You can find the online workout timer here:
Work length, warning time, and rest length are all configurable as well as some other features (font sizes, colors, sounds, etc.)
It works with IE 6.0, FireFox, and possibly other browsers (not sure though - I don't have the resources to test all configurations). It is 100% Javascript and DHTML plus some .WAV files so it is very "lightweight", nothing to install really - no flash, no ActiveX, etc.
It does use cookies to remember your settings.
You may load the page on your pc to run it locally, as opposed to having to connect to the internet. The only disclaimer on downloading is that you won't get the latest bug fixes or cool new features, so be sure to check back on this page occasionally.
To download:
1. Download this zip file (it contains the complete .html and .wav files)
2. Unzip the file contents to some location on your harddrive
3. Open the timer.html page with your web browser
4. IE 6.0 may warn you about blocking script access. Just click on the prompt and allow it to run.
If you have feedback or comments, please reply to this thread. And finally, if there are any features missing which would be useful, please let me know and I'll try to add them.
2/17/2006 - There is now a "Delay before start" option. This causes a small delay between when the Start button is pressed and the actual round starts. Useful to get yourself in position for the first round.
3/7/2006 - Added a zero second rest option - so you have continuous work rounds.
Known Bug List
FIXED 04/12/2006 - If you are on IE and have the latest service packs , you might see this:
To correct, simply go here and load the latest version of the page:
FIXED 2/16/06- FireFox - The "Round Begin" sound uses the default bell and can't be changed. The "Warn" sound uses the default bell too . I hope to have this fixed soon.
FIXED 2/18/06- All browsers - Reseting during a rest period causes the round to not increment.
All browsers - If you click "Reset" and "Start" quickly you may get two instances of the countdown , which results in a really quick countdown.