Metallica's The God That Failed: A Great Song For Beginning Baggers

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  • Kyle
    Speed Bag Guru
    • Nov 2006
    • 581

    Originally posted by metaldad View Post
    Coming soon: Metaldad's first video clip!!
    cant wait!


    • David
      Speed Bag Trainee
      • Jun 2009
      • 5

      Originally posted by MetalMule View Post
      ...I thought I'd mention that The God That Failed is a great song for honing your timing...
      That's assuming your into making yourself an enemy of God, and don't fear the prospect of burning in hell for listening to music that insults Him.

      I would rather avoid eternal pain, and get a better workout by customizing my own tempo, fast or slow, depending on how I feel that day, using a simple metronome and avoiding all the anti-Christ brainwashing from the headcase Hetfield.


      • The Baggist
        Vert Baggin' Master
        • May 2009
        • 229

        Originally posted by David View Post
        That's assuming your into making yourself an enemy of God, and don't fear the prospect of burning in hell for listening to music that insults Him.

        I would rather avoid eternal pain, and get a better workout by customizing my own tempo, fast or slow, depending on how I feel that day, using a simple metronome and avoiding all the anti-Christ brainwashing from the headcase Hetfield.
        Hello and welcome to the forum DAVID. Not sure if this is the proper way to introduce yourself to the SPEEDBAGFORUM though? It almost seems like you might have joined JUST to attack THIS post? Freedom of speech is GREAT and you are welcome to speak your mind but telling someone they are an ENEMY of GOD and GOING TO BURN IN HELL????? By the way what music do you punch the speed bag to? How long have you been baggin? What kind of bag? equipment? Answering those questions might be a better way to introduce yourself.......Hope this forum helps you improve your bagging, and hope your beliefs are instilled strong enough in yourself to where you don't have to worry about others beliefs!!!


        • spinsmashpop
          Speed Bag Wizard

          • Nov 2008
          • 1081

          Originally posted by David View Post
          That's assuming your into making yourself an enemy of God, and don't fear the prospect of burning in hell for listening to music that insults Him.

          I would rather avoid eternal pain, and get a better workout by customizing my own tempo, fast or slow, depending on how I feel that day, using a simple metronome and avoiding all the anti-Christ brainwashing from the headcase Hetfield.
          Originally posted by The Baggist View Post
          Hello and welcome to the forum DAVID. Not sure if this is the proper way to introduce yourself to the SPEEDBAGFORUM though? It almost seems like you might have joined JUST to attack THIS post? Freedom of speech is GREAT and you are welcome to speak your mind but telling someone they are an ENEMY of GOD and GOING TO BURN IN HELL????? By the way what music do you punch the speed bag to? How long have you been baggin? What kind of bag? equipment? Answering those questions might be a better way to introduce yourself.......Hope this forum helps you improve your bagging, and hope your beliefs are instilled strong enough in yourself to where you don't have to worry about others beliefs!!!
          WOW! Some drama on the forum! David, the Baggist welcomed you! What a great guy he is! And you gotta watch his clips displaying his top notch IES-OES work! Very inspiring! This is the speed bag forum right????? People sign up to communicate with others about their love of the speed bag, right?
          That's why I'm here. This is the only forum I belong to. That's all I have time for. Gotta earn dough and be a good dad and all.......

          Man, David, you joined the forum today and wasted no time implicating your agenda! Wow again! It's actually funny. With such a strong stance on this subject, you may want to target some places where you may get more views. But you chose a Speed Bag Forum???? CLASSIC!
          Where do I start? First off, Hetfield is a badass! An amazing guitar player, a killer frontman, a ground breaking voice within a groundbreaking band, and a superb songwriter. I can't say enough good about him! He's managed to work hard doing what he loves to do and has risen to the top on his own terms. In the music biz, that is so difficult. You don't go to school for that. You don't get that in a class. Anywhere. Never. That's a long shot. But he is human and as had his share of struggles like all of us. It must be hilarious to be him and react to guys like you. Whatever. It is simply fun to respond to your unannounced surprise vibe crusher of a post!

