I've changed bags but still have this problem. I have a chainlink everalst swivel. I can hit the bag with normal rhythm, traditional punches and get the bag going really fast...then after about 40-50 hits the bag starts turning which causes the bag to bounce erratically as opposed to forward and backward. Could it be possible the swivel has worn out? It looks like it is fine and no different from other chainlinks I have used in the past. I thought maybe the bag was "warped", but this seems to happen on a replacement bag. The current bag is an Everlast 4213 (10x7, I think)...it doesn't seem to be as bad with a 9x6 bag. Thanks
bag bounces erratically
Originally posted by gfe76 View PostI've changed bags but still have this problem. I have a chainlink everalst swivel. I can hit the bag with normal rhythm, traditional punches and get the bag going really fast...then after about 40-50 hits the bag starts turning which causes the bag to bounce erratically as opposed to forward and backward. Could it be possible the swivel has worn out? It looks like it is fine and no different from other chainlinks I have used in the past. I thought maybe the bag was "warped", but this seems to happen on a replacement bag. The current bag is an Everlast 4213 (10x7, I think)...it doesn't seem to be as bad with a 9x6 bag. Thanks
If it was just ONE bag it happens on, but none of your others, I suspect it is the bag. If it happens on all bags, I suspect it is the swivel. Chainlinks can influence the bag flight and rebound angle due to the mechanism of linkages. You may hit the bag pretty solid in the center belly for a while, then a few punches may drift off to the right or left of center, causing the bag to turn or more likely the swivel to turn, possibly changing the linkage alignment. Hard to really tell without seeing a video of it, as ventanakaz says.
First, take all your bags, hang them on the swivel and try to spin them around, and see if any slide off to a side or appear to swing a bit warped. That is often easier to see on a spinning bag than a rebounding bag. Do this particularly with the bag giving you the most problem. Then, as vetanakaz mentioned, let a bit of air out of the bag, spin it, hit it and see how it reacts.
That's the best I can offer without actually seeing and hearing the bag and swivel move.
hope it helps.Speed Bag
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I'll try to get a video...I looked at the bags again...on end view they appear to be somewhat "oblong" instead of round...this may be the problem. Although I don't do "fancy" stuff on the bag, I can keep it going at a very fast pace for about 30-45 minutes (using two punch per hand and 3 bounce before each strike)...so I don't think it is my technique...I think it may be bag coupled with the chainlink swivel. Never had this problem with 9x6 bag.
I know the "loop" swivels are more forgiving since they have less axes of rotation, therefore more stable. I 've never used a ball swivel...
Are ball swivels more stable than the chainlink once you get the bag going at a fast rate?