Finally, something different for the speedbag world!

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  • luke
    • Aug 2011
    • 34

    Finally, something different for the speedbag world!

    Hi guys! It's been awhile since ive posted on here, just thought I'd tell you about a company I've finally got off the ground. I've been workin really hard on getting patents for my products, and finally
    Some of them have been granted, so I have started building a website for it all. I haven't launched the site yet, but it's coming soon. Allthough speedbags aren't all we do, the speedbags that we have being shipped to us right now are unreal... Something completely unique!
    Amazing bags that are fully printed with the wildest designs our artists could come up with. I put together a funny little video of us testing the 12th prototype (no graphics on it because it's only a prototype) but I think the video is hilarious

    Let me know what you think!

    Can't wait to see you all at speedbag III
    Sorry, we couldn’t find that page
  • Randolph
    • May 2012
    • 48

    If my comment is not deleted, here is what I think:
    The bag depicted as the lower quality (Everlast lable evident) tended to imply it split at the seams after just one test beating; and since everyone KNOWS Everlast are not called Everlast because they fail upon their first beating, it comes across as almost a hit below the belt, in my humble opinion.
    The quality & performance of YOUR speed bag DID the trick for me, it presents as a brand new design, perhaps only possible thru the evolution todays cutting edge technology applied specifically to science of the Speed Bag.
    I hope I can get one someday to try it out. Nice work!
    Last edited by Randolph; 05-27-2012, 01:32 PM.
    Randolph Leslie Smith
    Washington State Licensed Real Estate Broker
    Learned Speed Bag fundamentals in 1973


    • ebozyn
      Speed Bag Guru
      • Oct 2010
      • 500

      hehe. I believe that particular Everlast bag is about the lowest quality bag they make. Testing any bag against that one isn't much of a test at all really (But IT is FUNNY). HaHa

      The bag being Showcased looks pretty cool. If it's durable,if it has a fat low belly, and a short, strong, but flexible Loop. it may be something that i would look at. I know that more than a few baggers look for these features in a speed bag. also it can't be outrageously high priced. When a person can get top notch speed bags for $35 to $45, a person has to be careful in pricing their new UNKNOWN product over the tried, and true quality Speed Bags that have been out there for many years.

      Originally posted by Randolph View Post
      If my comment is not deleted, here is what I think:
      The bag depicted as the lower quality (Everlast lable evident) tended to imply it split at the seams after just one test beating; and since everyone KNOWS Everlast are not called Everlast because they fail upon their first beating, it comes across as almost a hit below the belt, in my humble opinion.
      The quality & performance of YOUR speed bag DID the trick for me, it presents as a brand new design, perhaps only possible thru the evolution todays cutting edge technology applied specifically to science of the Speed Bag.
      I hope I can get one someday to try it out. Nice work!
      Attached Files


      • luke
        • Aug 2011
        • 34

        I would never delete a comment, and I appreciate your advice. Allthough, out of all of the brands we test, there has been a certain company that sticks out as their name is definitely misleading. Of course the video makes it look like the seams split after one session, only because we can't spend time filming every time we train on tested products. If it was only one bag that split over the course of time / it wouldn't bother me at all, as it could just be a bad seed out of a batch. I personally use that specific company's products almost exclusively outside of my own, because I LOVE the materials that they use- just not their durability.....

        I definitely appreciate your advice, and as soon as we receive our d6 : candy skull model, I'm going to send you one for free just to try out since you have me an honest opinion. I completely appreciate that, and definitely didn't mean to strike a low blow on anyone- we were only trying to demonstrate that our products are constantly
        Being tested and improved through ridiculous beatings
        My complete apologies if it was misleading!

        I'll send you a pm as soon as the shipment is here and get you a bag if you're interested. That way maybe you can give me your opinion as well!

        Thanks for your time!


        • luke
          • Aug 2011
          • 34

          @ebozyn, you're completely right- and I guess it's a simple value bag that they throw in with their cheaper price-point platforms
          Anyways. I'm not
          About to go naming names, but we pride ourselves on the durability
          Of what we've finally decided to stick with for a
          Final model of this bag, and that bag shown in the video just happened to be there at the time of filming... It could have been any of the ones that we've destroyed (including plenty of our other previous prototypes)....

          Again, I did not intend to strike that specific company with a low blow... Because I have some of their higher end bags that I simply love myself that haven't let me down yet

          Also, even our MOST expensive bags will not retail over $35 Canadian...
          Last edited by luke; 05-27-2012, 02:48 PM. Reason: Added content


          • ebozyn
            Speed Bag Guru
            • Oct 2010
            • 500

            That sounds very good to me.

