Side Strikes

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  • champlin
    Speed Bag Trainee
    • May 2018
    • 6

    How To Side Strikes

    Been hitting the bag boxer for a few years, and since having knee replacement found The Bible. Picking up on most of it pretty quick, however could really use any advice, tips, or slow videos on the different side techniques. Every video I’ve located never has a unobstructed view combing RCP, RSP to the side

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  • Speedbag
    Author of the Speed Bag Bible, founder of

    • Feb 2006
    • 7123

    Originally posted by champlin View Post
    Been hitting the bag boxer for a few years, and since having knee replacement found The Bible. Picking up on most of it pretty quick, however could really use any advice, tips, or slow videos on the different side techniques. Every video I’ve located never has a unobstructed view combing RCP, RSP to the side

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    What is "RCP"?. Just wondering.

    There are three Reverse Punches.
    1. Reverse Single Punch (RSP)
    2. Reverse Double Punch (RDP)
    3. Reverse Fist Roll (R-Roll)

    In The Speed Bag Bible I identified 7 side techniques (6 punches and one elbow strike)

    1. Side Single Punch (SSP) - single fist
    2. Hook Punch (Hook) - single fist
    3. Side Double Punch (SDP) - 2 fists = front-side (1 rebound between)
    4. Reverse-Side Double Punch (R-SDP) - 2 fists = Reverse-Side (1 rebound)
    5. Side-Reverse Double Punch (S-RDP)- 2 fists = Side-Reverse (one rebound between)

    6. Side-Triple Elbow Stike (S-TES) L-L/R
    * like a Outward Triple Elbow Strike but last (2nd) fist his SSP on side of bag
    * or a Side Double Punch (SDP) with and outward elbow in front by the same lead arm.

    I cover all of these in the Speed Bag Bible Videos. In fact in the 4-DVD series, DVD-3 is "The Side Techniques"

    The Side Techniques are usually the most complicated and add the most variety for combinations. The create rule of rhythm #3. "When the direction of the next contact (fist of elbow) is from a "different side" (not opposite side...) it may be on an ODD or EVEN number of rebounds." [and sometimes both. can do the combo on 1,2,or 3 rebounds.

    Like every other area of the bag (Front, Back or Sides), the bag area can span 2 bag panels, and the rebound angles can vary accordingly. for instance, if you put the laces of the bag dead in front of your nose, notice they are over a seam, and there is a left panel and right panel of the bag (see photo). You could hit the center seam or the seam to extreme right, or the seam to extreme left and be hitting "the front area" of the bag, and each will yield a very different rebound angle. me for side of the bag (or Reverse area), but since you can't see them, it's not so obvious. (see "side area" pick). Once you start learning the side techniques you will usually start learning to vary your fist placement around the side to purposely manipulate the angle of rebound. Side Single Punch (SSP) is the same as Reverse Single Punch (RSP), and basically you can move that fist technique anywhere around the rear-side, back areas of the bag.

    This is the most relevant video I posted years ago, actually about the SDP, but it may help.... Again, DVD-3 of the Four disc series teaches all side techniques. (starts with review of DVD-1,2)

    Demonstrating some Double Punch combinations from the Front, Back and Sides for a member of

    Hope this helps you!....
    Attached Files
    Speed Bag

    Put a little Rhythm in YOUR workout!
    *attendee: Every SB gathering so far!
    The Quest Continues...
    Hoping for another Gathering...


    The Art of the Bag


    • champlin
      Speed Bag Trainee
      • May 2018
      • 6

      Yes sir the video and explanation is very appreciated. (RCP) was a typo, I got excited when I found the forum while sitting in front of my bag and was typing faster than I realized. I never had any real instruction on how to use the bag when I started but knew from the start I was addicted. It is truly an honor to have heard back from you. Thank you

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      • Speedbag
        Author of the Speed Bag Bible, founder of

        • Feb 2006
        • 7123

        Originally posted by champlin View Post
        Yes sir the video and explanation is very appreciated. (RCP) was a typo, I got excited when I found the forum while sitting in front of my bag and was typing faster than I realized. I never had any real instruction on how to use the bag when I started but knew from the start I was addicted. It is truly an honor to have heard back from you. Thank you

        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
        Thanks. But in here there are no ego's or attitudes, just a dedicated bag of brothers and sisters. That's one of the magical parts of this forum. I hope it always stays that way
        Speed Bag

        Put a little Rhythm in YOUR workout!
        *attendee: Every SB gathering so far!
        The Quest Continues...
        Hoping for another Gathering...


        The Art of the Bag


        • champlin
          Speed Bag Trainee
          • May 2018
          • 6

          my first, and yes sir still at it


          • rdshackleford
            Speed Bag Guru
            • Oct 2016
            • 1300

            Can you post a pic of the eye bolt?
            #ArcSwivel sigpic


            • champlin
              Speed Bag Trainee
              • May 2018
              • 6


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              • rdshackleford
                Speed Bag Guru
                • Oct 2016
                • 1300

                Metal vs. Metal, and Metal won again.
                #ArcSwivel sigpic


                • champlin
                  Speed Bag Trainee
                  • May 2018
                  • 6

                  Well at first I was thinking this wasn’t too bad for a Disabled Vet w/ a 2lb grip in the right hand w/ only a year into it. Thanks for the pick up there buddy hope those $200 swivels sell fast for ya!

                  Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                  • BagBoy
                    Speed Bag Guru
                    • Jan 2018
                    • 861

                    His swivels don't actually cost $200.
                    Certifiable SBX Attendee 2019



                    • Speedbag
                      Author of the Speed Bag Bible, founder of

                      • Feb 2006
                      • 7123

                      Originally posted by champlin View Post
                      Well at first I was thinking this wasn’t too bad for a Disabled Vet w/ a 2lb grip in the right hand w/ only a year into it. Thanks for the pick up there buddy hope those $200 swivels sell fast for ya!

                      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                      Offer $40.00 and pick your color....
                      Speed Bag

                      Put a little Rhythm in YOUR workout!
                      *attendee: Every SB gathering so far!
                      The Quest Continues...
                      Hoping for another Gathering...


                      The Art of the Bag


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