MsDeville Gets Ink – No! Not a Tattoo...

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  • MsDeville
    Senior Member

    • Oct 2009
    • 1301

    MsDeville Gets Ink – No! Not a Tattoo...

    Ink, as in newsprint ink! The local daily newspaper (the Kitsap Sun) caught wind of my "hobby" and contacted me a few weeks ago, asking if they could do a story. Being the narcissistic exhibitionist that I am , I was all for it. I thought it would be a great way to try to gain more interest in the sport/hobby.

    Derek Sheppard (a SUN reporter/videographer, and Meegan Reid, photographer) came over on Thursday and sat down with me to find out what my addiction is all about. The story was posted online today, along with video footage and still photos. Derek did a really nice job, I think.

    Anyway, I thought I'd share the story with my speed bag compatriots. Frankly, I got very nervous when I had to sit there and talk on-camera.

    Unfortunately, Derek couldn't video me hitting to music because of the copyright issues (dang), so the video lacks the impact, or should I say punch, without music. (For me, it's kinda like a canoe without a paddle. You can't have one without the other.)

    Anyway, here are the links, if you're interested in checking it out:

    This will link to the online story:

    And this will link to the online video:

    Attached Files
    sigpic Contact me anytime for information about Deville Swivels Email:
    I'm also on Facebook: |
  • paranday
    Speed Bag Guru
    • Sep 2009
    • 2515

    Next time Oprah calls, go for it, Dee. You've been holding her at bay for too long now. Your transformational approach dwarfs the results of all those self-help gurus she's in tight with, your story is the tip of the baggification iceberg. Baggification for the Nation! Don't bag to differ, bag the world!


    • TheAsianBagger
      • Sep 2010
      • 54

      OMG thats SICK

      thas so awsome! i wish i could spark some speed bag awarness and get into the news paper! It musta felt really good for to get recognition for somthing you try so hard at and someting tha has taken hours and hours of practice. also major bummer sbout the no punch drumming thing
      btu perhaps next time lol


      • novaspeedbagger
        Speed Bag Guru
        • Aug 2010
        • 470

        Nice touch on keeping us in Suspense with your special visitors!!!

        Congrats!!!! Way to go Ms D! It's a unique progression Global fame to local! I surely am impressed and happy for you! Top shelf article, video and Photo's! The HD Quality is Fantastic! The Hyperlinks to your Speed Bag 2010 mini documentay, to the speed bag forum and one of your Bag sessions in the web article.....Superb! Well Done all the way around and I should say congrats to Tim and the Real Gym for the PR exposure they received! Please share this with your local Reporter! Nice choice on the Aerosmith song! Now I can see why you were so excited about your "special visitors"! Thanks for sharing your Journey! The Journey's the Thing! Way Cool!

        I have to say Ms D - This is deserving of a Golden Swivel Nomination! And one of those special banners that go on your Signature!


        • juxt
          Speed Bag Trainee

          • Jun 2010
          • 216

          congrats, that was an great article and video.


          • Biff
            Speed Bag Wizard

            • Feb 2008
            • 1190

            Now that you're famous, don't forget us little people!!!

            Nice video and article. Keep spreading the word, Dee.


            • Deeds
              Speed Bag Trainee
              • Oct 2010
              • 1

              I live in Bremerton, WA and just finished reading the article in my Sunday paper; I couldn't wait to look you up and see a couple of your videos - I'm fascinated and can't wait to find out more!


              • SpeedBagScissorhands
                Spin Master

                • Aug 2008
                • 340

                yay for us!

                congrats Dee!!!! great week for us- i got some nice press in a major celeb website too! SPEED BAG SCISSORHANDS!


                • Speedbag
                  Author of the Speed Bag Bible, founder of

                  • Feb 2006
                  • 7119

                  congratulations on this recognition for your speed bag work! A very nice article for a well deserving speed bagger!
                  Speed Bag

                  Put a little Rhythm in YOUR workout!
                  *attendee: Every SB gathering so far!
                  The Quest Continues...
                  Hoping for another Gathering...


                  The Art of the Bag


                  • novaspeedbagger
                    Speed Bag Guru
                    • Aug 2010
                    • 470


                    Originally posted by Deeds View Post
                    I live in Bremerton, WA and just finished reading the article in my Sunday paper; I couldn't wait to look you up and see a couple of your videos - I'm fascinated and can't wait to find out more!
                    Welcome to the forum Deeds! Ms D because of the article, you are drawing new people to the forum already! Awesome!


                    • novaspeedbagger
                      Speed Bag Guru
                      • Aug 2010
                      • 470


                      Originally posted by SpeedBagScissorhands View Post
                      congrats Dee!!!! great week for us- i got some nice press in a major celeb website too! SPEED BAG SCISSORHANDS!
                      Way to go Scissorhands!


                      • The Baggist
                        Vert Baggin' Master
                        • May 2009
                        • 229

                        Very exciting Dee!!! Cool interview!! Great job reminding the world that the speed bag isn't just for boxers anymore.


                        • Tim
                          Administrator and Founder of

                          • Jan 2006
                          • 3457

                          Originally posted by MsDeville View Post
                          Ink, as in newsprint ink! The local daily newspaper (the Kitsap Sun) caught wind of my "hobby" and contacted me a few weeks ago, asking if they could do a story. Being the narcissistic exhibitionist that I am , I was all for it. I thought it would be a great way to try to gain more interest in the sport/hobby.
                          Wow! Great stuff Ms D, spreading the word of the speed bag. That was a very nice video they did. Thanks for the shout out to the forum! We always welcome new members , because the people make the community!

                          Derek Sheppard (a SUN reporter/videographer, and Meegan Reid, photographer) came over on Thursday and sat down with me to find out what my addiction is all about. The story was posted online today, along with video footage and still photos. Derek did a really nice job, I think.

                          Anyway, I thought I'd share the story with my speed bag compatriots. Frankly, I got very nervous when I had to sit there and talk on-camera.

                          Unfortunately, Derek couldn't video me hitting to music because of the copyright issues (dang), so the video lacks the impact, or should I say punch, without music. (For me, it's kinda like a canoe without a paddle. You can't have one without the other.)
                          Well regardless, the punches you were doing , split fist, elbows, etc. wilL WOW 99.999% of the public who probably have NO idea that can be done ont he speed bag.

                          Congratulations and thanks for spreading the word!


                          • fingers
                            Speed Bag Guru
                            • May 2008
                            • 618

                            Brilliant stuff MrsD! i find it hard enough to bag and film myself so it must have been extra nerve-wracking with a film crew there spread the word fantastic!!


                            • ukspeedbag
                              Speed Bag Guru
                              • Nov 2007
                              • 736

                              Congratulations Dee! That was a fantastic article. Your recognition is well deserved.


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