Bad influence

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  • Guardian5
    Speed Bag Trainee
    • Aug 2018
    • 19

    Bad influence

    So I started reading this forum after getting a speed bag and then I had to win this from eBay.

    I hope it is as good as many of you guys let on. I've really enjoyed reading the history of the different companies and the techniques/methods.

    Anyway, this should satisfy the new member posting rule.
  • Dutchman
    Speed Bag Historian
    • Jun 2006
    • 1947

    Ah, an early 4207 with the zipper instead of the laces, nice bag. This is a long neck bag, they tend to be a bit slower than the same size pear shaped bags, which makes them good for beginners. it probably will need a new bladder, which are readily available from Title. Take note that this a fairly large bag and requires at least a thirty inch diameter platform to use it.


    • Guardian5
      Speed Bag Trainee
      • Aug 2018
      • 19

      thanks for the suggestion about the title bladder. Reading through some of the other threads, I expect this bag to be made of horse leather. My other bag is the new everlast everhide medium sized greyish bag. It's sounds a little like bouncing a ball, but once the seams flattened out it got a lot easier to hit.

      I put up Forza ball swivel and found graphite took out most of the noise. I think it'll be neat to hear and feel the differences in the bags.


      • BagBoy
        Speed Bag Guru
        • Jan 2018
        • 861

        Originally posted by Guardian5 View Post
        So I started reading this forum after getting a speed bag and then I had to win this from eBay.

        I hope it is as good as many of you guys let on. I've really enjoyed reading the history of the different companies and the techniques/methods.

        Anyway, this should satisfy the new member posting rule.
        What bag did you buy originally? Before the big ole' Everlast.
        Certifiable SBX Attendee 2019



        • Guardian5
          Speed Bag Trainee
          • Aug 2018
          • 19

          BagBoy, here is the bag that started it all. . .


          • Guardian5
            Speed Bag Trainee
            • Aug 2018
            • 19

            Once I got to playing with it, and learning stuff like on here, I felt much more comfortable getting a lot better quality. That's the bad influence you had on me.


            • BagBoy
              Speed Bag Guru
              • Jan 2018
              • 861

              Originally posted by Guardian5 View Post
              BagBoy, here is the bag that started it all. . .
              Ok, the everhide. that bag get's some less than favorable reviews, not by me as I don't have one. Its' an inexpensive bag so I have been tempted to pick one up. I'm assuming you like it! I do, like the way that bag looks. What size is yours?

              Editing to say that it appears to have a shorter loop than other Everlast bags.
              Certifiable SBX Attendee 2019



              • Guardian5
                Speed Bag Trainee
                • Aug 2018
                • 19

                I don't know that I like the everhide bag (size medium 9x6). I like to punch the speed bag and find that fun, but I am very new to this, so my opinion on the bag may change with experience. I will say it has the value of being pretty cheap and easily available, $16 at Walmart. The seams flattened pretty quickly and made punching it better. Finding the tip to use boxing wraps made a huge difference as well.


                • Bag Man
                  Senior Member
                  • Jan 2011
                  • 182

                  Originally posted by Dutchman View Post
                  Ah, an early 4207 with the zipper instead of the laces, nice bag. This is a long neck bag, they tend to be a bit slower than the same size pear shaped bags, which makes them good for beginners. it probably will need a new bladder, which are readily available from Title. Take note that this a fairly large bag and requires at least a thirty inch diameter platform to use it.
                  Might also want to take a look at the Everlast latex bladders. I've used them as of late and the seem to work well. They also have a large size.

                  "He [Marciano] was far and away the strongest man I've encountered."

                  Archie Moore


                  • Guardian5
                    Speed Bag Trainee
                    • Aug 2018
                    • 19

                    So, I got the 4207 in the mail and while it held some air, it had a slow leak. I greatly appreciate the tip on getting a bladder, because I ordered some before the bag arrived and they came the day following bag arrival.

                    I started with some leather treatment and since I haven't seen anyone else mention it, Neatsfoot Oil is great for preservation and re-hydration of leather. Neatsfoot Oil is used on saddles and horse tack, but you want to get the 100% pure oil, not the compound. Neatsfoot oil compound is a petroleum based oil and that doesn't do good things to rubber. The 100% pure stuff is cattle shinbone grease, or some such thing and works fabulously.

                    The 4207 had a large triangular shaped butyl rubber bladder with the following markings:
                    Striking Bag
                    THE SEAMLESS RUBBER CO
                    New Haven 3, Conn
                    MADE IN THE U.S.A.

                    I replaced the bladder with the butyl rubber one from Title and while it is round, not triangular it fills the belly (the old one also filled the neck).

                    Wow, what a difference in punching compared to the Everhide bag. Of course, there is the size and weight, but just the feel on the hands from the leather versus plastic. I did not try a new latex bladder (I ordered one that would fit at the same time as the butyl) and wonder if any of you guys have tried both bladders in a 4207? Is it worth the durability sacrifice to gain latex performance?


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