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  • deano
    Australia's Elbow Wizard

    • Jun 2009
    • 224

    howyagoin Dee,hope you got a stubbie holder as well as key ring,so you can put it to good
    use with the hot weather.Bloody cold here and have had heaps of rain,not much copper pipe work at the moment,all drainage sewer work,up to knees in mud ,so have been putting in big days trying to keep up.only had 2 quick bursts on speedball since back,
    and hav'nt been on forum much as the computer overheats and shuts down after 5 or so mins.Mate your punching and punchdrumming has taken you to another level,where will this end Dee,truely amazing.always good to hear from you ,take it easy and keep punching deano is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.