shoddy business practice and changing bladders
shoddy business practice and changing bladders
Two tings that I want to convey to you guys here at the forum:
First, I ordered this bladder from everlast.com http://www.everlast.com/replacement-...g-bladder.html for $4.99 and they sent me this bladder from titleboxing.com (the orange rubber one) http://store.titleboxing.com/repspeedbagb.html which cost $3.99. I peeled off the everlast sticker on the orange bladder and saw the words "titleboxing" on the bladder. So I called everlast and made them refund me the $1 difference. Pretty petty maybe, but $1 times 1000 customers is too much extra money in everlast/titles' pockets.
I wanted the plastic one because the valve looks longer and perhaps easier to work with when changing bladders. I know that the rubber is probably the better bladder, and that is what the rep told me. But they should send people what they order and not what they think is the better product, and they should charge them tha correct amount, even if it's just a dollar difference.
The second thing is that changing bladders is a piece of cake and I highly recommend it over buying a new bag. I ordered the bladder because the valve on my everlast 4200 became damaged. What I did was I took the old bladder out, turned the leather bag inside out, lined up the new bladder valve with the hole in the bag at the bottom, grabbed a hold of the bottom of the bag in a manner that kept the valve and the hole lined up, and used my other hand to pull the bag outside out. Next I pumped enough air into the blader to help keep it place while I retied the bag at the top with new black shoelaces. I then pumped the bladder full of air. The bag works better than before, maybe because it now has a completely different (better) bladder than the original. The original bladder looked generic, and its shape was unlike the shape of the new one.Last edited by riqal; 07-02-2009, 03:15 PM.Tags: None
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