Rubber bladders? Vinyl bladders? What's going on?

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  • JasonDMX2
    • Feb 2008
    • 36

    Rubber bladders? Vinyl bladders? What's going on?

    I went searching for a new bladder for a 4208 speed bag I have sitting around and I found a good deal on ebay from prime fighter sports. The bladder is a vinyl one, not rubber as I thought. It wasn't as pictured, but they took good care of me and sent me a refund.

    I feel rubber would make the bag act better, vinyl, and the new plastic just lack the elasticity of rubber

    So even though the 4233 model number is in the description, I've seen rubber bladders marked 4233, so apparently this is a standard sizing and not some model number specifically designated to a vinyl bladder. So I feel deceived here and will most likely be returning this bladder.

    So the question is, where can one find the high quality everlast rubber bladders anymore? I noticed several of their bags are advertised as having rubber bladders? has a "latex rubber bladder" but I do not know if these are generic or everlast. I'll have to pick one up though, because I'm sure it's better than this vinyl...
    Last edited by JasonDMX2; 02-21-2008, 05:56 PM.
  • Speedbag
    Author of the Speed Bag Bible, founder of

    • Feb 2006
    • 7126

    Originally posted by JasonDMX2 View Post
    I went searching for a new bladder for a 4208 speed bag I have sitting around and I found a good deal on ebay from prime fighter sports. Well, that's what I thought. They have a rubber orange bladder pictured, but when I get the bladder it's just the normal seemed vinyl. Personally I feel rubber would make the bag act better, but that's besides the point here.

    So even though the 4233 model number is in the description, I've seen rubber bladders marked 4233, so apparently this is a standard sizing and not some model number specifically designated to a vinyl bladder. So I feel deceived here and will most likely be returning this bladder.

    So the question is, where can one find the high quality everlast rubber bladders anymore? I noticed several of their bags are advertised as having rubber bladders? has a "latex rubber bladder" but I do not know if these are generic or everlast. I'll have to pick one up though, because I'm sure it's better than this vinyl...
    I would suggest you call Primefighter Sports directly and ask for Randy or Lori. If they can probably give you the straightest answer. They are good folks and should help you find what you want.
    Speed Bag

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    • Tim
      Administrator and Founder of

      • Jan 2006
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      Originally posted by JasonDMX2 View Post
      Personally I feel rubber would make the bag act better, but that's besides the point here.
      Makes sense to me... if I had to choose, I'd take rubber as well.


      • Dutchman
        Speed Bag Historian
        • Jun 2006
        • 1945

        I recently had to replace the bladder in one of my 4207's. This is a model that is no longer listed in the catalog. However it is the same size as the 4208. A quick trip to a local sporting goods store revealed that they only list three sizes of bladders. The 4230, which is for the 4200 bag, the 4234 which is for the double end bags, and the 4232. The latter appears to be a one size fits all for the remainder of the current line. The package says that it fits the following models- 4201:4202:4208:4210:4213 and 4214. These are all the orange rubber bladders, not the hi tech vinyl ones that have been sold in the recent past.
        I purchased a 4232 with some reservations. There is a some difference in the sizes of the bags that it's supposed to fit. Upon opening the package a quick inspection finds that the rubber in this bladder is quite thick compared to ones that I have used in the past. I installed it in the bag and proceeded to slowly pump it up, stopping every so often to let it sit for a while. It filled the bag fully and is quite lively.
        I still don't know if I can use this bladder in my 4205's, as the belly of them is considerably larger than the 4207. They currently have the vinyl bladders in them, and they have held up up to this point. I have had ones in the past that have failed at the seams, but so far so good.