          Hetfield has questioned and written many things in his lyrics. I am not familiar with every track on The Black Album, but here's a little bit of info I found;
          "The central theme of the song is faith and human reliance on it, and of unrewarded belief in a god that fails to heal. The lyrics and song material were inspired by Hetfield's anguish on the circumstances surrounding his mother's death. She died of cancer after refusing medical attention, solely relying on her belief in God to heal her.[4] Hetfield felt that, had she not followed her Christian Science beliefs she could have survived.[5]
          Baylor University Assistant Professor of Religion, Paul Martens points out that the song has been admired by some Anti-religious groups, such as the websites "Alabama Atheist" and "The Secular Web".[6] Martens notes, however, that Hetfield does not celebrate God's failure in the song, but instead blames God, through his mother's faith and death, for contributing to the meaninglessness of life.[7]
          So he vented in a song. You should spend your time hunting down Glen Benton from Deicide, because comparatively, The God That Failed/Hetfield/Metallica cannot hold a candle to what Deicide's message has been for 20 years or so....

          OK.... so I grew up Christian, went to church, CCD (a type of Sunday school) etc... But here's the thing... Who created hell? Who created heaven? Who created eternal damnation? Who knows how far space goes? Who knows where the beginning of the end is? Who knows why some perfectly sweet people on this planet end up being mercilessly murdered or die prematurely due to the faults of others? Why do harmless children get molested and have to live their lives tortured with that confusion? What about Mother Nature and all the lives ended due to those circumstances?
          Wait, what about religion being the #1 reason for war, which results in apocalyptic death tolls?
          Every one of these questions is valid and I don't have the answers. If I spent time trying to answer all of them, I wouldn't have time to learn how to speed bag!
          I do know that humans created images of all they were unsure of. I hope you're aware of Paganism and the wiping out, tarnishing, blemishing, and re-adapting of its symbols to make it look evil yet stealing from it certain things that are now universally accepted as Christian. It really is kind of comical and bully-like all at once.

          Oh, the other day I stayed in hotel room 444. For some reason I felt that if I did two evil things during my stay in that room, I would become possessed! Room 444 was just too close to 666 for me! Haha... c'mon that's funny.....

          Anyhow.... didn't the scholars back in the day used to think if you sailed too far away you will sail right off the planet???? C'mon, when you use terms like "burn in hell" you gotta see how it gets a little silly. So, upon dying, I will retain my earthly features and I will appear in HELL! surrounded by flames that melt my skin off to the bone and it just won't stop! Will I pass out. Will I need to eat? Do I get water? Oh, probably not, I am in hell. They won't be giving out water there.
          So, Satan has it all set up in there that the flames will cause eternal pain, my skin will burn yet I will continue to grow more skin at a rate fast enough to reappear once the first layer is burned through???
          If I was Satan, I would stop burning everyone in hell. Immediately. I would promise them all eternal bliss and euphoria and nirvana and hot chicks and cold beer if they all simply line up and follow me straight to Heaven's pearly gates. We will all together crash through the gates of Heaven and take it over. I figure at this point there are enough people burning in hell to at least give it a chance. Man, Satan ain't trying hard enough. Sitting around in Hell while everyone is burning sounds like it would get boring.

          How does all this work? This whole "burn in hell" thing is kind of perplexing.... It does give me inspiration to write some awesome metal lyrics though!!!!

          I like to bang my head. I like to scream and shout.
          I love loud guitars. I love when drums pound!
          I like my metal heavy. But heavy ain't enough.
          I need the words to speak to me, cuz life can get so tough!

          But now, I sure am glad I have a soul to sell.
          Cuz man I don't seem to be feeling so well.
          The whole damn room is beginning to smell!
          Oh no, it's my skin! I am burning in Hell!

          Hell, hell, hell, burning in hell!
          I blame James Hetfield for this nasty smell!
          I'm sitting here burning while he does so well!