            I did find the above video funny. That particular Everlast bag is like the person that gets picked on all the time because they deserves it for being such a duffuss.

            Even if that wasn't the intention of the video, that's what made me laugh. haha.

            Your bag sounds pretty cool. I hope to see a final version soon.

            Good Luck and Bag On!

            Originally posted by luke View Post
            @ebozyn, you're completely right- and I guess it's a simple value bag that they throw in with their cheaper price-point platforms
            Anyways. I'm not
            About to go naming names, but we pride ourselves on the durability
            Of what we've finally decided to stick with for a
            Final model of this bag, and that bag shown in the video just happened to be there at the time of filming... It could have been any of the ones that we've destroyed (including plenty of our other previous prototypes)....

            Again, I did not intend to strike that specific company with a low blow... Because I have some of their higher end bags that I simply love myself that haven't let me down yet

            Also, even our MOST expensive bags will not retail over $35 Canadian...


            • luke
              • Aug 2011
              • 34

              I've personally KILLED three of my own cleto bags. I always wear through the leather on the loop


              • Speedbag
                Author of the Speed Bag Bible, founder of

                • Feb 2006
                • 7126

                Originally posted by luke View Post
                Hi guys! It's been awhile since ive posted on here, just thought I'd tell you about a company I've finally got off the ground. I've been workin really hard on getting patents for my products, and finally
                Some of them have been granted, so I have started building a website for it all. I haven't launched the site yet, but it's coming soon. Allthough speedbags aren't all we do, the speedbags that we have being shipped to us right now are unreal... Something completely unique!
                Amazing bags that are fully printed with the wildest designs our artists could come up with. I put together a funny little video of us testing the 12th prototype (no graphics on it because it's only a prototype) but I think the video is hilarious

                Let me know what you think!

                Can't wait to see you all at speedbag III
                I'm responding to this after the comments of Randolph and ebozyn, with their insights duely noted.

                The use of the Evrlst bag could have actually been "any bag" depending on where it was made and what batch it was part of. The facts of "where and how" speed bags, of any brand for that matter, are made are fuzzy at best. Almost every bag in my gang of 40 + bags is made in china, Taiwan, mexico and a few oldies in the USA. It is hard to blame any single leather or bladder blow out sample on one company or location. I also have a few evrlst bags from the 1970's that have performed extremely well, and would again if I cared to change the bladders or re-stitch a slight tear in a welt.

                ebozyn's insight about the low bag belly and attachment loop are particularly poignant for that is what I look for also. The sense of a bag's speed, rebound action and how it feels on the hands is really subjective to an individual. I may think a bag is pretty fast and you may think it's pretty slow. Some bags that people love I hate. Same with swivels. By the way, I personally believe the swivel can also effect how a bag feels and reacts. Maybe not in this instance, but as for me and my house, I would want to see a bag master such as ebozyn, or skunk, or juxt rip on your bag with a ballhook swivel. If I tried it, that would be my swivel of choice also. Most of us can make a bag "go fast" on a u-bolt hitting front to back. Throw in some more advanced complicated combo's from all around the bag and lots of side punches and directions changes, and that U-bolt may make your bag look bad. Of course, that is my opinion only...

                I'm gathering that the most "unique" part of your design is inside the bag, something in the bladder or ??? that is unseen on this video. I can appreciate bag art and unique logo's or designs on the outer leather. Heck, let people send you a picture of their boss, or their ex-spouse, or someone else they hate... and you put it on a speed bag and their workout time will skyrocket. In the USA right now I can think of three or four political faces that one side or the other (left and right) would LOVE to put on speed bag, so they could pound it to death, and then blame if for the pain in their hands or a bad workout. Bag sales would go through the roof.

                My point is, customized art designs may be a quick hit rage, but will not ultimately determine the "uniqueness" of your bag within the industry. You may not be able to divulge the true "uniqueness" of your bag as yet, but I do know that those of us who attend the gathering III in New Jersey will certainly be happy to put them on a hook and punch 'em up for a while. You will get some pretty accurate feed back from that group. I look forward to meeting you there!

                By the way, in todays world the bag should be tested in both the Horizontal and vertical position. Vertical bagging is a growing activity.
                Speed Bag

                Put a little Rhythm in YOUR workout!
                *attendee: Every SB gathering so far!
                The Quest Continues...
                Hoping for another Gathering...


                The Art of the Bag


                • luke
                  • Aug 2011
                  • 34

                  Thanks for your feedback Alan. Ultimately, we would hold your opinion in high regard due to your extremely influential impact in this incredibly fast growing sport! I'd love to get you guys messing around on these bags in jersey and get an accurate opinion; just to make sure we're covering all of the elements we feel make a bag unique. The thing that makes our bag a little different from the many I've struck is definitely the bladder. Hopefully you'll feel it for yourself!
                  The artwork is just an added bonus . I'd love to see how it holds up for a vertical striker as well! I'm sure all of my questions will be answered if I can get a crate of these to Keyport!

