Balazs Lazer question

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  • Chairman Kaga
    Speed Bag Trainee
    • Jan 2017
    • 17

    Balazs Lazer question

    I have been trying as many bags as possible, and this one caught my eye as one that I would like to try. One thing that I want to figure out is if the bladder can be replaced if it goes bad. There are no laces on the bag

    The description says that the bladder never needs to be replaced and can't be popped, but what about the valve? I have already had a bad valve on a bag and had to replace the bladder.

    Is the bag worth the money?
  • rmcgann
    Speed Bag Trainee
    • Dec 2014
    • 8

    The lazer speed bag is a good bag and if I remember right, it has a lifetime warranty. So, if you mess the bag up I am pretty sure you would be able to send it back. The leather is very nice. Also, it looks like it is made with quality in mind. Personally, I don't like the shape of this bag and the bladder seems kind of heavy. The main reason I don't like this bag is because the loop is one of the worst of any bags I own.


    • Zaza
      Speed Bag Guru
      • Apr 2011
      • 2000

      It is a good stated, very good quality, it is heavy and has a massive loop on it. I have both a small and extra small...if you get anything, get the extra small! It has a nice rebound even though it is a bit heavy. They have a lifetime you're covered no matter what.

      It gives to a good workout, THAT is for sure.

      I believe it will last a lifetime and quite enjoy the XS's a warm-up session before SPEEDB.A.G. 2015:

      Art of the Bag - A Speed Bag Story


      • Chairman Kaga
        Speed Bag Trainee
        • Jan 2017
        • 17

        Wow! Watching the slow motion on that clip is nothing short of amazing.
        There is a lot going on. Even in slo mo, it is hard for me to process everything that is going on in the sequence.

        I'm glad to hear that they have a lifetime warranty on the bag. That makes it a more likely choice.To be honest, I'm probably not at the stage where a different bag would make a bit of difference.

        But, I am kind of a gear guy and I always seem to have a wish list.
        Last edited by Chairman Kaga; 01-27-2017, 12:08 AM.


        • Zaza
          Speed Bag Guru
          • Apr 2011
          • 2000

          Originally posted by Chairman Kaga View Post
          Wow! Watching the slow motion on that clip is nothing short of amazing.
          There is a lot going on. Even in slo mo, it is hard for me to process everything that is going on in the sequence.

          I'm glad to hear that they have a lifetime warranty on the bag. That makes it a more likely choice.To be honest, I'm probably not at the stage where a different bag would make a bit of difference.

          But, I am kind of a gear guy and I always seem to have a wish list.
          Right you are... it's not the bag that makes the difference. Learn slow and the speed comes naturally!

          BUT... again, I do really like the Balazs XS bag. Once you hit on this for awhile, a lighter bag goes REALLY fast. I would recommend this bag.
          Art of the Bag - A Speed Bag Story


          • Speedbag
            Author of the Speed Bag Bible, founder of

            • Feb 2006
            • 7119

            Originally posted by Chairman Kaga View Post
            Wow! Watching the slow motion on that clip is nothing short of amazing.

            There is a lot going on. Even in slo mo, it is hard for me to process everything that is going on in the sequence.

            Yes there is a lot going on but it is all understandable with a bit of study and knowledge of how individual techniques and combinations are created. Believe it or not .... () All of this can be broken down by techniques and written down on paper, so you can work on a few small sections at a time... IF you know the techniques, names and the written abbreviations for them. All of that is discussed and taught in Book version of The Speed Bag Bible. I know it can be confusing and a lot of work to learn how to write speed bag combinations. Compare it to learning any instrument, drums, guitar or violin, just watching someone do it. Just watch them play it, go buy the instrument and figure it all out by watching. I think you find at some point you might want to break all their movements and notes down to their basics to manage small portions. Maybe that is not necessary to everyone, but most people will not learn the advanced movements or techniques on any instrument without some form of teaching, either by book or specific teaching video's. The world of music has long had a standardized version of writing down what is notes and musical composition. That is why we can play music written over 200 years ago, before video. There was no video of Beethoven playing any of his music. It's lives on through his writing of it. The same is now possible with speed bag practice exercises.

            Every single bag contact in this video can be written down in a way that you can go to the bag, look at the written exercise and learn how to do it.

            I know myself and others have posted written speed bag combinations to explain the examples below.

            Sure, it looks complicated at first, but so is the first violin sheet music for many symphonies. But thousands of violins have learned to read and play it.
            Attached Files
            Last edited by Speedbag; 01-30-2017, 01:30 PM.
            Speed Bag

            Put a little Rhythm in YOUR workout!
            *attendee: Every SB gathering so far!
            The Quest Continues...
            Hoping for another Gathering...


            The Art of the Bag


            • Chairman Kaga
              Speed Bag Trainee
              • Jan 2017
              • 17

              I actually skimmed that section of the book about notation and thought, "this doesn't apply to me."

              I will give that section another look.


              • Speedbag
                Author of the Speed Bag Bible, founder of

                • Feb 2006
                • 7119

                Originally posted by Chairman Kaga View Post
                I actually skimmed that section of the book about notation and thought, "this doesn't apply to me."

                I will give that section another look.
                That is what everybody first thinks, however...if you want to break the techniques and combinations down to the smallest movements, and learn 3 or 4 at a time (rather than try to remember 300 or 400) then learning to write it down helps a great deal, And if you happen to do something like a four or five punch combination that you never did before it also helps to know how to write it down to reproduce it later.

                as always Just my opinion...
                Speed Bag

                Put a little Rhythm in YOUR workout!
                *attendee: Every SB gathering so far!
                The Quest Continues...
                Hoping for another Gathering...


                The Art of the Bag


                • JoMan
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2016
                  • 146

                  Originally posted by Zaza View Post
                  It is a good stated, very good quality, it is heavy and has a massive loop on it. I have both a small and extra small...if you get anything, get the extra small! It has a nice rebound even though it is a bit heavy. They have a lifetime you're covered no matter what.

                  It gives to a good workout, THAT is for sure.

                  I believe it will last a lifetime and quite enjoy the XS's a warm-up session before SPEEDB.A.G. 2015:

                  Wow amazing work! You make it look so smooth!


                  • Zaza
                    Speed Bag Guru
                    • Apr 2011
                    • 2000

                    Originally posted by JoMan View Post
                    Wow amazing work! You make it look so smooth!

                    Practice, practice, practice.....
                    Art of the Bag - A Speed Bag Story


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