Some Sunday morning practice.

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  • RenoRattler
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2009
    • 210

    Some Sunday morning practice.

    So I learned a couple new tricks. I've been hitting on my XS Skunk bag for a while, but I've been noticing that all I try to do is go fast, so I've gone back to the 9x6 for a bit to work on technique and control a bit more. Enjoy.

  • metaldad
    Speed Bag Guru
    • Apr 2007
    • 1514

    Nice flow! Your figure 8 linking rocks! Then you're throwin' those DES in and FROLLS into figure 8! Boss!!! Yeah, it's wise to work out the new stuff on the bigger bags til you get 'em down. Man when you can rock that on the xs LOOK OUT!! BTW is that Gotenks or Goteta behind the sheet? I know it's not Broly.


    • RenoRattler
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2009
      • 210

      Originally posted by metaldad View Post
      Nice flow! Your figure 8 linking rocks! Then you're throwin' those DES in and FROLLS into figure 8! Boss!!! Yeah, it's wise to work out the new stuff on the bigger bags til you get 'em down. Man when you can rock that on the xs LOOK OUT!! BTW is that Gotenks or Goteta behind the sheet? I know it's not Broly.
      It's Gojeta in the center, but it has Gotenks in the background.


      • TJ_MaTee
        Senior Member

        • Nov 2009
        • 316

        Hey Reno, Looking really good my man! Nice solid contact and uniformity on all your techniques. Like the double bumps on the fist rolls. True about the xs everlast, the advantage of practicing on that (when you can keep it controlled going slowly) is the sweet spot is smaller, making you concentrate more on accuracy. I've been spending time working on elbows and trying to punch drum last couple of weeks.
        Where've you been, haven't seen much of you lately? Are you gonna head out east for
        Speed Bag 2010?
        T.J. MaTEE'[/U][/U] u:


        • Tim
          Administrator and Founder of

          • Jan 2006
          • 3457

          That's really solid man. You had all kinds of stuff going on , and double bumps in the F-ROLL, very nice.


          • spinsmashpop
            Speed Bag Wizard

            • Nov 2008
            • 1081

            All great stuff... very well paced and balanced!
            Coming up quickly!
            BAG ON!


            • Speedbag
              Author of the Speed Bag Bible, founder of

              • Feb 2006
              • 7119

              EXCELLENT on all points. Position, movements, rhythm, combination mix, split fists, double splits, Downward and Outward Elbow Strikes with single and double fist linking. Like TIM said, F-Roll's with Double bumping in the middle with both right and left fists. Awesome stuff. Now start mixing in some Side movements and you'll be owing it from all around.

              Don't over stress the side movements. The single most important addition for Side punching will simply be the Side Single Punch (SSP). That would be the new piece. You are alread doing eveything else. Consider, for the Side Double Punch (SDP), The lead fist is a Front Circle Punch (FCP), and second fist is a Side Single Punch (SSP). You are already doing a FCP followed by another punch on one rebound
              (FDP = FCP + FCP or FSP. F-ROLL= FCP+FCP+FCP.....) So now just follow the FCP with a SSP, and you will have the SDP.

              Like the Side Double Punch, for the Side Triple Elbow Strike (S-TES) the lead part is the Outward Double ES+FSP. You are already doing the lead Outward Double Elbow movement very nicely! now make the third punch a SSP instead of a FSP and you have the S-TES. It's a very subtle change in fist position and contact on the side panel instead of the front panel. Not a big deal to do, but it will open up tons of creative combination posibilities not otherwise Possible. You CAN do it!
              Speed Bag

              Put a little Rhythm in YOUR workout!
              *attendee: Every SB gathering so far!
              The Quest Continues...
              Hoping for another Gathering...


              The Art of the Bag


              • deano
                Australia's Elbow Wizard

                • Jun 2009
                • 224

                heaps smooth Reno.


                • MsDeville
                  Senior Member

                  • Oct 2009
                  • 1301

                  I love watching the Sunday morning bag sessions...

                  Nice work on the bag, Reno, as usual. Okay, I gotta learn that cool little double-bump with the fist rolls...

                  So, what's the story with the sheet? Or, should I say, behind the sheet. Were you finding the posters to be too much of a distraction?

                  Oh yeah, and I see you've been elevated to "Senior Member"...
                  sigpic Contact me anytime for information about Deville Swivels Email:
                  I'm also on Facebook: |


                  • Clubber Lang
                    • Mar 2010
                    • 84

                    Originally posted by MsDeville View Post
                    So, what's the story with the sheet? Or, should I say, behind the sheet. Were you finding the posters to be too much of a distraction?
                    I know what is behind the sheet.

                    There is a portal to another dimension in space/time behind the sheet.

                    The sheet acts as a barrier to stop inhabitants from fluidic space sticking their arms in and using the speed bag for free workout.

                    They really should invest in their own equipment.

                    The reason I know this is because I have got a portal to another dimension in my garage and had this problem. They even reached in once and 'borrowed' my speed bag without my permission when I was out shopping. This would explain why when I returned from my shopping expedition the bag was slightly deflated.

                    If you borrow something always return it in the condition you received it in - just good manners really.


                    • paranday
                      Speed Bag Guru
                      • Sep 2009
                      • 2515

                      Originally posted by Clubber Lang View Post
                      ...The sheet acts as a barrier to stop inhabitants from fluidic space sticking their arms in and using the speed bag for free workout...
                      You got a photo of them caught in the act? That I'd like to see.


                      • SpeedBagScissorhands
                        Spin Master

                        • Aug 2008
                        • 340

                        very nice punching reno!


                        • Clubber Lang
                          • Mar 2010
                          • 84

                          Originally posted by paranday View Post
                          You got a photo of them caught in the act? That I'd like to see.
                          I would take a photo if I could.

                          But our earth cameras are not able to capture images of the '4th' dirmension. We have only just got 3D cinema sorted !

                          If I develop the technology I will post up some pictures of them pesky inter-dimensional beings.

                          Thanks for asking !


                          • Biff
                            Speed Bag Wizard

                            • Feb 2008
                            • 1190

                            Great progress, RR. You are looking super fine!


                            • ukspeedbag
                              Speed Bag Guru
                              • Nov 2007
                              • 736

                              Hey Reno, that was just perfect! Excellent various combos and the double bump, I have to try that one out.


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