          Also, metronomes are not nearly as fun to punch drum to as music!
          Give me my favorite tunes and a speed bag and I'm all set to party!
          Oh yeah, I used to play with Ozzy Osbourne. I mean he is the lead singer for Black Sabbath. There would be no Metallica without Sabbath. Do you think that has blackened my soul at all?
          Even though you have turned a thread on a speed bag forum into a platform for you to threaten speed baggers with images of eternal pain and burning in hell, there is no need to insult you. But you do come across not unlike a guy who sits down at a table in a restaurant uninvited, and starts picking food off the plates of the others. It's just really inappropriate.

          Dude, it's the SPEED BAG FORUM! It's cool here! It's fun! Speed Bagging rules! Don't crush the good vibes with your "smell in hell" stuff!
          So David, how long ya been speed baggin'?
          And listen to Metallica! With Metallica's Black Album hitting worldwide sales of 22 million, there's gonna be a lot of hell burnin' and churnin' going on!
          BAGGIN' LIKE AN ANGEL!!!!! BAG ON!
          Last edited by spinsmashpop; 06-23-2009, 12:30 PM.


          • Speedbag
            Author of the Speed Bag Bible, founder of

            • Feb 2006
            • 7118

            Originally posted by spinsmashpop View Post
            I do know that humans created images of all they were unsure of
            Actually, according to Joseph Campbell that is the universal wellspring of all mythologies, Hero's and Monomth's

            Every known culture from the beginning of time has their myths, legends and hero's. Campbell's, and many others, literary works, outline the universal commonality of all these myths and legends. They are all basically variations on the same theme. It's an interesting concept.

            And Welcome David. We band of baggers tend to take our music less seriously in literal meaning. SpinSmashPop makes some good points about the author venting his personal pain in a song. Many people have trials of faith when faced with massive person suffering with no end in sight or reason for it. We baggers can accept that, and we believe in the beat, not the words, literal or figurative. I believe human faith in something larger than ourselves, in whatever shape you choose, is univeral - but I for one believe religions are man made organizations devised for the main purpose of controlling the "flock", spreading their beliefs and almost always annhiliating everyone that resists or doesn't believe that THEY are right. Sorry but history bears that out.

            I for one don't mind a little spiritual rhetoric or philosophical flabbergabbin' as long as it is NOT personal, demeaning or damning to others point of view, which is what we all have. And I would prefer that conversation to take place in the NON speed bag area.

            So hang around and punch a while. We ain't as bad as we sound. Even the Metal fans are really great people.
            Speed Bag

            Put a little Rhythm in YOUR workout!
            *attendee: Every SB gathering so far!
            The Quest Continues...
            Hoping for another Gathering...


            The Art of the Bag


            • David
              Speed Bag Trainee
              • Jun 2009
              • 5

              Hey guys. Yeah I'm aware of Metallica's career, etc... Until I wised up about sin, I was a big fan. Ever since before Load came out and I even thought Reload and St. Anger were good. I can actually play at least 75% of their material on guitar. I gave it up a while back though- sold my guitars amp and drums. Death Magnetic came out after I converted though, so I have not really listened to it, and I definitely feel a great deal of shame for even knowing how to play the riffs from Leper Messiah, let alone having once sung the actual lyrics.

              As for hell sounding silly and comparing it with the concept of a flat earth, well that's a bit of a stretch. Comparing the metaphysical to the physical is like comparing apples to.. um.. ghost apples?

              Anyway, it's what I truly believe, and I just happened to be browsing and found this thread, so yes it is correct that I registered to reply to it. I haven't hit the speed bag in close to a year, since I no longer train for kickboxing. I will say that I am open to any tips and advice about building my striking technique speed and accuracy using shadow boxing (my only striking training at the moment, aside from my other fitness training), that is if you guys don't mind a Catholic hanging around who believes that there is no salvation at all outside of Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church.


              • Tim
                Administrator and Founder of

                • Jan 2006
                • 3448

                Here's my take on it.

