Remember this guy?

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  • Speedbag
    Originally posted by Biff View Post
    The old timers who were around in 2010 or before, may remember SpeedbagScissorHands (aka, Adam Salomon). He attended the inaugural SBG in 2010. I have not heard much about him since then. But a video of his showed up on my YT subscriptions today featuring him and Evander Holyfield. He looks a little older, don't we all? I am not sure if he is still into bodybuilding. The vid contains many clips of his earlier vids.

    Yeah, back in 2010 to about 2012 he was getting a lot of Buzz with his "Scissorhands" short films and promotions. Showed up in various online media running with the Jersey Shore TV crowd. He made a bunch of video shorts under the name "SpooferJohnson1" That got a lot of views and he met some of the rich and famous that would "shout out" to Scissors with arms X crossed. That sort of died off about 2013 or so. He is still around of course. He is fast and furious on the speed bag with what he does combination wise - he does very well. He was the first in my memory to perfect "Elbow Striking body Spins", spinning 4-5 times around and back while punching. He had developed his own following online and off - and did bring more people under the board, so that's a good thing. Eventually his interests drifted elsewhere but - you never forget how to hit the bag, so he will always have that. And when he punches people will watch.

    Our collective speed bag history has had a lot of players. From the Life Long "Bagger" that simple loves hitting, sharing and teaching the bag,- and loves being part of "the community" for however many years, to all sorts of other reasons why the learned the art and then drift away. But they may come back. I've known a few who were hoping the speed bag would make them famous and perhaps rich. Yeah. I always tell them, "Don't quit your day job." Everyone has a right to their personality and I'm very happy that most of we baggers get a long with each other very well.

    For those that don't know... Biff is a long time active member (2008). Biff helped find the location of our Gathering in 2010 at Real Gymm. He was instrumental in organizing those first few years. He may have been silent these last few years, posting only occasionally, but his presence looms large for what he has done for our bagging community, including a personal visit "down under" to visit Deano Goodwin ( and a past member named RocStone ( "Roc" was the first person I ever saw punch the entire advanced "sequence" I wrote on page 152.

    Roc was also very much into punch drumming and "back then" we communicated by PM quite a bit. One of his favorite songs was "Call Me" by blondie. I made a little demo video for him.
    Punch Drumming to "Call Me" by Blondie, for a member of Also punch to "Lord of the Dance" by Michael Flatley.

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  • Tim
    Yep - good to see he's still at it.

    Looking forward to 2022 !

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  • Biff
    started a topic Remember this guy?

    Remember this guy?

    The old timers who were around in 2010 or before, may remember SpeedbagScissorHands (aka, Adam Salomon). He attended the inaugural SBG in 2010. I have not heard much about him since then. But a video of his showed up on my YT subscriptions today featuring him and Evander Holyfield. He looks a little older, don’t we all? I am not sure if he is still into bodybuilding. The vid contains many clips of his earlier vids.

    Last edited by Biff; 01-14-2022, 09:55 AM. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.