        • Speedbag
          Author of the Speed Bag Bible, founder of

          • Feb 2006
          • 7126

          Originally posted by Dutchman View Post
          I recently had to replace the bladder in one of my 4207's. This is a model that is no longer listed in the catalog. However it is the same size as the 4208. A quick trip to a local sporting goods store revealed that they only list three sizes of bladders. The 4230, which is for the 4200 bag, the 4234 which is for the double end bags, and the 4232. The latter appears to be a one size fits all for the remainder of the current line. The package says that it fits the following models- 4201:4202:4208:4210:4213 and 4214. These are all the orange rubber bladders, not the hi tech vinyl ones that have been sold in the recent past.
          I purchased a 4232 with some reservations. There is a some difference in the sizes of the bags that it's supposed to fit. Upon opening the package a quick inspection finds that the rubber in this bladder is quite thick compared to ones that I have used in the past. I installed it in the bag and proceeded to slowly pump it up, stopping every so often to let it sit for a while. It filled the bag fully and is quite lively.
          I still don't know if I can use this bladder in my 4205's, as the belly of them is considerably larger than the 4207. They currently have the vinyl bladders in them, and they have held up up to this point. I have had ones in the past that have failed at the seams, but so far so good.
          I know a guy who consistently uses larger bladders than his bags require, with the idea that the outer leather will determine the correct pressure for the bag - but the larger bladder will minimize the bladder pressure and chance for a blowout. the man says it has worked fine for many years.
          Speed Bag

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          • JasonDMX2
            • Feb 2008
            • 36

            I checked prime fighter's website before ordering the bladder through ebay, but they didn't list it. I'll go ahead and call them and see what they have though if I don't get a reply to my e-mail I sent them through ebay.

            As for the new vinyl bladders being "high tech." I'm not so sure about that. Vinyl is cheaper than rubber, has less elasticity and is not as durable as rubber. My old vinyl bladder wore a hole near the top over time and simply gave out like that area happened to be a failure point where the vinyl was either too thin or weak to begin with. Too bad everlast cuts costs on their bladders, seems the new style replacement is now plastic? Title bags and others come with heavy duty rubber bladders.

            After hearing some of the comments on everlast's bags I decided not to purchase a 4200 and get a rival 9x6 instead.


            • Dutchman
              Speed Bag Historian
              • Jun 2006
              • 1945

              Actually, I believe that Everlast has quit using the vinyl bladders, all the ones that I've seen lately(including the one I have jsut purchased have been the rubber ones.I've not seen a vinyl bladder on a rack in over a year.


              • JasonDMX2
                • Feb 2008
                • 36

                Originally posted by Dutchman View Post
                Actually, I believe that Everlast has quit using the vinyl bladders, all the ones that I've seen lately(including the one I have jsut purchased have been the rubber ones.I've not seen a vinyl bladder on a rack in over a year.

                Well, that's very interesting... The everlast site does list their replacements as being plastic though, which is even worse than vinyl....

                Prime fighter took care of me well, they refunded my payment. Great customer service over there. I just suggested that they change their listings to reflect the product because the bladder pictured was not the vinyl bladder I received.


                • Speedbag
                  Author of the Speed Bag Bible, founder of

                  • Feb 2006
                  • 7126

                  Originally posted by JasonDMX2 View Post
                  Well, that's very interesting... The everlast site does list their replacements as being plastic though, which is even worse than vinyl....

                  Prime fighter took care of me well, they refunded my payment. Great customer service over there. I just suggested that they change their listings to reflect the product because the bladder pictured was not the vinyl bladder I received.
                  Glad to hear it. They are personal friends and very good people.
                  Speed Bag

                  Put a little Rhythm in YOUR workout!
                  *attendee: Every SB gathering so far!
                  The Quest Continues...
                  Hoping for another Gathering...


                  The Art of the Bag


                  • JasonDMX2
                    • Feb 2008
                    • 36

                    So anyone know where you can get the replacement RUBBER bladders online?

                    Or does anyone have experience with Specifically their rubber bladder replacements for everlast bags?

                    I went ahead and put that vinyl bladder in my 4208 and pumped it tighter than it was ever before now that my speed has increased, but this with this new bladder it just seems like the bag has no bounce unless you pound it.

                    Man what a difference hitting that title 8x5 made, this bag looks and feels like a goliath now.


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