A Question for Adjustable Platform Owners

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  • MsDeville
    Senior Member

    • Oct 2009
    • 1301

    A Question for Adjustable Platform Owners

    I am always reading about baggers who are looking for a good adjustable speed bag platform rather than a stationary platform. I think one reason for buying an adjustable platform is for the convenience of other baggers in the family.

    My question is this: How often are you adjusting the platform? Daily? Weekly? Do you find that it doesn't get adjusted very often, if at all?

    I would love to hear responses from the APOs — Adjustable Platform Owners. What do you LIKE and DON'T LIKE about your adjustable platform. Thanks! - MsDeville
    sigpic Contact me anytime for information about Deville Swivels Email: DevilleSwivels@gmail.com
    I'm also on Facebook: www.facebook.com/DevilleSwivels | www.facebook.com/SpeedBagAddicts
  • BrandonTheRaven
    Speed Bag Trainee
    • Apr 2012
    • 9

    With my Adjustable platform that ive had for 3 months now, Ive only had to move it maybe twice just to switch of different sized bags. Main reason i got it was so i didn't have to compensate whenever i had to switch a bag out and have it out of my hit zone. Although it's nice to have the ability to switch bags and reset the platform. Having a solid platform would be alot better for someone who only likes to use one size and brand of bags (Taking from my experience).



    • Speedbag
      Author of the Speed Bag Bible, founder of speedbagcentral.com

      • Feb 2006
      • 7126

      Originally posted by MsDeville View Post
      I am always reading about baggers who are looking for a good adjustable speed bag platform rather than a stationary platform. I think one reason for buying an adjustable platform is for the convenience of other baggers in the family.

      My question is this: How often are you adjusting the platform? Daily? Weekly? Do you find that it doesn't get adjusted very often, if at all?

      I would love to hear responses from the APOs — Adjustable Platform Owners. What do you LIKE and DON'T LIKE about your adjustable platform. Thanks! - MsDeville
      I think the secret to this topic is the ease of adjustment for the board you own.

      I've got two types of adjustable platforms, One type the Primefighter 400 is easy to adjust, the other style wall unit hard to adjust (needs wrenches). I have two of these up in my garage.

      Basically, I only adjust the "easy" board, requiring no wrenches. I adjust for (1) different size bags and (2) different size people (family, friends, grandkids).

      As for #1, I don't really change bag sizes all that much, pretty much hanging with 8x5. Different brands I try may differ in shape a bit, but not size so much, so I rarely adjust for that. I raise the board up a bit if I change to a 9x6, which I do like to use occassionally. Truth is, for me I probaby don't adjust this more than x1 or x2 month.

      #2. I always adjust the board and bag belly to any family or friend who happens to be in the house and hitting for any length of time. I don't do any organized or scheduled teaching in the house anymore so I rarely have to do this. When my wife was hitting a lot (not this year..) I would (a) lower the indoor board down for her, and if she was outside in the garage, I would (b) put down the stepping platform for her to stand on. (hard to lower these boards, so I set and forget. all adjustment is done from the ground. Tall people can use a wider stance and stoop down if needed, but that rarely occurs). For myself in the garage, I've got a few plywood lengths I put down to stand on if I need to raise up an inch or so. I've love to change these older style boards out with a few I-Box for ease of adjustment.

      For a while (3 years or so) my favorite students were the two grandkids who live 25 miles away. The speed bags were fun for a while and I lowered them down when they wanted to hit. Those were great times, but now they can't put their cellphones down long enough to do anything requiring more than 15 seconds of their attention, so any physical activity is out of the question. Perhaps a bag with a keyboard design on the belly would work..


      I'm also thinking about taking the primefighter 400 down due to much larger wall space required and extra weight load on the wall. An I-Box would work fine with a lot less weight. I think one of the 2x4 studs holding the lag screws is split and I need to probably repair that. If I tear into the wall to do that I think I would replace the studs holding speed bag units to 4x4's instead of 2x4.
      Last edited by Speedbag; 05-23-2012, 04:40 PM.
      Speed Bag

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      • Randolph
        • May 2012
        • 48

        Originally posted by MsDeville View Post
        I am always reading about baggers who are looking for a good adjustable speed bag platform rather than a stationary platform. I think one reason for buying an adjustable platform is for the convenience of other baggers in the family.

        My question is this: How often are you adjusting the platform? Daily? Weekly? Do you find that it doesn't get adjusted very often, if at all?

        I would love to hear responses from the APOs — Adjustable Platform Owners. What do you LIKE and DON'T LIKE about your adjustable platform. Thanks! - MsDeville
        We have an adjustable board at the health club we go to, but you have to stand on a chair to loosen the lugs before rotating the board up or down and re-tightening the lugs, so, we just go over to the aerobics class and sneak off with stepping platform and use it to adjust for the height difference. It might be easier and less costly to just mount it high and use a floor platform to compensate for the shorter person, we would up doing the same thing here at home for now. I'd bet a board with an adjustable mechanism that is really quick and easy to use would be costly, but probably worth it! If two people are working out together on the same board, rotating turns, you have to adjust it every time you trade off, so we found quickly sliding a platform into place is much quicker and easier for the two of us, but this may not solve the problem of a 3+ person family set up of several height requirements.
        Randolph Leslie Smith
        Washington State Licensed Real Estate Broker
        Learned Speed Bag fundamentals in 1973


        • newbagger
          • May 2010
          • 47

          I agree with Randolph. I have an adjustable platform, but never adjust it. I made a raised platform out of scrap wood (it is 2 and 1/4 inch high) and it is quick and simple to just lay it on the floor whenever a shorter bagger is hitting the bag.


          • Zaza
            Speed Bag Guru
            • Apr 2011
            • 2006

            Mine only takes seconds to adjust...they just don't make them like they used to!

            Art of the Bag - A Speed Bag Story


            • MsDeville
              Senior Member

              • Oct 2009
              • 1301

              Originally posted by Zaza View Post
              Mine only takes seconds to adjust...they just don't make them like they used to!

              Zaza, YOU'RE THE MAN!

              You are a lucky dog to have found such a beautiful piece of equipment. It's sturdy, made of high-quality materials, and it's HIGHLY functional and EASY to adjust. They just don't make them like that anymore.

              Don't tell Trainer Raul, but I have platform envy.
              sigpic Contact me anytime for information about Deville Swivels Email: DevilleSwivels@gmail.com
              I'm also on Facebook: www.facebook.com/DevilleSwivels | www.facebook.com/SpeedBagAddicts


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