I saw a post recently with a mention of dislike for this bag. I got it and I personally like it. http://store.titleboxing.com/turbo-speed-bag.html The price sold it for me. First 7x10 size bag I have used ever (9x6, 8x5 only two bags I have used). In that post it was mentioned that it was slow on the rebound, which is true. Even pumped full (far as I wanna fill it) it's still a tiny tiny wee bit squishy (I air it up every 4 days only; kudos for retaining air); and the cover material on it is very smooth on skin. That said using it bare handed, pumped full, is very soft even on miss hits; great thing I really like no rug burn or skin peels with the bag on those miss hits (1 month of use). I really enjoy it mainly for the fact that you have to hit it with more emphasis on power and have to play catch up with speed (reaction time); so power bomb away and get those shoulders burning
. Going at it while trying to do #2 page 23 of speed bag bible/ alternating lead FDP really increases hand speed after a few days using the turbo and then switching to a 5x8 everlast; noticeable endurance, and timing speed/ increased bag control. I'm gonna get a title or everlast 7x10 then I can say for sure what it should be like; as it stands I like it
