Boxing Gear's® Speed bag Swivel - precision ball Swivel (Steel)

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  • Speedbag
    Author of the Speed Bag Bible, founder of

    • Feb 2006
    • 7124

    Boxing Gear's® Speed bag Swivel - precision ball Swivel (Steel)

    Boxing Gear's® Speed bag Swivel - Triple chrome plated, precision ball Swivel all Steel Construction (NO PLASTIC)(Reference #WAtkins-Swivel02) Speed bag swivel: Triple chrome plated, precision ball swivel construction with hook device, extra heavy duty flange mounts securely to platform, easy fastening. No Plastic, all steel - chrome construction. Weights 1.5 pounds, and the mounting plate is thick. Suitable for heavy use areas. (scroll down the link to see the swivel)

    Most of us know the above link. As curiosity was killing my cat, I had to give this a try. I contacted the company to see if they were in stock, and they said they would ship the same day. A few days later they contacted me inquiring if I would like a "sample" to try out and review for them. Sure! I always appreciate trying before buying....

    So, here it is Below. The picture on the left compares the size and hook shape of the last model of Everlast BH to the new Boxing Gear® BH. Notice the everlast on the left is a much smaller Hook, and a shorter construction then the Boxing Gear's®. To be honest, there is room on the Boxing Gear® to move the metal shank up deeper into the ball (about 1/8 inch) and make it shorter, but I did not have the correct size allen hex wrench to loosen the set screw in the ball.
    The hook is very large. Their website picture obscures the ball shape, so I was surprised to see this when it arrived. My past experience with this size and hook shape is not the best, (the bag can slide along the bar) but I will withold judgement until I give a full workout.

    The picture on the right has three swivels, and I added it to show the variation in Hook shapes. The older everlast on the left, is more of a true "S" hook, which dominated for many many years. It was great for the older bags with the more narrow strap attachments. The center Everlast (the same one as the picture on the left) is the last version of the Hook before they went to plastic. Notice it is a broader, flat "S" bottom, with a very narrow attachment clearance. Very difficult to get a thick strap bag on this.. On both of these Everlast BH, I have moved the shank as far up into the ball as possible. I always do that, to shorten the rebound arc. (faster)
    The Boxing Gear® is on the right. Big wide Hook and longer than the others.

    Lastly, notice the base, or board attachment piece. The Boxing Gear® is round, and the holes line up with the evelast base, BUT, the holes are smaller, and require thinner or smaller size bolts - and that is why I haven't hit it yet. I will take it to Home Depot tomorrow or saturday to get the correct bolts, hang it up, punch it up and let you know how it works.
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    Speed Bag

    Put a little Rhythm in YOUR workout!
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    The Art of the Bag
  • Kyle
    Speed Bag Guru
    • Nov 2006
    • 581

    thank you very much for the info
    Glass Weed Pipe
    Last edited by Kyle; 09-11-2011, 07:35 AM.


    • SupergeZ
      Speed Bag Guru
      • Mar 2007
      • 282

      how on earth will the bag stay on with that huge gap watch the windows when ur hitting it


      • Chris M
        Speed Bag Guru
        • Mar 2006
        • 750

        Originally posted by SupergeZ View Post
        how on earth will the bag stay on with that huge gap watch the windows when ur hitting it
        No kidding, I'm thinking you're going to have to use some electrical tape to hold the ball on there.


        • Speedbag
          Author of the Speed Bag Bible, founder of

          • Feb 2006
          • 7124

          Originally posted by SupergeZ View Post
          how on earth will the bag stay on with that huge gap watch the windows when ur hitting it

          yea, that was a problem in the past. The simple fix is to tape the bag attachment loop, especially the newer bags with long bag loops. I take a piece of regular duct tape, strip it in half to make it 1/2 or 3/8 wide, then wrap it around the loop a few times. I do that whenever I am forced to use the u-bolt speed swivels.

          Since the upturned "S" on this swivel is so short, it may be easier to send the bag down the bar and off the end. Just have to see how it works.

