Alan Kahn's Book and DVD

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  • Thedogkeeper
    Speed Bag Trainee
    • Mar 2017
    • 3

    Alan Kahn's Book and DVD

    I was told I have to post within 7 days or my account will be deleted. I've on and off used a speed bag for the past 45 years and really love it. My goal was to be fast and I did reach that but now maybe I would like to add some tricks. I'm sure there are posts regarding Alan Kahn's training but I would like to ask if the book and DVD would help me learn some tricks. I don't learn so fast anymore and only know how to impress my friends with hand speed.
  • Biff
    Speed Bag Wizard

    • Feb 2008
    • 1190

    Alan's book is a fantastic resource. However, although speed is a component of speedbagging, his book places emphasis on mastering techniques and combinations through control of the bag. Speed develops as a result of controlled mastery.


    • jaja6009
      Speed Bag Guru
      • Dec 2016
      • 396

      Originally posted by Thedogkeeper View Post
      I was told I have to post within 7 days or my account will be deleted. I've on and off used a speed bag for the past 45 years and really love it. My goal was to be fast and I did reach that but now maybe I would like to add some tricks. I'm sure there are posts regarding Alan Kahn's training but I would like to ask if the book and DVD would help me learn some tricks. I don't learn so fast anymore and only know how to impress my friends with hand speed.
      The book and DVD are helping me with the tricks or as it's called around here "bible" hitting. I was like you, I used to do boxing style hitting and was pretty fast. But with the "bible" style I am still learning. I'll tell you one thing, at work our boxing club had their minds blown when I started hitting the bag with elbows, from behind, and from the sides. The triple elbow strikes when I can land them really blow peoples minds.


      • Thedogkeeper
        Speed Bag Trainee
        • Mar 2017
        • 3

        Thanks for the input--I like it. I've been a student all of my life so I'm going to buy the book and DVD. Looking forward to learning and challenging myself.


        • Thedogkeeper
          Speed Bag Trainee
          • Mar 2017
          • 3

          I forgot to mention--I plan on doing some showing off in the gym to amaze my young friends. I'm still laughing about you blowing minds of your boxer friends.


          • jaja6009
            Speed Bag Guru
            • Dec 2016
            • 396

            Originally posted by Thedogkeeper View Post
            I forgot to mention--I plan on doing some showing off in the gym to amaze my young friends. I'm still laughing about you blowing minds of your boxer friends.

            Yeah I can't imagine if some of the better people here showed them how to do it, they'd really flip out.

            I was just doing some triplet with some double elbow strikes mixed in, with a little front and rear fist rolling. Then finished with a left outward triple elbow, right circle punch, left outward double elbow followed by a downward elbow. It happened to be a time when I landed all of them. I am still having trouble consistently doing the outward elbows cleanly.

            I then showed them videos of Alan and you other bagging maniacs and they were truly amazed. They just do triplet and some front fist rolling with the bag up high. I had to stand on a mat to get it to the bible height since it's a non adjustable unit.


            • Speedbag
              Author of the Speed Bag Bible, founder of

              • Feb 2006
              • 7119

              Hey Thedogkeeper, Welcome to the forum! always glad to have new folks join...

              Originally posted by Thedogkeeper View Post
              I was told I have to post within 7 days or my account will be deleted. I've on and off used a speed bag for the past 45 years and really love it. My goal was to be fast and I did reach that but now maybe I would like to add some tricks. I'm sure there are posts regarding Alan Kahn's training but I would like to ask if the book and DVD would help me learn some tricks. I don't learn so fast anymore and only know how to impress my friends with hand speed.
              I often hear the more complicated techniques, or more specifically, "more complicated combinations from different side of the bag" call "tricks".

              Maybe that is because there is something magical about seeing them done smooth and fast...

              I don't prefer to call them "tricks", but prefer to call them more difficult or more advanced combinations. Of course there are "secrets" to doing them easier and more efficiently, - and I try to explain that in the book or demonstrate them in the video's.

              But I do get it why people call what we do "tricks". And it makes us feel kind of like magicians. Bag Magicians... I like it
              Speed Bag

              Put a little Rhythm in YOUR workout!
              *attendee: Every SB gathering so far!
              The Quest Continues...
              Hoping for another Gathering...


