SPEED BAG II – Day 3 | Part 2 | 6-18-11
SPEED BAG II – Day 3 | Part 2 | 6-18-11
Last edited by MsDeville; 10-23-2011, 03:46 PM.sigpic Contact me anytime for information about Deville Swivels Email: DevilleSwivels@gmail.com
I'm also on Facebook: www.facebook.com/DevilleSwivels | www.facebook.com/SpeedBagAddicts -
Thank you!!!
After a short,fun but long feeling trip to the city (new york) for work, I finally return home to find such an awesome video posted by MsDevile! Thank you so much! Its really amazing that you're putting the time and effort into making all of these for the people who attended. So good to know there are people like you on this site with this kind of support for speed bagging, its above and beyond. Okay I'm a bit delirious....HOWEVER!! For all who watch MsDeviles video you will notice I am having trouble with a new move I was learning at 5:00 "4 way elbow" After much time and effort and a little magic... I think I got em
Behold my redemption!!!... At around 0:28..haha Thanks again MsDevile and to all who attended the convention whom I met and interacted with. All really great people with a really great passion for speed baggin. I'm completely inspired to dramatically improve by next year! I'm gonna do my part just like MsDevile with her videos to support speed bagging by showing as many people through my gym how to the hit the speed bag and enjoy it. So far every person who I've taught(which is becoming quite a few now) loves it!Last edited by SpeedBagAtaraxis; 07-05-2011, 02:37 AM.
Far out D!!!!
Originally posted by MsDeville View Post
This is a video that really gives other baggers an accurate look at how it's done at Speed Bag 2010, II and in the future! Nice informal interview with Matthew and showcasing of his incredible bagging skills along with Josh and Alex as well. I was totally impressed with all of these gentlemen and their passion for the speed bag! Thanks for taking the time to sign my Ringside speed bag! In that way all you who signed inspire me through all my bagging sessions until we all meet again nest year! Thanks for signing to all the baggers that did so!
Ms. D this vid is a 5er
Thanks for taking the time to put these vidz together I know it take alot of time and I really appreciate the effort you put in to capture the essence of it all to make (streaming) time stand still for all of us to bask in
Can't wait to see what else you'll be posting! Sat down for a quick forum check before going in to work today and just had to check this thread in depth. I'm couldn't help myself so now I'm a bit behind schedule for work. Gripping stuff Denise!
Originally posted by SpeedBagAtaraxis View PostAfter a short,fun but long feeling trip to the city (new york) for work, I finally return home to find such an awesome video posted by MsDeville! Thank you so much! Its really amazing that you're putting the time and effort into making all of these for the people who attended. So good to know there are people like you on this site with this kind of support for speed bagging, its above and beyond. Okay I'm a bit delirious....HOWEVER!! For all who watch MsDevilles video you will notice I am having trouble with a new move I was learning at 5:00 "4 way elbow" After much time and effort and a little magic... I think I got em
Behold my redemption!!!... At around 0:28..haha Thanks again MsDevile and to all who attended the convention whom I met and interacted with. All really great people with a really great passion for speed baggin. I'm completely inspired to dramatically improve by next year! I'm gonna do my part just like MsDevile with her videos to support speed bagging by showing as many people through my gym how to the hit the speed bag and enjoy it. So far every person who I've taught(which is becoming quite a few now) loves it!
Looks like you've got it down real smooth now Matt! Keep on Baggin and Giving speed bag lessons! Keep the vidz coming!Novaspeedbagger
Originally posted by SpeedBagAtaraxis View PostAfter a short,fun but long feeling trip to the city (new york) for work, I finally return home to find such an awesome video posted by MsDevile! Thank you so much! Its really amazing that you're putting the time and effort into making all of these for the people who attended. So good to know there are people like you on this site with this kind of support for speed bagging, its above and beyond. Okay I'm a bit delirious....HOWEVER!! For all who watch MsDeviles video you will notice I am having trouble with a new move I was learning at 5:00 "4 way elbow" After much time and effort and a little magic... I think I got em
Behold my redemption!!!... At around 0:28..haha Thanks again MsDevile and to all who attended the convention whom I met and interacted with. All really great people with a really great passion for speed baggin. I'm completely inspired to dramatically improve by next year! I'm gonna do my part just like MsDevile with her videos to support speed bagging by showing as many people through my gym how to the hit the speed bag and enjoy it. So far every person who I've taught(which is becoming quite a few now) loves it!Speed Bag
Put a little Rhythm in YOUR workout!
*attendee: Every SB gathering so far!
The Quest Continues...
Hoping for another Gathering...
The Art of the Bag
Zach and Matthew - Speed Bag Relay?
Originally posted by ebozyn View PostAtaraxis. Speed Bag Skunk called, he wants his DNA back.haha
Matthew is definitely in the upper echelon of skilled speed baggers.
I have all sorts of random video clips taken in June at SpeedB.A.G. II that I haven't edited and posted.
This is a clip with more of Matthew (Ataraxis), along with Skunk, messin' around on Saturday at SB II. Not sure who's idea it was to punch, relay-style (?), but it's kinda cool, so I thought I'd post it:
sigpic Contact me anytime for information about Deville Swivels Email: DevilleSwivels@gmail.com
I'm also on Facebook: www.facebook.com/DevilleSwivels | www.facebook.com/SpeedBagAddicts