Practice Combinations

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  • Speedbag
    Author of the Speed Bag Bible, founder of

    • Feb 2006
    • 7119

    Practice Combinations

    I thought we'd get a thread going on written Practice Combinations, especially since there are a lot of new combinations and variations being displayed. It could take a week to write all the new stuff we've seen in the last year or so, and I use a graphic program to draw these so the web browsers can mess with the spacing and vertical alignment. If you like stuff like this I'll post up several, with explanations when necessary. I know some people would rather "watch" than "read" but this might be fun for the readers in the group.

    This combo shows the use of Front Straight Punch (FSP) as a "shadow" or "phantom" punch (means the same thing, it's under the other arm) and a few double bump elbows.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Speedbag; 11-02-2011, 12:57 PM.
    Speed Bag

    Put a little Rhythm in YOUR workout!
    *attendee: Every SB gathering so far!
    The Quest Continues...
    Hoping for another Gathering...


    The Art of the Bag
  • ebozyn
    Speed Bag Guru
    • Oct 2010
    • 500

    This is a Really Good Idea.

    I Think It'll Help Me To Be Able To Visualize Combos, By Just Looking At The Notation. I Have Trouble With That. But It Helps If i AirBag Along While Reading The Combo Out.


    • ebozyn
      Speed Bag Guru
      • Oct 2010
      • 500

      I'm not sure if this is exactly correct. The first time around i missed the last strike of the 2nd O-TES (the left fist) But i believe at 0:25 to 0:30 and at 0:58 to 1:04 the combo is pretty close. (I think I've Done something close to this before)

      The First Try Video: AND AT 1:12 to 1:13 THAT ISN'T A FART. ATLEAST IT WASN'T ME, MAYBE A GHOST. i'm claiming it was paranormal activity. perhaps the ghost of that legendary boxer.... gaseous clay.

      I may have added an extra rebound or three here and there. But then again, i may have misinterpreted some of this Combo.

      if this is mostly correct, then people can see what this combo looks like punched out, and in Notation.

      Awesome Idea Alan.
      Speed Bag School.


      First Try Video

      EDIT: I just realized i forgot to add the double bump elbow, on the last O-TES in the first video i posted. When i copied the Combo into my notebook, i missed that part, so when i took the notebook to my board to hit the combo, and shoot the video... Ta-Da, No Double Bump on that part. So i Posted this new video. I think it's closer to being correct.

      Second Try Video

      Attached Files
      Last edited by ebozyn; 11-04-2011, 03:12 AM.


      • paranday
        Speed Bag Guru
        • Sep 2009
        • 2515

        Video + notation is much appreciated.


        • Speedbag
          Author of the Speed Bag Bible, founder of

          • Feb 2006
          • 7119

          Originally posted by ebozyn View Post
          I'm not sure if this is exactly correct. The first time around i missed the last strike of the 2nd O-TES (the left fist) But i believe at 0:25 to 0:30 and at 0:58 to 1:04 the combo is pretty close. (I think I've Done something close to this before)

          AND AT 1:12 to 1:13 THAT ISN'T A FART. ATLEAST IT WASN'T ME, MAYBE A GHOST. i'm claiming it was paranormal activity. perhaps the ghost of that legendary boxer.... gaseous clay.

          I may have added an extra rebound or three here and there. But then again, i may have misinterpreted some of this Combo.

          if this is mostly correct, then people can see what this combo looks like punched out, and in Notation.

          Awesome Idea Alan.
          Speed Bag School.


          I Knew you could punch this one out quick, and didn't mean it to be a "challenge", just an attempt at explaining how this can be written and include some extra position information.

          I am trying to expand the "written word" of these kinds of advanced movements. I often write out what I see particularly when it looks very unusual. I do that so I understand what happens by looking at the written combo and air punching it. This makes it a lot easier (for me at least..) to explain it to someone else. I figure if I can't do some of these combo's yet I might as well try and understand it


          ebozyn, You, Speedbagskunk, Juxt, and Deano...gotta throw Tim in for his outrageous bumping elbows... do some very original variations of fists, elbows and body angles, very subtle and often hard to see. There seems to be a lot of "X" crossing of the arm across the body in what I had thought were kind of unnatural moves, but you guys pull it off with amazing control and clarity. That makes writing exercises very challenging. such as:

          Consider doing a Front Circle Punch (FCP) with the left arm followed by an Outward Double Elbow Strike (O-DES) [ or triple] with the Right arm with only one rebound ( ' ) in between. It looks like this...

          L-(FCP) ' R-(O-DES)

          or a Left Hook Punch (Hook) followed by an Outward Double (or Triple) Elbow Strike with the Right arm with only one rebound in between. It looks like this...

          I've also seen a Front Straight Punch (FSP) followed by an Outward Double or Triple Elbow

          L-(FSP) ' R-(O-DES)

          This is two inward motions by opposite arms, a movement that very seldom occurs (never in the basic rhythm). Awkward to say the least, but childs play for some of you.

          Here is another:

          L-(Hook) ' R-(O-DES)

          That is positionally very difficult and requires the Right arm to be crossing the body for the set up while the Left fist hits the bag. It's hard to do with three rebounds ' ' ' , let alone one.

          I'm getting these from watching Youtube video's in very SLO motion, trying to sort out small portions of the chaos to make sense of it.

          Your amazing combo that features the fist hitting continuously under and overthe Outward elbow, (or you could say the Outward elbow hitting over and under the fist?) Is another challenging combo to write that requires a bit of sub-text. (Looks like a "rolling elbow")

          I know I have never seen that before

          enough already.... let me catch up! (JK)
          Speed Bag

          Put a little Rhythm in YOUR workout!
          *attendee: Every SB gathering so far!
          The Quest Continues...
          Hoping for another Gathering...


          The Art of the Bag


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