SPEED BAG to a hole new level

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  • SpeedBagSkunk
    Speed Bag Skunk doesn't need a title, you already know

    • Oct 2006
    • 460

    SPEED BAG to a hole new level

    Yesterday i had my builder stop by and help me build my new toy. Check it out and be amazed cause this is the way i will be hitting the speed bags from now on so go ahead and use 1 no go ahead and use 2 or 3 but as for me it will be 4 in front of me. I hope everyone enjoys the video and if you would like to leave a comment great again its Zach Ruffo the speedBagSkunk setting the bar just that much higher http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRga-bn_WM8
  • jaguiler
    Speed Bag Guru
    • Jan 2007
    • 289

    - can't wait to see the video - If it is what I think - this is what I have been thinking you should do.... I'll chk it out tonight.


    • BillyMack
      • Sep 2006
      • 310

      Whole* new level

      I like that installation...it will look cool after a few months once it gets discolored where the bags rebound...

      Do you have any more details on the install? ie materials used, structural components, cost, etc? Are you standing on the floor? Can you post some still pictures of the installation?

      I am eager to see what you can do to actually take advantage of this set up. In the video you posted you are really only hitting one bag at a time then moving to another bag - the true exhibition of skill will be keeping all 4 bags moving at the same time.

      Good luck!!


      • SpeedBagSkunk
        Speed Bag Skunk doesn't need a title, you already know

        • Oct 2006
        • 460


        it is about being able to move through the bags billy not keep them going at the same time. But will probly do that soon enuff. As for the cost and all dont be a fool its not that hard think about a table turned upside down and connected to the ceiling. As for the one bag at a time comment of corse u had to cry about that part but just got it built yesterday dont worry in time u will be understand i will continue to bring it!!!!! but i knew that you would have somthin dumb to say about it any ways haha you never seem to amaze me, always gonna be a natural born hater, good luck on making one so you can be just like me sorry u didnt come up with it first 2 at the same time no prblem maybe 3 ill try but 4 at one time im not goro so ill keep it on my to do list. Keep watchin and being amazed at the SPEED BAG SKUNK thank you to all the others that are just like :"good job"


        • Kyle
          Speed Bag Guru
          • Nov 2006
          • 581

          Good job. Sweet looking set up. Its mayhem i love it.
          ZOLOFT DEATH
          Last edited by Kyle; 09-11-2011, 07:16 AM.


          • BillyMack
            • Sep 2006
            • 310

            why so hostile??

            Originally posted by SpeedBagSkunk View Post
            it is about being able to move through the bags billy not keep them going at the same time.
            Ok, um, what exactly does that mean?

            But will probly do that soon enuff.
            Cool, let us know when you do....

            As for the cost and all dont be a fool its not that hard think about a table turned upside down and connected to the ceiling.
            Where did you mention it was a table?? How is it connected?? Sorry for not reading your mind...thanks for the namecalling.

            As for the one bag at a time comment of corse u had to cry about that part but just got it built yesterday dont worry in time u will be understand i will continue to bring it!!!!!
            Well, I posted a video of myself hitting 2 bags AT THE SAME TIME. Remember that? Remember saying "you should master 1 before moving to 2". Remember that????

            but i knew that you would have somthin dumb to say about it any ways haha you never seem to amaze me, always gonna be a natural born hater, good luck on making one so you can be just like me
            This is a community with shared interests. That's cool you use it to show off but how about helping someone once in awhile? Do you not understand the concept of friendly rivalry? Don't you want anyone else to get as good as you?

            sorry u didnt come up with it first 2 at the same time no prblem maybe 3 ill try but 4 at one time im not goro so ill keep it on my to do list.
            Funny how when anyone does something better than you, you find a way to play it off while you secretly struggle to master it. Then once you realize you cannot do it as well it suddenly becomes low priority.

            Keep watchin and being amazed at the SPEED BAG SKUNK thank you to all the others that are just like :"good job"
            You are a magician, Skunk. You pull tricks with sleight of hand then expect everyone to be amazed. You don't really want feedback nor are you interested in a friendly challenge. As you stated, you simply want us to drop our jaws in awe and say "good job." Man, I tried to give you props for the new platform but I guess since "your builder" built it the props go to him...
            Last edited by BillyMack; 03-19-2007, 05:16 PM.


            • speedboy
              • Feb 2006
              • 68

              my god you will become a new youtube star good game man


              • SupergeZ
                Speed Bag Guru
                • Mar 2007
                • 282

                hey, thats a sweet platform youve got there buddy, will be good to see you keeping all 4 going at the same time lol, no doubt youll have it cracked in a few weeks

                p.s. that is a SICK tatoo on your back, i love it


                • Speedbag
                  Author of the Speed Bag Bible, founder of speedbagcentral.com

                  • Feb 2006
                  • 7126

                  speed bag table.

                  Well, skunk, you did it again. taking it one notch up to the next level. A circle of speed bags, moving from one to the other. There is no rule on doing this, by the way. You can hit one, or two - or however many you want. I really like your Outward Elbow transitions from one bag to the next. Try moving from one to the other with a Side Double Punch (SDP). For example, as you do a R-L (SDP), step sideways (right) to the next bag and let your arm movement carry right over to the next bag, doing another R-L (SDP). The First SDP could also be a Side-Triple Elbow Strike (S-TES), step (right) - to the next bag. Just a thought.

                  I like your title "speed bag history" also, for many of the vaudeville punching acts used multiple bags hung together. Years ago, ( 2001 ) I designed a theoretical 6 bag unit for Blue Man Group, along a rectangle design. It was a concept drawing only, but the idea was similiar - to allow one or more people to hit and move from bag to bag in unison or solo.
                  Speed Bag

                  Put a little Rhythm in YOUR workout!
                  *attendee: Every SB gathering so far!
                  The Quest Continues...
                  Hoping for another Gathering...


                  The Art of the Bag


                  • jaguiler
                    Speed Bag Guru
                    • Jan 2007
                    • 289

                    skunk- looks great !! I actually pictured 4 different platforms - but this looks cleaner and nicer - great hitting !

                    oh - as far as the speedbag attitudes and fueds - a little constructive critism is always a good thing.... so don't you all lose your heads - you are both great hitters by far - so seeing the fighting is a little disappointing and detracts from the true skill that you both bring to the speedbag. It is exceptional how you both hit - I know everyone recognizes that.... In my opinion - ignoring a comment rather than escalating something will makes us all look better. The written word can be interpreted a million different ways - so if you read something negative - just ignore it and move on - keep hitting - it looks great ! And that message goes to everyone ! I am not trying to single anyone out


                    • Tim
                      Administrator and Founder of SpeedBagForum.com

                      • Jan 2006
                      • 3468

                      Very innovative Skunk.


                      • SpeedBagSkunk
                        Speed Bag Skunk doesn't need a title, you already know

                        • Oct 2006
                        • 460

                        thank you

                        Thanks everyone for your kind comments. i will keep u posted on the progress


                        • jaguiler
                          Speed Bag Guru
                          • Jan 2007
                          • 289

                          nothing says it better than more videos


                          • BillyMack
                            • Sep 2006
                            • 310

                            Originally posted by jaguiler View Post
                            nothing says it better than more videos
                            Especially ones where you keep all 4 going... j/k j/k


                            • jaguiler
                              Speed Bag Guru
                              • Jan 2007
                              • 289



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