Online Workout Timer

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  • Tim
    Administrator and Founder of

    • Jan 2006
    • 3461

    Online Workout Timer

    You can find the online workout timer here:

    The best FREE Interval Timer for all types of fitness including martial arts, CrossFit, MMA, Tabata, EMOM, and interval training. Works on PC, Mac, Phone, and Tablet.

    Work length, warning time, and rest length are all configurable as well as some other features (font sizes, colors, sounds, etc.)

    It works with IE 6.0, FireFox, and possibly other browsers (not sure though - I don't have the resources to test all configurations). It is 100% Javascript and DHTML plus some .WAV files so it is very "lightweight", nothing to install really - no flash, no ActiveX, etc.

    It does use cookies to remember your settings.

    You may load the page on your pc to run it locally, as opposed to having to connect to the internet. The only disclaimer on downloading is that you won't get the latest bug fixes or cool new features, so be sure to check back on this page occasionally.

    To download:

    1. Download this zip file (it contains the complete .html and .wav files)
    2. Unzip the file contents to some location on your harddrive
    3. Open the timer.html page with your web browser
    4. IE 6.0 may warn you about blocking script access. Just click on the prompt and allow it to run.

    If you have feedback or comments, please reply to this thread. And finally, if there are any features missing which would be useful, please let me know and I'll try to add them.

    2/17/2006 - There is now a "Delay before start" option. This causes a small delay between when the Start button is pressed and the actual round starts. Useful to get yourself in position for the first round.
    3/7/2006 - Added a zero second rest option - so you have continuous work rounds.

    Known Bug List
    FIXED 04/12/2006 - If you are on IE and have the latest service packs , you might see this:

    To correct, simply go here and load the latest version of the page:

    FIXED 2/16/06- FireFox - The "Round Begin" sound uses the default bell and can't be changed. The "Warn" sound uses the default bell too . I hope to have this fixed soon.
    FIXED 2/18/06- All browsers - Reseting during a rest period causes the round to not increment.

    All browsers - If you click "Reset" and "Start" quickly you may get two instances of the countdown , which results in a really quick countdown.
    Last edited by Tim; 09-03-2006, 08:51 AM.
  • Tim
    Administrator and Founder of

    • Jan 2006
    • 3461

    While "field testing" I found another bug - if you hit Reset while resting, you get cheated out of a round

    Will have that fixed shortly.
    Last edited by Tim; 02-18-2006, 10:42 AM.


    • Tim
      Administrator and Founder of

      • Jan 2006
      • 3461

      Gotta love wireless and the laptop.

      Bug is fixed and tested and I didn't have to leave the gym

      Here's a shot of it "in action"

      Last edited by Tim; 02-18-2006, 10:42 AM.


      • Speedbag
        Author of the Speed Bag Bible, founder of

        • Feb 2006
        • 7123

        Work out timer,

        This is an interesting idea.

        Now in the "old days", I personally did this with individually edited music tapes. I would edit music tapes of various songs. I'd start out with a slow song (110, 120 beats per minute) and record it. then record, 30 - 45 seconds of silence, then about 5 seconds of the next one (my warning notice..). Then a few seconds later, the second song would play, (a little faster, maybe 130 beats per minute). I would do this for the entirety of the 90 minute tape, (both sides) and hit to three to five songs a workout. each song was at least three minutes, and the beat of the music guided my pace.

        I had slow, medium and fast tapes. depending on my mood. I started doing the same with CD, but don't record the rest period silence anymore.

        You might add a metronome timer to your invention. So you can guide your punching speed. Punching at 140 beats per minute for 3 minutes is quite a workout. Your metronome could go from 110 beats per minute to about 180 or so. To try 170 - 180 try hitting to some American BlueGrass music. At about 1-minute into this clip, (Rolling in my sweet babies arms and Foggy mountain breakdown) are clicking out about that speed. That's a l-o-n-g three minutes to keep up with.
        Speed Bag

        Put a little Rhythm in YOUR workout!
        *attendee: Every SB gathering so far!
        The Quest Continues...
        Hoping for another Gathering...


        The Art of the Bag


        • Tim
          Administrator and Founder of

          • Jan 2006
          • 3461

          Originally posted by Speedbag
          You might add a metronome timer to your invention. So you can guide your punching speed. Punching at 140 beats per minute for 3 minutes is quite a workout. Your metronome could go from 110 beats per minute to about 180 or so. To try 170 - 180 try hitting to some American BlueGrass music. At about 1-minute into this clip, (Rolling in my sweet babies arms and Foggy mountain breakdown) are clicking out about that speed. That's a l-o-n-g three minutes to keep up with.
          I have to be honest I haven't really tried hitting to music yet. I'm tone def - or would that be rythmically challenged? I think I may give the metronome idea a shot though. I'll keep you posted.


          • Tim
            Administrator and Founder of

            • Jan 2006
            • 3461

            Online Workout Timer v1.1 Beta

            A new version of the free workout timer is available here:

            This new version consists of some bug fixes, plus the ability to save multiple sets of options.

            For example, I have a 3 minute / 60 second rest option for Heavy Bag, a 45 sec/10sec rest option for stretching, a Tabata interval etc.

            All of this could be done with the previous version but it involved a lot more mouse clicks. Once you save your options you can now retrieve them with 2 clicks.

            As always:
            1. No download or install is necesary, just run it right from the URL
            2. It works with IE and FireFox. Not sure about other browsers - feedback is welcome!
            3. I believe it will work on Mac/Linux/Windows - If you find that not to be the case, please let me know

            Please let me know if you find any bugs. You can find the original workout timer here:

            Last edited by Tim; 04-05-2006, 09:43 PM.


