New equipment coming!

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  • jaja6009
    Originally posted by Lee Chapman View Post

    What vendor is selling the deville. Having a hard time getting hold of one.


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  • Lee Chapman
    Originally posted by Dutchman View Post
    You're not likely to get a response from Jumpcannon right away, he works for a railroad and is out on runs most of the time. I don't think that he's produced any swivels in a while. As far as the DeVille can't tell you anything, as she seems to have gone on a walkabout (as our Aussie friends say) but apparently there is at least one retailer still selling the swivel.

    What vendor is selling the deville. Having a hard time getting hold of one.


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  • Old Red
    Originally posted by ventanakaz
    I would think that the sheet rock is part of the problem . . .
    This. The plywood should bridge the studs together but the sheetrock underneath might give enough to be the problem.

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  • jaja6009
    Originally posted by Old Red View Post
    Looks good. I assume it's lagged to studs on 16" centers. Did you brace the studs at all?
    Yeah it's lagged onto the studs with six 1/2" lags. The picture behind it is posted onto a 3/4 piece of maple plywood, and the plywood is lagged to 4 studs.
    But I am having some serious reverberation issues. Even sandbags on top are not fixing it. I am thinking that the plywood is to blame. I hate to have to do it, but I might have to take down the plywood. My dad's contractor friend is coming over to give some advice. He wants to open up the sheetrock and reinforce the area inside with thicker wood to lag into. I might even have the platform base have a cutout in the sheetrock to get lagged into whatever reinforced wood he puts in there. I live in a townhouse, and I do not want to bother my neighbors. I hope it doesn't come to that but as it is it's too loud and the plywood seems to be the culprit. I'll post back what he comes up with. I was even thinking about two small steel beams vertically in the wall to mount the platform to.

    If anyone has any advice throw it out there, since I will have the wall opened up I can do a lot of different things. But I will miss my Ali, Patterson picture though.

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  • Old Red
    Looks good. I assume it's lagged to studs on 16" centers. Did you brace the studs at all?

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  • southtexaskevin 2.0
    Looks great

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  • jaja6009
    Well the First Rate platform is up!

    It was heavy and my friend came to help. But it is up and overall impressions are mixed. It looks incredible, and there is no vibration whatsoever. But it still has the reverberation of any platform without sandbags on top. I was hoping the large aluminum disk would solve that, but it only does somewhat. I did some tests with sandbags and without, and the sandbags do make a difference.

    Here's a pic.

    I will have a full review after some time hitting on it.

    I also put a Deville swivel on it, and the Deville is really good! Very smooth.
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  • Dutchman
    Originally posted by timcable View Post
    I just ordered a Cleto speedbag also. cannot decide which swivel to purchase. Have sent messages to deville and jumpcannon both and get no replies from either one. May go with Everlast Pro swivel.
    You're not likely to get a response from Jumpcannon right away, he works for a railroad and is out on runs most of the time. I don't think that he's produced any swivels in a while. As far as the DeVille can't tell you anything, as she seems to have gone on a walkabout (as our Aussie friends say) but apparently there is at least one retailer still selling the swivel.

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  • jaja6009
    Originally posted by Old Red View Post
    Big Brown is scheduled to bring me a Balazs platform on Monday. The basement wall it's going on is sheathed with foam insulation and halfway covered with stud framework. Guess I better get busy this weekend and get the rest of the wood and some sheetrock up.
    I got some work to get done too to get my platform up. I have to wait until a friend and I both have the same day off. The Firstrate platform is way too heavy for me to hang alone. Good luck.

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  • Old Red
    Big Brown is scheduled to bring me a Balazs platform on Monday. The basement wall it's going on is sheathed with foam insulation and halfway covered with stud framework. Guess I better get busy this weekend and get the rest of the wood and some sheetrock up.

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  • timcable
    I just ordered a Cleto speedbag also. cannot decide which swivel to purchase. Have sent messages to deville and jumpcannon both and get no replies from either one. May go with Everlast Pro swivel.

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  • JoMan

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  • rdshackleford
    Very cool!

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  • jaja6009
    started a topic New equipment coming!

    New equipment coming!

    Well I have been wanting a better platform than the Everlast adjustable and with a little talk with the old lady, and some income tax refund money, I just ordered a First Rate Boxing platform. Since this is going in my entertainment room along with a small bar, the old lady said she thought this looked nice enough to go along with the decor. I also told her it should be quieter than my Everlast which even with 30 pounds of sand on top still has some reverberation.

    I also fixed up an old platform at work by tightening up some bolts, gave them my Everlast Elite 10 by 7, but got in return an old Everlast 4410. The 4410 is gonna need to be cleaned, conditioned and a new bladder, but it is in excellent condition!

    The First Rate platform while pricey will give a finishing touch to my bar area and give it a nice mancave look. I will have pictures once it's up and a review in the review section.

    Man this speed bagging is addictive. And with a platform at one station at work, and the possibility of throwing up my Everlast adjustable at another station, I will be able to bag all the time.

    I also got a Deville Swivel and a Cleto Reyes Medium bag for the new platform for the finishing touches.
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