promex 8x5 vs everlast 6x4

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  • aad03
    Yeah, I'll put a little vaseline or oil on the strap the first couple times I use it, just to loosen up the leather.

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  • SpeedKilz
    Do you also treat your strap/swivel you created with mink oil?

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  • aad03
    I pretty much do exactly the same as SpeedKilz; I rub a little vaseline on whichever bags are getting the most use about once a month, let it sit for 10-15 minutes, then wipe it off with a towel. My Everlast still gets cracks, but all the others look brand new.

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  • jumpcannon
    Well now I've got the everlast broken in good. Without a doubt its faster. I get a quicker bounce and more of them with the same force hit as i do the promex. And with it being a bit more heavy it seems to stay on course more which results in less misshits. Also with it being not as round (wide) as the promex its easier for linking (gives more hand clearance when hand passes below bag). Ultimately I like this bag more overall. I can keep it going longer, quicker, and i like how it has more of a heavy dense hit than my promex. This is just "my" personal opinion. I really like the promex though. Its not to be underestimated. Its an awsome bag but i lean more towards the CP:XS! BAG ON!

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  • SpeedKilz
    I treat all my bags with mink oil. I rub into the leather and seams real good, let it sit for about 10 minutes and wipe off the excess. Unfortunately this did nothing for my Everlast bag. That thing was cracked horribly after once use. More on the black than the yellow if I remember right. All my other bags have been money though.

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  • jumpcannon
    glad you mentioned this nova! I was wondering the same thing. I was just looking at my bag closely and noticed the Yellow is cracking....but the black is not. (everlast xs). I think its the paint or whatever they color the bag with that is actually cracking and not the leather. Maybe thats why my promex dont have the cracking look.
    Last edited by jumpcannon; 10-16-2010, 01:55 PM. Reason: because

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  • novaspeedbagger
    Question for Alan Kahn on leather conditioner for SB's

    Here's a suggestion that may help lengthen the life of the Everlast leather and maybe other bags as well. A friend suggested that I treat my hands with Eucerin hand cream to keep them from cracking and splitting. I gave it a try and it worked great. Since I saw in another post by "aad" (I believe), to coat a speed bag with vaseline, I started rubbing in some of that Eucerin hand cream into the leather on my everlast and title classic when the leather started to develop dry areas near the seems and on the yellow leather. It's much easier to detect on the yellow part of the bag. It seems to help, however, I feel that it may be adding weight to the bag as well. I'll let you guys know how it holds up to the test of time.

    Here's a question for AK? Do you treat your speed bags with any type of leather conditioner? I tried some baseball glove oil one time also, but it makes the speed bag too slick and causes mis-hits. I feel like vaseline may have the same effect.

    On your DVD, your speed bag looks shiny, like it was treated with saddle soap or some type of conditioner. Is there something on the leather?

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  • jumpcannon
    Another thing. Obviously bags are not exactly what the dimensions say. Cause the promex is an 8x5 and the everlast is a 6x4.....but both are exact same height.

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  • Tim
    Originally posted by paranday View Post
    Love the feel of that Everlast bag, but the leather seems low grade for a "professional" product. Some people have had total failures with the leather splitting open, a pity.
    I've had this happen to one of mine. I bought 3 (from walmart). 2 are still going strong, but one busted a seam. I'm not particularly a power hitter either... never done that to a bag before.

    Originally posted by jumpcannon View Post
    I hope mine is a keeper. I dont want a splitting bag
    Best defense is don't over-inflate...

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  • jumpcannon
    Originally posted by paranday View Post
    Love the feel of that Everlast bag, but the leather seems low grade for a "professional" product. Some people have had total failures with the leather splitting open, a pity.
    I hope mine is a keeper. I dont want a splitting bag

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  • paranday
    Love the feel of that Everlast bag, but the leather seems low grade for a "professional" product. Some people have had total failures with the leather splitting open, a pity.

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  • jumpcannon
    started a topic promex 8x5 vs everlast 6x4

    promex 8x5 vs everlast 6x4

    Well I went online and found walmart has the 6x4 everlast pro for around $22 bucks. I was little skepticle thinking i would get something different for that price. Ordered it and BINGO! Its a winner. Its what i wanted! Only thing i can compare it to is my promex. Both are exact same height from top of loop to bottom of bag. Promex is a little more wide. Now here's my opinion. I think the stitching and leather on the promex is better (but very close). My new everlast is not broken in yet but the promex is a softer leather. Speed to me seems about the same. The everlast seems to be a more "dense" of a hit. It may be a tad bit heavier which kinda keeps the momentum of the bag more straight. I cant find a flaw with either bag. So only time is gonna be the deciding factor between this shootout! is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.