Baggin in the woods

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  • spinsmashpop
    Great stuff!

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  • Biff
    Jim, nice job by brother, John. Pretty good hitting by someone who has some serious steel in his body. Bagging must run in the Caher genes.

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  • Speedbag
    Originally posted by SpeedBagSkunk View Post
    Was waiting for one of the "Messing with Sasquatch commercials" to start lol!! great baggin brother!! Keep it up. Always remember to stay relaxed.
    Dude, that could be hilarious! You run in and start ripping a bag with your elbows and skunky roll, Scissorhands runs in and throws a few spins, then sasquatch hits it, breaks the board to pieces and explodes the bag to dust.

    that could be a great commercial.

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  • The Baggist
    Great Bagging obviously runs in the Caher family!!! Very cool mother-nature friendly platform also!!!

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  • Tim
    Originally posted by jimcaher View Post
    My brother, John, baggin on our camping trip 4 months after dislocating his left shoulder and shattering his humeral head, which was put back together with a steel plate with 9 screws.
    Originally posted by JohnCaher View Post
    Thanks, all, for the encouragement. Jim's setup really is brilliant, and pretty simple. Once he had it designed, I don't think it took us more than five minutes to set it up and take it down. And, the tree was not damaged in the least -- no nails or screws or anything invasive. BTW, both of us have endured major shoulder reconstructions and baggin' seems to be really good PT. I'm doing much better than anyone expected, and I think Jim's shoulder is better than it's been since his accident 10 years ago.
    Hey guys - thanks for posting this. I sent the link to the guy that runs Balasz as I thought it was a really cool and unique use of a Balazs platform. He did indeed think it was cool!

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  • Tim
    Originally posted by JohnCaher View Post
    Thanks, all, for the encouragement. Jim's setup really is brilliant, and pretty simple. Once he had it designed, I don't think it took us more than five minutes to set it up and take it down. And, the tree was not damaged in the least -- no nails or screws or anything invasive. BTW, both of us have endured major shoulder reconstructions and baggin' seems to be really good PT. I'm doing much better than anyone expected, and I think Jim's shoulder is better than it's been since his accident 10 years ago.
    Welcome to the forum!

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  • Mrs Mitts
    Wow that's some seriously intense bagging! Really great! Glad it's working out for you as a rehab workout. Fantastic outdoor set up too.

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  • JohnCaher
    Wilderness baggin

    Thanks, all, for the encouragement. Jim's setup really is brilliant, and pretty simple. Once he had it designed, I don't think it took us more than five minutes to set it up and take it down. And, the tree was not damaged in the least -- no nails or screws or anything invasive. BTW, both of us have endured major shoulder reconstructions and baggin' seems to be really good PT. I'm doing much better than anyone expected, and I think Jim's shoulder is better than it's been since his accident 10 years ago.

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  • jimcaher
    Here's a picture of our set up.

    Deano- we had a bag in the house growing up. Our grandfather was one of those typical Irish pugs. He used to do mostly hooks and punching from side as do you and your father (although not nearly as good as I recall). He wasn't much interested in teaching us however.

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  • jumpcannon
    LOL..."messin with speedbagger". Smear some shit on the backside of the bag.

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  • SpeedBagSkunk

    Was waiting for one of the "Messing with Sasquatch commercials" to start lol!! great baggin brother!! Keep it up. Always remember to stay relaxed.

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  • Speedbag
    Great to see John back up and around, and very happy that his shoulder appears to be working very well. Hope it isn't really painful to do that. Very nice setup by the way! I always want a tree nest like that.

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  • Tim
    That's great Jim, I think that's a first, taking a platform on a camping trip. And it looks like a rock solid setup too!

    Looks like he's got the Atomic XS under control, very well done, especially considering that rebuilt shoulder!

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  • deano
    John must be happy with the way the shoulder has recovered,Jim did you and
    John bag together growing up?

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  • TJ_MaTee
    Yeah Jim, that is so awesome! Life doesn't get better than that, when you can do what you love doin'. The great outdoors, comuning with nature, and "Baggin'". Like the setup.
    Looks like you've got all the neccesities! Bag ON!!!!

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