MEN AT WORK | And so is MsDee

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  • Speedbag
    that second video also looks and sounds like a jumpcannon swivel.

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  • fedora
    Originally posted by MsDeville View Post
    Thanks ATC. I do love those elbow punches. Indward. Outward. Downward. They're all fun.
    Elbows are driving me crazy. I can do alternating triple outward elbows dead on one session and the next time I'm missing constantly. I know, more practice, but just when I think I'm getting it, I realize I'm not. Your video's really help me to check what I'm doing. Please keep posting them.


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  • MsDeville
    Originally posted by Speedbag View Post
    Great job, punch drumming to it. Always glad to see your efforts for you do it well and it's inspiration to any of the other woman who mistakenly think this is "a man thing".
    Thanks, Alan. I was just viewing an old post of MaccZero8. Remember her? (Dumb question.) She was on here only briefly, but, she left behind some videos that are very impressive. She's a very gifted woman.

    She posted this at 2 weeks in:

    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

    And this, she stated was 2 weeks after that:

    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

    Very, very impressive. Nice, even, methodical punching. Such precise and well-timed execution of them! BTW, her videos are set as Unlisted. You can only access these videos through these links. I went to her YT channel but there are no more videos of her speed bagging. I always wonder if she's still punching.

    Originally posted by cmedinas88 View Post
    Dee major inspiration for myself. One of your videos was one of the first bag videos I seen on you tube demo on Leone bag. You make it look easy and its not. watching videos on this site of people only a few weeks into it makes me feel like a slow learner.
    Thanks, Chris. Once you cross that threshold between newbie and intermediate bagger is when you'll realize how easy it is. And, the thing to remember about speed bagging in the beginning is that it should really be called a CONTROL BAG, not a SPEED bag. Right, Alan? Keep the pace slow and even. It just boils down to time under the board.

    Oh yes. That Leone video I posted... that bag was fast. It still IS fast. That's because it's so light. I don't recommend it for beginning speed bagging. Especially on a ball-hook swivel. It can get away from you with just the slightest mis-hit and will cause undue frustration and self-doubt in one's skills.

    MaccZero8 chose what I would consider an excellent bag for starting out on. I've never used a Lonsdale, but they look well-made and they look sturdy and heavy. The heavy, bell-shaped bag is our friend when starting out. Well, in my opinion and personal experience.

    Originally posted by cmedinas88 View Post
    I used to skate in my younger years and for some reason the speed bag reminds me of it. Maybe cause of individual style rythym and personality. Solo baggers can never get enough vids thanks!!

    I can see a parallel to skating and speed bagging. They both have a rhythm to them. And they're a solo sport. Nobody to depend on but yourself. And, they're both a niche sport/hobby. But, back to the rhythm. I remember skating as a kid. You're goin' along, pushing off with the left, then the right. Definitely a rhythm to that. So, I can certainly see the similarity of the two.

    Originally posted by AtTheCross View Post
    totally mesmerized by the elbow work
    Thanks ATC. I do love those elbow punches. Inward. Outward. Downward. They're all fun.
    Last edited by MsDeville; 03-09-2013, 11:06 AM. Reason: typo

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  • AtTheCross
    totally mesmerized by the elbow work

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  • cmedinas88
    Dee major inspiration for myself. One of your videos was one of the first bag videos I seen on you tube demo on Leone bag. You make it look easy and its not watching videos on this site of people only a few weeks into it makes me feel like a slow learner. I used to skate in my younger years and for some reason the speed bag reminds me of it. Maybe cause of individual style rythym and personality. Solo baggers can never get enough vids thanks!!

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  • Speedbag
    Great job, punch drumming to it. Always glad to see your efforts for you do it well and it's inspiration to any of the other woman who mistakenly think this is "a man thing".

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  • MsDeville
    started a topic MEN AT WORK | And so is MsDee

    MEN AT WORK | And so is MsDee

    G'Day, Mates!

    I was going through my old videos and decided to re-upload this video to YouTube — in HD this time. It was recorded in August of 2010. I was still on a "high" from my trip to Keyport, NJ for the first Speed Bag Gathering and did A LOT of bagging when I got home. Meeting all the gifted baggers was so inspiring.

    This song — "Down Under" is by Men At Work, an Australian band from the 80's. Yes, zaza, another punch drumming video with music from the 80's!

    I had dedicated this video to fellow forum members "speedball deano" and "Roc Stone" (two of our Australian members). I had the pleasure of meeting Deano and his dad (Ted) at the first gathering and I hope to meet up with them again some day – perhaps DOWN UNDER!

    This ia an HD version of a video I originally posted in August 2010.I was a year into my speed bag addiction when I recorded this video. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.