            • Tim
              Administrator and Founder of

              • Jan 2006
              • 3461

              If you are on the latest XP service packs and fixes you may be getting this multiple times when loading the page

              The latest version of the page has corrected this problem (Long story short - Microsoft loses lawsuit, and everyone with ActiveX controls on a page has to suffer. ActiveX control is used to play the sounds).

              Simply go here and the problem should no longer occur:

              If you run disconnected with no net connection, please unzip this file to the location of your choice. This zip contains the the fixes required.
              The best FREE Interval Timer for all types of fitness including martial arts, CrossFit, MMA, Tabata, EMOM, and interval training. Works on PC, Mac, Phone, and Tablet.
              Last edited by Tim; 04-12-2006, 07:35 PM.


              • Steve
                Speed Bag Trainee
                • May 2006
                • 1

                Timer Question

                Hi Tim,
                I think the timer is excellent
                Is it possible to run this program on a pocket PC? The one i use runs off Windows 5.0. It would be great if i could save the programme to the mda then when i'm away or on holiday i've still got the timer available

                I'm not very technically minded when it comes to these things, so sorry if this seems a dumb question.

                Take care



                • Tim
                  Administrator and Founder of

                  • Jan 2006
                  • 3461

                  Glad you like it.

                  I believe it will run off of a pocket pc, but I really can't try it. Download the zip file here and unzip it to somewhere on your pocket pc, then open the timer page with the web browser... I don't have access to a pocket PC so I can't test it myself

                  The best FREE Interval Timer for all types of fitness including martial arts, CrossFit, MMA, Tabata, EMOM, and interval training. Works on PC, Mac, Phone, and Tablet.


                  • Tim
                    Administrator and Founder of

                    • Jan 2006
                    • 3461

                    Some bugs have been fixed... nothing major, just some minor display inconsistencies.

                    To get the latest version:
                    1.Click here:
                    2. Click the "Refresh" button on your browser.

                    The file has been updated as well, if you wish to run it locally on your PC.
                    Last edited by Tim; 06-10-2006, 11:11 PM.


                    • Tim
                      Administrator and Founder of

                      • Jan 2006
                      • 3461

                      Timer gone gold!

                      The v1.1 release is now GOLD.

                      You can find it here:
                      The best FREE Interval Timer for all types of fitness including martial arts, CrossFit, MMA, Tabata, EMOM, and interval training. Works on PC, Mac, Phone, and Tablet.

                      the page will redirect to the above page.

                      The old timer version can be found here:

                      As always, you can run the timer disconnected from the net using this zip file:

                      Simply unzip all the files to some location on your harddrive, and open the timer.html page.

                      I'm now accepting feature requests, enhancements, and bug fixes for v2.0 - post them as a reply to this thread
                      Last edited by Tim; 07-08-2006, 11:42 AM.


                      • buckeyemma
                        Speed Bag Trainee
                        • Oct 2006
                        • 1

                        Hi Tim, I think your round timer is pretty damn cool. It's definately the most customizable timer of its kind that I've found. I do have a few requests on any updates you may make to the program, however.

                        1. For those of us who will just be downloading it and running it on a pc without an internet connection, can you make an option to load and use personalized music or sound clips?

                        I plan to play the sound over a sound system into my gym and won't have the ability to view a monitor to see the display.

                        Along those same lines (not being able to see the clock), can you add an option to turn on/off an audible countdown for when the round begins, the end of round warning, and the countdown warning for the start of the next round? Since many of use won't be able to see the display (just piping in the sound from off the PC), it'd be nice to hear either actual numbers or even some kind of custom warning sound to let us know when to expect the buzzer to go off.

                        Thanks for the great work!

                        - Josh



                        • Tim
                          Administrator and Founder of

                          • Jan 2006
                          • 3461

                          Glad to hear you like it.

                          Originally posted by buckeyemma View Post
                          1. For those of us who will just be downloading it and running it on a pc without an internet connection, can you make an option to load and use personalized music or sound clips?
                          When you unzip the file you'll see a bunch of .wav files, just replace those with whichever files you choose, leave the filename the same and you won't have to update the HTML code.

                          Originally posted by buckeyemma View Post
                          Along those same lines (not being able to see the clock), can you add an option to turn on/off an audible countdown for when the round begins, the end of round warning, and the countdown warning for the start of the next round? Since many of use won't be able to see the display (just piping in the sound from off the PC), it'd be nice to hear either actual numbers or even some kind of custom warning sound to let us know when to expect the buzzer to go off.
                          I'll look into that. Numbers might work, but maybe a beep of some sort...
                          Last edited by Tim; 10-24-2006, 08:16 PM.


                          • Tim
                            Administrator and Founder of

                            • Jan 2006
                            • 3461

                            This version of the timer has a "Tick after Warn" option. It plays a clock tick for each second after the warning bell sounds. It wasn't really practical to play actual numbers, as that would require a unique sound file for each possible number.

                            And for disconnected use, you can download this Zip file. Simply unzip to somewhere on your local hard drive and open the timerv1-2-beta.html file

                            The best FREE Interval Timer for all types of fitness including martial arts, CrossFit, MMA, Tabata, EMOM, and interval training. Works on PC, Mac, Phone, and Tablet.


                              Speed Bag Trainee
                              • Dec 2006
                              • 1


                              I've been working on upgrading my downloadable workout timer. Perhaps we can exchange ideas



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