I am always reading about baggers who are looking for a good adjustable speed bag platform rather than a stationary platform. I think one reason for buying an adjustable platform is for the convenience of other baggers in the family.
My question is this: How often are you adjusting the platform? Daily? Weekly? Do you find that it doesn't get adjusted very often, if at all?
I would love to hear responses from the APOs — Adjustable Platform Owners. What do you LIKE and DON'T LIKE about your adjustable platform. Thanks! - MsDeville

My question is this: How often are you adjusting the platform? Daily? Weekly? Do you find that it doesn't get adjusted very often, if at all?
I would love to hear responses from the APOs — Adjustable Platform Owners. What do you LIKE and DON'T LIKE about your adjustable platform. Thanks! - MsDeville
