Post

                    I hope I’m not over stepping. Changing bags is and controlling every bag you have is impossible to me. Consistently changing bags disrupts your flow. If you think you can go from a large you’ve been hitting on for a week or even a day, and then change to a xs there is usually and this me, an adjustment period. Nothing of the rebound arc will be the same, so I recommend, people should stick to one bag size most comfortable to them and rep it out. People always told me big bags are slow, not many of mine. But if you notice I have used the same type of bag for almost ten years my go to. And I play all the bags except the vintage, they are history and don’t beat on them. Thank you
                    T-man, i'm just the opposite from you, You seen in some of my vids, i can't help myself, i have to hit on every bag size i have LoL. That's probably why i love the vintage metal everlast swivels with my modified S-hook on them


                    • spdyTommyT

                      • Apr 2010
                      • 262

                      Originally posted by ventanakaz View Post

                      T-man, i'm just the opposite from you, You seen in some of my vids, i can't help myself, i have to hit on every bag size i have LoL. That's probably why i love the vintage metal everlast swivels with my modified S-hook on them
                      Ha, I know Bro!, I see you all the time six seven bags in one video, haha.
                      I should be more clear. When I concentrate bag I like to be my most comfortable. You have to change simply because the option is there, a small ball all the way to the tall, we love ‘em all.!.
                      The Speed Ball should be in every hall


                      • spdyTommyT

                        • Apr 2010
                        • 262

                        Not all speed bag swivels, ballhooks especially created equal, know your equipment and hope these fly by night swivel makers rest their equipment. Sorry for the pain
                        The Speed Ball should be in every hall


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