          I do notice that older everlast "ball" sits deeper in the housing then this one, and also the plastic ball hook. I guess it is a wider hole and more of the ball sticks out.
          Speed Bag

          Put a little Rhythm in YOUR workout!
          *attendee: Every SB gathering so far!
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          • jaguiler
            Speed Bag Guru
            • Jan 2007
            • 289


            Didn't your curious cat tell you too spin the bottom part with the ball and hook onto the Everlast base ? the threads look about the same and no doubt you have an everlast base already on the board..... it is the chrome plating on the ball that should make this faster.... as long as the chrome holds up - I have my doubts that chrome is hard enough -


            • Speedbag
              Author of the Speed Bag Bible, founder of

              • Feb 2006
              • 7124

              Originally posted by jaguiler View Post

              Didn't your curious cat tell you too spin the bottom part with the ball and hook onto the Everlast base ? the threads look about the same and no doubt you have an everlast base already on the board..... it is the chrome plating on the ball that should make this faster.... as long as the chrome holds up - I have my doubts that chrome is hard enough -
              Actually, I did try that and the base does not match up. It has to be threaded to it's own base. I did get the right size Allen wrench, and I could take the ball and shank apart and re-set it in an everlast housing. But I'll try it first on its own base.
              Speed Bag

              Put a little Rhythm in YOUR workout!
              *attendee: Every SB gathering so far!
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              • Speedbag
                Author of the Speed Bag Bible, founder of

                • Feb 2006
                • 7124

                I finally got to "punch it up" and I have to admit, I liked it. Nice smooth ball action, Pleasant rebound "clink" and good reaction when hitting from all around. I do wish the hook length was a little shorter, making a shorter rebound arc. It is a bit slower than the "normal" Everlast ballhook metal because Everlast has a noticeably shorter hook.

                The length of the Boxing Gear hook (flat, wide) didn't really interfere that I could tell.

                of course, I videotaped it, and will post it after editing several takes together.
                Speed Bag

                Put a little Rhythm in YOUR workout!
                *attendee: Every SB gathering so far!
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                The Art of the Bag


                • Speedbag
                  Author of the Speed Bag Bible, founder of

                  • Feb 2006
                  • 7124

                  For those that are interested, here is a "live" demo Video Clip of the Boxing Gear® (Watkins) swivel.
                  Speed Bag

                  Put a little Rhythm in YOUR workout!
                  *attendee: Every SB gathering so far!
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                  • ninja420
                    Senior Member
                    • Jan 2007
                    • 173

                    WOW! Im in aww.. looks like a good swivel


                    • Speedbag
                      Author of the Speed Bag Bible, founder of

                      • Feb 2006
                      • 7124

                      Originally posted by ninja420 View Post
                      WOW! Im in aww.. looks like a good swivel
                      Actually, about 30 minutes later, the metal eyehook shank blew out of the ball. But that was probably my fault because I had loosened the set screw to move the shank up about 1/4 inch deeper into the ball.

                      Just for fun, I took the big eyehook off, and I'm going to play with a few ways to connect the bag. maybe another eye hook or a carabiner.
                      Last edited by Speedbag; 10-04-2007, 02:31 PM.
                      Speed Bag

                      Put a little Rhythm in YOUR workout!
                      *attendee: Every SB gathering so far!
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                      The Art of the Bag


                      • Steven
                        Speed Bag Trainee
                        • Mar 2007
                        • 15

                        Thank you for the great review. Would getting a 1" shorter speedbag compensate for the longer swivel?


                        • Speedbag
                          Author of the Speed Bag Bible, founder of

                          • Feb 2006
                          • 7124

                          Originally posted by Steven View Post
                          Thank you for the great review. Would getting a 1" shorter speedbag compensate for the longer swivel?
                          That's a great question. My answer is: Yes and No.

                          Yes, in that an 8x5 bag would have a shorter rebound arc than a 10x7, so it should be a bit faster. If you normally train on a 10x7 or 9x6 you probably would get a speed bump by using a smaller bag.

                          NO in that an 8x5 on this swivel would have a longer rebound arc than an 8x5 on some other swivels. AND it takes more control to get more speed out of smaller bags.
                          Speed Bag

                          Put a little Rhythm in YOUR workout!
                          *attendee: Every SB gathering so far!
                          The Quest Continues...
                          Hoping for another Gathering...


                          The Art of the Bag


                          • juanantoniomartin
                            Speed Bag Trainee
                            • Jan 2007
                            • 20

                            I got mine in the mail today

                            I recieved my swivel today having ordered it wednesday. Its smooth and has better sound than the plastic one. The gaping S hook also has a bit of roll in it making it really easy to swap out bags. Me and my boy hit it and no bags went flying.


                            • Speedbag
                              Author of the Speed Bag Bible, founder of

                              • Feb 2006
                              • 7124

                              I just received a newer update version of the Watkins Ballhook - with a smaller hook.

                              need to give this one a try...
                              Speed Bag

                              Put a little Rhythm in YOUR workout!
                              *attendee: Every SB gathering so far!
                              The Quest Continues...
                              Hoping for another Gathering...


                              The Art of the Bag


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