                  Thanks again my friends!!


                  • luke
                    • Aug 2011
                    • 34

                    Also to answer your swivel question.... I'm personally using the powdercoated Blue U-bolt from RIVAL... I use the Doble link from KimuraWear, and occasionally the everlast U bolt as well... I mess around with the everlast S hook (crazy glued ball) if I'm working on side striking, but these days in using a lot more power-focused training, and my delts don't like smashing the bag sideways with all that much force... So I've been steering away from the s-hook.


                    • Speedbag
                      Author of the Speed Bag Bible, founder of

                      • Feb 2006
                      • 7126

                      Originally posted by luke View Post
                      Also to answer your swivel question.... I'm personally using the powdercoated Blue U-bolt from RIVAL... I use the Doble link from KimuraWear, and occasionally the everlast U bolt as well... I mess around with the everlast S hook (crazy glued ball) if I'm working on side striking, but these days in using a lot more power-focused training, and my delts don't like smashing the bag sideways with all that much force... So I've been steering away from the s-hook.
                      you might find the Deville S-hook a better style.

                      As to focus more on power training with a speed bag, I suggest you do two things. (1) use a larger bag, which pushes more air and is like going from a 3 lb weight to a 5 lb weight, offering more resistance. (2) move back from the bag, making the contact point of the fist and bag at almost full extension of your arm. You will naturally generate more force and power with a longer swing arc, and if you move back away from the bag your arm will have to extend further, allowing the longer swing arc to add power and force. This will work on smaller bags also, but the effect will be increased if you also do #1 and use a larger bag.

                      In this regard I like the analogy of comparing speed bag to golf. Your arm extension and swing arc are like the golf club.

                      The most power club in the golf bag is a driver, giving you a longer swing arc, generating more power. Notice also you stand further away from the golf ball with a driver then a nine iron. For maximum power, force and distance, you use the longest club - the Driver. With a nine iron or pitching wedge you stand closer to the ball and have a much shorter, smaller swing arc. No matter how hard or fast your swing, the nine iron will never generate the power of a Driver.

                      Same thing on a speed bag. Standing close to the bag creates a shorter, faster, tighter swing arc. Great for what you use if for, BUT if you really want to focus on maximum punching power, with maximum force, step back from the bag, allowing your "club" (arm) to extend much further, and deliver full punching power to the bag.

                      and understand, that each has it's purpose and strength, and each has it's weakness. Standing close the speed bag, swing fast, will work speed BUT you will never hit the bag as hard or forcefully as you do while standing further back. And in the power stance further away from the bag you will never go as fast as when you are standing closer, for your hands will never be able to repetitively cover the larger distance required to reach the bag. And repetitive is an important word here, for we do not normally hit the speed bag once or twice and stop. The repetitive and continous motions required for (1) close speed work, or (2) further distance-power work will be similiar, but never the quite the same. The swing arc is much longer for one than the other. Timing is also an issue and will adjust automatically for each stance. Your ears really sync your repetitive swing timing, with the bag beat as the guide.

                      To demonstrate this distance issue I normally have a person stand in their "normal, close stance" try to hit repetitively x8 or 10 times to get as fast as they can, then stop and count the rebounds on the last punch until the bag stops hitting the board. Maybe you get 5 or 6. sometimes 7. then do the same thing on the same bag, from a stance further back, in a stance where the fist hits the bag at near full extension, (like a heavy bag), and hit as hard and fast as they can. Same deal, hit x8-10 punches for full power and speed, then count the rebounds on the last punch. You should get at least 1 or 2 more rebounds of the bag after the last punch, because it was being hit harder, with more fast. Not necessarily faster.

                      again, just my opinion.
                      Last edited by Speedbag; 05-27-2012, 06:23 PM.
                      Speed Bag

                      Put a little Rhythm in YOUR workout!
                      *attendee: Every SB gathering so far!
                      The Quest Continues...
                      Hoping for another Gathering...


                      The Art of the Bag


                      • luke
                        • Aug 2011
                        • 34

                        It's most definitely a great opinion at that Alan! I spend at least 2+ hours a day striking heavy bags and focus mitt training, so by the time I get to smash the speedbag (usually at the end of my workouts) when I say my delts bother me from doing side-techniques; in pretty sure it has a lot to due with the lactic acid buildup from fight training... Or I'm just a total wuss

                        Either way, I completely appreciate you taking the time to make those valid and useful points !

                        Thanks again


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