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  • Matthew33
    Speed Bag Trainee
    • Jan 2010
    • 7


    Here is one I've been working on. It may be hard to tell what's going on. I'll do a triple hit from the front with Left Fist, Right Elbow, Right Fist. Then linked on the backside with right fist. Then repeating on the other side starting with the right fist.

    The second sequence I pull my lead fist to finish the combo (quadruple hit on the frontside of the bag) then do a double fist on the back side of the bag and repeat. I hope that explanation helps. Its a fun one


  • spinsmashpop
    Speed Bag Wizard

    • Nov 2008
    • 1081

    Great! Big Combos!
    BAG ON!


    • Jordan
      Senior Member
      • Jun 2009
      • 234

      seamless nice


      • Tim
        Administrator and Founder of

        • Jan 2006
        • 3457

        Originally posted by Matthew33 View Post
        Here is one I've been working on. It may be hard to tell what's going on. I'll do a triple hit from the front with Left Fist, Right Elbow, Right Fist. Then linked on the backside with right fist. Then repeating on the other side starting with the right fist.

        The second sequence I pull my lead fist to finish the combo (quadruple hit on the frontside of the bag) then do a double fist on the back side of the bag and repeat. I hope that explanation helps. Its a fun one
        That's good! especially at full speed. I'm going to have to download this one and look at it in slow motion!


        • Speedbag
          Author of the Speed Bag Bible, founder of

          • Feb 2006
          • 7119

          Originally posted by Matthew33 View Post
          Here is one I've been working on. It may be hard to tell what's going on. I'll do a triple hit from the front with Left Fist, Right Elbow, Right Fist. Then linked on the backside with right fist. Then repeating on the other side starting with the right fist.

          The second sequence I pull my lead fist to finish the combo (quadruple hit on the frontside of the bag) then do a double fist on the back side of the bag and repeat. I hope that explanation helps. Its a fun one


          This is what I get:

          Left Fist, Right Elbow, Right Fist =

          L-FCP (or FSP) ' R_(O-DES) (e-f)

          Your left fist hits a Front Circle Punch (FCP) or Front Straight Punch (FSP), and your Right arm crosses over your body and left arm to get the elbow into position to move outward, creating the cross arm position for what is called "a shadow punch" because it sneaks in under the arm.

          then you say:
          Then linked on the backside with right fist.

          Your last fist of the O-DES (R) goes through to a Reverse Single Punch (RSP).

          L-FCP (or FSP) ' R_(O-DES) (e-f) ' ' R_(RSP) ' '....

          Then you say:

          The second sequence I pull my lead fist to finish the combo

          OK, so you are adding back the lead LEFT fist onto the end of the Outward Double Elbow Strike (O-DES) making it an Outward Triple E-F/F technique. now you have

          L_(FCP) ' R-R\L (O-TES) e-f/f.

          This would be a shadow punch under the O-TES, bringing the lead fist back to finish the elbow strike.

          then you said:
          then do a double fist on the back side of the bag

          Then you let both fists pass to RDP.

          L_(FCP) ' R-R\L (O-TES) e-f/f ' ' L-R_(RDP) ' '

          The fist order of your RDP in this sequence is L-R, and I think the easiest way to repeat it would be in the exact same order, because it is easier to do a "Shadow Punch" (under the arm of an outward elbow) with the lead fist of the RDP, which is left. (* at least it is for me). You could change the lead to a right fist after the L-R RDP but it's a harder, more difficult transition.

          I would change the lead of the front section by rotating the fist order of the RDP.


          A simple way to practice this set up would be

          (RDP) ' ' (FCP) ' (O-DES), or (O-TES) and see which works best. Try leading the front side FCP with the lead and second fist of the RDP and find what works best for you. For me it's the lead fist, letting the second fist hit the bag behind and draw that fist up to the opposite ear in position for the Outward Elbow. the lead fist does the FCP under that arm.
          Last edited by Speedbag; 04-03-2010, 07:12 PM.
          Speed Bag

          Put a little Rhythm in YOUR workout!
          *attendee: Every SB gathering so far!
          The Quest Continues...
          Hoping for another Gathering...


          The Art of the Bag


          • Clubber Lang
            • Mar 2010
            • 84

            I agree.


            • Griffin
              • Jan 2010
              • 78

              i agree.


              • RenoRattler
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2009
                • 210

                On the second combo. If you think of it as a D-TES to start, and then finish it as a FDP, it comes pretty naturally. With the last strike of the D-TES being the first strike of the FDP, so there will only be four strikes instead of five, because you are sharing one strike.

                At least, that's how it made sense to me, unless I missed a hit or two.


                • Speedbag
                  Author of the Speed Bag Bible, founder of

                  • Feb 2006
                  • 7119

                  Originally posted by RenoRattler View Post
                  On the second combo. If you think of it as a D-TES to start, and then finish it as a FDP, it comes pretty naturally. With the last strike of the D-TES being the first strike of the FDP, so there will only be four strikes instead of five, because you are sharing one strike.

                  At least, that's how it made sense to me, unless I missed a hit or two.
                  Good call, Rattler, You've got a sharp eye and understanding of bag technique! That is one way to look at it. You can start with any technique in the sequence. However, I don't see his elbow movement as a Downward movement, but that would work also. I tried to explain it in the order he wrote it.
                  Last edited by Speedbag; 04-05-2010, 09:46 PM.
                  Speed Bag

                  Put a little Rhythm in YOUR workout!
                  *attendee: Every SB gathering so far!
                  The Quest Continues...
                  Hoping for another Gathering...


                  The Art of the Bag


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