                If there's anything I've learned moderating various internet forums over the past 5 years, it's that there are two topics that are highly inflammatory and something which you're not gonna change someone's opinion on:

                1. Religion
                2. Politics

                Luckily neither play much role in discussion of the speed bag, which is indeed what this web site is all about.


                • metaldad
                  Speed Bag Guru
                  • Apr 2007
                  • 1514

                  Originally posted by David View Post
                  That's assuming your into making yourself an enemy of God, and don't fear the prospect of burning in hell for listening to music that insults Him.

                  I would rather avoid eternal pain, and get a better workout by customizing my own tempo, fast or slow, depending on how I feel that day, using a simple metronome and avoiding all the anti-Christ brainwashing from the headcase Hetfield.
         David........I'm HOPING God is already aware of his enemies........I'm hoping that this is still the SPEED BAG FORUM I guess I should start keeping my love of Slayer, Hatebreed, Cannibal Corpse to my sel.......................AAAGGGGGGGHHHHHH IT BURNS IT BURNS IT BURNS!!!!!!!!!!! I am smited..................noooooooooooo self righteous religion has judged again................I'm just goofing. Look how YOU worship and believe isyour right and your business. This is a forum that is welcoming and so far, very non judgemental. If we are gonna burn in hell for listening to music that offends GOD, then there better be a lot of room....If I'm not mistaken, (someone correct me if I am)Beethoven, Mozart, and many of the great classical musicians were considered heretics in their day. Robert Johnson supposedly sold his soul to the devil....Led Zeppelin......nuff said...Evere heard of the band NORMA JEAN? As I lay Dying, Under Oath? Demon Hunter? ALL METAL BANDS THAT LOVE GOD!!!!! Wow what a concept! Oh wait with names like those they're destined for hell..look my point is it's awesome that you have found Jesus and fully accept Him and dedicate yourself wholly unto Him. But please do not get lost in senseless judgements and accusations or your love of Him is for nothing....Read the book of Matthew........At least I feel that I get the message ....if I'm wrong then it will be between me and God..........AND NOW FOR SOMETHING TOTALLY DIFFERENT!! SPEED BAGGING YAY!


                  • metaldad
                    Speed Bag Guru
                    • Apr 2007
                    • 1514

                    Originally posted by spinsmashpop View Post
                    Where do I start? First off, Hetfield is a badass! An amazing guitar player, a killer frontman, a ground breaking voice within a groundbreaking band, and a superb songwriter. I can't say enough good about him! He's managed to work hard doing what he loves to do and has risen to the top on his own terms. In the music biz, that is so difficult. You don't go to school for that. You don't get that in a class. Anywhere. Never. That's a long shot. But he is human and as had his share of struggles like all of us. It must be hilarious to be him and react to guys like you. Whatever. It is simply fun to respond to your unannounced surprise vibe crusher of a post!

                    Hetfield has questioned and written many things in his lyrics. I am not familiar with every track on The Black Album, but here's a little bit of info I found;
                    "The central theme of the song is faith and human reliance on it, and of unrewarded belief in a god that fails to heal. The lyrics and song material were inspired by Hetfield's anguish on the circumstances surrounding his mother's death. She died of cancer after refusing medical attention, solely relying on her belief in God to heal her.[4] Hetfield felt that, had she not followed her Christian Science beliefs she could have survived.[5]
                    Baylor University Assistant Professor of Religion, Paul Martens points out that the song has been admired by some Anti-religious groups, such as the websites "Alabama Atheist" and "The Secular Web".[6] Martens notes, however, that Hetfield does not celebrate God's failure in the song, but instead blames God, through his mother's faith and death, for contributing to the meaninglessness of life.[7]
                    So he vented in a song. You should spend your time hunting down Glen Benton from Deicide, because comparatively, The God That Failed/Hetfield/Metallica cannot hold a candle to what Deicide's message has been for 20 years or so....