              The Art of the Bag


              • Lee Chapman
                Senior Member
                • Feb 2017
                • 128

                Originally posted by Speedbag View Post
                Hey Thedogkeeper, Welcome to the forum! always glad to have new folks join...

                I often hear the more complicated techniques, or more specifically, "more complicated combinations from different side of the bag" call "tricks".

                Maybe that is because there is something magical about seeing them done smooth and fast...

                I don't prefer to call them "tricks", but prefer to call them more difficult or more advanced combinations. Of course there are "secrets" to doing them easier and more efficiently, - and I try to explain that in the book or demonstrate them in the video's.

                But I do get it why people call what we do "tricks". And it makes us feel kind of like magicians. Bag Magicians... I like it
                So Alan. As you do tricks, does that make you the Houdini, Gandalf or Dumbledore of the speedbag. :-)
                If you can't do it slow, you can't do it fast.
                So Slow = Smooth and Smooth = Fast.


                • Speedbag
                  Author of the Speed Bag Bible, founder of

                  • Feb 2006
                  • 7119

                  Originally posted by Lee Chapman View Post
                  So Alan. As you do tricks, does that make you the Houdini, Gandalf or "Dumbledore" of the speedbag. :-)
                  Probably anything with "dumb" in it is pretty close!

                  Speed Bag

                  Put a little Rhythm in YOUR workout!
                  *attendee: Every SB gathering so far!
                  The Quest Continues...
                  Hoping for another Gathering...


                  The Art of the Bag


                  • m.breen
                    Senior Member
                    • Jan 2017
                    • 121

                    I think I am ready for the "Bible".


                    • RKahn
                      Speed Bag Trainee
                      • Dec 2017
                      • 18

                      Tricks vs techniques

                      Hi. I’m working the techniques and lesson routines. While I’m going over and over them one by one chanting their names or grunting them as I.t gets quick, I believe these are all specific stated techniques individually and combinations presented in proven over time scientific manner. They are difficult to learn to even read then practice and require stamina and concentration. Mr Kahn provides secrets to achieve better consistent results. From beginner to super advanced. For me “techniques and combinations” is a serous definition reflecting the many many hours of practice required to work them. The word “tricks” reminds me of what my pets do for a treat and while requiring time to master for an animal, don’t come near to the concentration of difficulty a human must endure to work the magic on the speed bag. I offer this with all due respect and humbly just my own opinion. No offense meant.


                      • jaja6009
                        Speed Bag Guru
                        • Dec 2016
                        • 396

                        If you start to get stuck on a particular move look for videos of it here or on YouTube. Sometimes others do it a little different or the angle on the camera shows it better. Keep up the practice, it's a long road to master Alan's book.


                        • BagBoy
                          Speed Bag Guru
                          • Jan 2018
                          • 861

                          I'll be purchasing the book in the near future. One question, does the book come with the DVD or are they sold separately? I want both but I learn in large leaps and bounds watching video but the book is also something I've got to git my gloves on.
                          Certifiable SBX Attendee 2019



                          • Speedbag
                            Author of the Speed Bag Bible, founder of

                            • Feb 2006
                            • 7119

                            Originally posted by BagBoy View Post
                            I'll be purchasing the book in the near future. One question, does the book come with the DVD or are they sold separately? I want both but I learn in large leaps and bounds watching video but the book is also something I've got to git my gloves on.
                            Yes, you can get Book & Single DVD together

                            or Book and 4-DVD set together. order via PM to me

                            Speed Bag

                            Put a little Rhythm in YOUR workout!
                            *attendee: Every SB gathering so far!
                            The Quest Continues...
                            Hoping for another Gathering...


                            The Art of the Bag


                            • BagBoy
                              Speed Bag Guru
                              • Jan 2018
                              • 861

                              Recently bought Alan's book with the two hour condensed DVD as well as disk four, of four (thank you Alan) advanced combinations dvd.

                              If you're a newbie to the forum and really want to get serious in your new addiction; Get this book, you won't regret it. And hey, for the price it's a no brainer. You can only get so far on youtube videos etc so it only makes sense.
                              Certifiable SBX Attendee 2019



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