Another Ball Hook Variation

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  • fedora
    Speed Bag Guru
    • Dec 2012
    • 471

    Another Ball Hook Variation

    I love playing around with different swivel variations. In my other post about having Dee make an eyeless ball hook, I found a video of a guy who either still is or at least was a member here who also came up with an eyeless ball hook. But he went further and made a leather strap to go thru the bag loop and then onto the hook. Since it is different than just an eyeless ball hook I thought it should have it's own review post.

    Ventanakaz had acquired both the hook and the straps and was very generous and sent them to me. The hook is exactly the right diameter to fit into a Metal Everlast ball, so I put installed the ball and hook into a Plastic Everlast base and tried it out. The length of the hang is almost exactly the same as a Powermill Swivel.

    I gotta say it works really well. Again the problem of the eye riding up onto the hook is done away with and the swing length being the same as the Powermill meant I didn't have to adjust my strikes. So it is not as fast as the Deville eyeless swivel.

    Having it in a plastic base meant it is also fairly quite. Also having the leather strap going onto the hook eliminates the issue of excessive strap wear on the bag.

    For those that didn't see the other post, here's the pics and a repost of the video of it in action.

    Congrats to aad03 for coming up with this innovative idea. I hope he doesn't mind me posting his video here.


    Here's the Video of aad03 using it.
    UHMW Polyethylene drum, 24" diameter x 1" thick. Driled to fit a Balazs platform. UHMW is super strong, weather and corrosion proof, got it cut to size fro...
    Last edited by fedora; 01-16-2014, 01:26 PM.
  • CeSalt
    • Nov 2013
    • 46

    I like this idea and the video certainly proves the design. I wonder, though, will the leather begin to slip? Seems like it would stretch over time.


    • fedora
      Speed Bag Guru
      • Dec 2012
      • 471

      Originally posted by CeSalt View Post
      I like this idea and the video certainly proves the design. I wonder, though, will the leather begin to slip? Seems like it would stretch over time.
      I'm sure some leather would. But he made this leather out of some pretty thick stuff. But over time, I know it will have to be replaced. But a quick trip to Goodwill and the belt rack should turn up some thick leather that can quickly be cut into replacement pieces for a nominal sum of money.



      • CeSalt
        • Nov 2013
        • 46

        Yes, indeed! As a lover of good options, I'd like to try this sometime.


        • fedora
          Speed Bag Guru
          • Dec 2012
          • 471

          Hey Thanks Ventanakaz. I'm really liking the Coupe DeVille eyeless along with the leather strap. I'll be anxious to try yours out too. It's made it more fun for me not having the occasional hang up.
          I know you are trying to solve that problem by tightening up those spaces that allow it to happen. I wish you would try the eyeless for a bit just to see how it feels.

          regards fedora
          Last edited by fedora; 01-20-2014, 10:59 AM.


          • Niki Knuckles
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2012
            • 175

            I like what you have done there.
            Don't buy your speed bag from the same place you buy your tackle box.


            • aad03
              Senior Member

              • Jan 2010
              • 273

              Leather Strap Swivel

              I've been away from the forum for a while, but I'm glad to see the leather strap swivel resurface. I still have one mounted on one of my boards. You'd be surprised how long that little piece of leather lasts. Make about 5 of those straps, and you've got a lifetime supply. There's been a huge renaissance of quality swivels over the last few years (Deville, Powermill), so developments on the leather strap swivel have ceased indefinitely. But seriously, the best swivels ever made are the Devilles and Powermills.


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