                    If I was Satan, I would stop burning everyone in hell. Immediately. I would promise them all eternal bliss and euphoria and nirvana and hot chicks and cold beer if they all simply line up and follow me straight to Heaven's pearly gates. We will all together crash through the gates of Heaven and take it over. I figure at this point there are enough people burning in hell to at least give it a chance. Man, Satan ain't trying hard enough. Sitting around in Hell while everyone is burning sounds like it would get boring.

                    How does all this work? This whole "burn in hell" thing is kind of perplexing.... It does give me inspiration to write some awesome metal lyrics though!!!!
                    "HETFIELD MADE ME BURN IN HELL"

                    I like to bang my head. I like to scream and shout.
                    I love loud guitars. I love when drums pound!
                    I like my metal heavy. But heavy ain't enough.
                    I need the words to speak to me, cuz life can get so tough!

                    But now, I sure am glad I have a soul to sell.
                    Cuz man I don't seem to be feeling so well.
                    The whole damn room is beginning to smell!
                    Oh no, it's my skin! I am burning in Hell!

                    Hell, hell, hell, burning in hell!
                    I blame James Hetfield for this nasty smell!
                    I'm sitting here burning while he does so well!

                    Also, metronomes are not nearly as fun to punch drum to as music!
                    Give me my favorite tunes and a speed bag and I'm all set to party!
                    Oh yeah, I used to play with Ozzy Osbourne. I mean he is the lead singer for Black Sabbath. There would be no Metallica without Sabbath. Do you think that has blackened my soul at all?
                    Even though you have turned a thread on a speed bag forum into a platform for you to threaten speed baggers with images of eternal pain and burning in hell, there is no need to insult you. But you do come across not unlike a guy who sits down at a table in a restaurant uninvited, and starts picking food off the plates of the others. It's just really inappropriate.

                    Dude, it's the SPEED BAG FORUM! It's cool here! It's fun! Speed Bagging rules! Don't crush the good vibes with your "smell in hell" stuff!
                    So David, how long ya been speed baggin'?
                    And listen to Metallica! With Metallica's Black Album hitting worldwide sales of 22 million, there's gonna be a lot of hell burnin' and churnin' going on!
                    BAGGIN' LIKE AN ANGEL!!!!! BAG ON!
                    SMP You've done it again!! Well said!! I forgot all about Deicide and Morbid Angel, Vital Remains...Metallica is soooooooo not satanic, wasn't "Leper Messiah" about naively paying all your money to a false church? .......make your contribution and you'll get that better seat? we'll have to discuss interpreting lyrics in another forum..I'm still trying to get this doggone video clip together...I got the clip just not the means to post...Idon't have the right USB cable.......ARRRGH!!!! IT'S ALL JAMES HETFIELD'S FAULT I TELLS YA!!!


                    • ninja420
                      Senior Member
                      • Jan 2007
                      • 173

                      "But you do come across not unlike a guy who sits down at a table in a restaurant uninvited, and starts picking food off the plates of the others. It's just really inappropriate." WOW I could not have said it better my self!

                      "That's assuming your into making yourself an enemy of God, and don't fear the prospect of burning in hell for listening to music that insults Him.

                      I would rather avoid eternal pain, and get a better workout by customizing my own tempo, fast or slow, depending on how I feel that day, using a simple metronome and avoiding all the anti-Christ brainwashing from the headcase Hetfield."
                      06-17-2009 09:44 PM

                      who joins a speedbag forum just to say somthing like this... I myself am anti Religion Have been since my days in the army. When I was stationed in ft lewis there was a jesus cult off base and they had a few members who were sergents. These sgts would come to the inprocessing company and find young troops looking for freinds to recrute. Then the brain washing would begin. Some of these young GIs ended up giving most if not all there income to the church. This realy opend my mind to Religion. Thats all that I will say. Due to respect for this forum and the wonderfull people who belong to it.

                      Joe Rogan talks to a guy after a show that believes he's found Noah's Ark.


                      • Tim
                        Administrator and Founder of

                        • Jan 2006
                        • 3448

                        I'm going to go ahead and lock this, I'm not sure any good is going to come out of further discussion.


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