My R-ROLLS are Hurtin'

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  • Eighty-Eight

    • Feb 2008
    • 45

    My R-ROLLS are Hurtin'

    So I'm down here in my basement speed bagging on my Title 7x10. Everything's going well, practicing away, really into it. Lately I've been working on the Review Exercises on pages 46 - 50 in SBB. Got up to Exercise #7 on p 48. Man, my reverse fist rolls really s**k. I get it, then I don't get it. I can do them starting with the left, but not with the right. Then it reverses. Same deal when it comes to F-ROLL (no problems here) vs. R-ROLL. I'm inconsistent as hell. Pretty frustrating. Maybe it's just a difficult technique, maybe it's me, maybe it's both. Shortly, I'll be able to make a video so you can see what I'm doing (or not doing). Could sure use some pointers.
  • Biff
    Speed Bag Wizard

    • Feb 2008
    • 1190

    I hear you 88. The R-Roll is one of the hardest to hit cleanly and consistently, at least for me. Alan and Skunk seem to have the best control over the R-Roll of most people that have posted vids here.

    I think Alan has mentioned that you can do the R-Roll without really rolling the fists over each other, but more of alternating punches.

    Hopefully he'll chime in and explain it much better than me. Keep practicing and post up those vids.


    • ukspeedbag
      Speed Bag Guru
      • Nov 2007
      • 736

      Eighty-Eight, Have you got the Speed Bag Bible DVD?

      At approximately 36:30 AK Explains reverse double punching.

      The Skunk has a YouTube Video somewhere that also explains this.


      • Speedbag
        Author of the Speed Bag Bible, founder of

        • Feb 2006
        • 7126

        Originally posted by Biff View Post
        I hear you 88. The R-Roll is one of the hardest to hit cleanly and consistently, at least for me. Alan and Skunk seem to have the best control over the R-Roll of most people that have posted vids here.

        I think Alan has mentioned that you can do the R-Roll without really rolling the fists over each other, but more of alternating punches.

        Hopefully he'll chime in and explain it much better than me. Keep practicing and post up those vids.
        That is true. You CAN overlap your fists but it seems a bit harder to stop them from banging together behind the bag. I seems easier (to me) to start the R-Roll with them overlapped then separate them a bit so they are next each other, not over each other. Eventually it's not a real "rolling" motion as much as a pumping in and out next to each other.

        Start out by doing very small R-Roll contacts. Work on three punch rolls (ie...R ' L ' R....then out). The move to 4 punch R-Roll (remember: even roll starts and ends on opposite fist: R ' L ' R ' L... out), then to 5-punch R-Rolls etc. adding only one punch at a time will make it easier to extend a Roll, rather than try and punch it non-stop endlessly, which is your goal, but a lousy way to learn. Start small and work up to 7-9 punch Rolls.

        Start off Reverse Single Punching (RSP). Then do the roll and exit to RSP again. Then try and transition from F-Roll to a R-Roll. like a 3-punch F-Roll, to a 3-Punch R-Roll. 5-Front ' ' 5-Reverse. In a few workouts you should be doing it pretty smoothly.

        Good luck.
        Last edited by Speedbag; 11-10-2009, 04:35 PM.
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