A few thoughts on "Art of the Bag"

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  • Tim
    Administrator and Founder of SpeedBagForum.com

    • Jan 2006
    • 3457

    A few thoughts on "Art of the Bag"

    Firstly, let me put forth thanks to Joe Saba for the incredible amount of work he put in to this epic. I can only imagine how many hours of edits and other work went into his creation - from the raw footage, to the interviews, to the voice over and narration - and it’s amazing to see it all as the end product - a polished and professional piece that has immortalized what our group has accomplished over the past few years (as well as that done by others prior) and will serve to bring others into the speed bag scene for years to come. I can imagine people watching this 50 years from now, amazed at what they see, and thanks to Joe - it’s sure to happen.

    Secondly, thank you to all the participants, interviewees, and “bag artists” that appeared in the film. All of you are tremendously talented and amazing punchers. It has been an absolute pleasure to see you grow through the years - really seeing it all in one place in the film is almost a bit overwhelming.

    Lastly, I’ve said it before and will say it again -the spirit and friendship of this group of people (both from the website and discussions and in person interactions ) are due to Alan’s influence and kindly spirit. He is a role model and exemplary individual in every aspect and that goes far beyond punching the bag. This amazing group was born from learning from an amazing man - Alan Kahn.

    This is our story and it is truly incredible to see it on screen. I truly wish I could be up in NY on March 11th, but will have to settle for the next best thing : SPEED BAG V! I will see you all there!
  • wattsnot
    • May 2007
    • 32

    Yep this was a great movie. I loved the opening shot of the garage door and that sound coming from behind it! Who wouldn’t like to start doing this? Buy this video if you haven’t yet.


    • SpeedBagAtaraxis
      • Nov 2010
      • 84

      WOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I wish you were gonna be there Tim! There will be plenty more opportunities in the future for a theater viewing!


      • Zaza
        Speed Bag Guru
        • Apr 2011
        • 2000

        Review just in...
        Art of the Bag - A Speed Bag Story


        • wattsnot
          • May 2007
          • 32

          I really see a Sundance award in the future for Zaza. It was that good. Best regards and thanks for the film.


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