Interviews of Alan Kahn & Zach Ruffo

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  • Jedd Johnson
    Speed Bag Trainee
    • Oct 2006
    • 18

    Interviews of Alan Kahn & Zach Ruffo

    I am Jedd Johnson, a Strength and Conditioning Specialist from Pennsylvania. I got a speed bag 3 years ago and just did front fist rolling from time to time, then progressed to basic rhythm about a year ago. I never realized there were any advanced techniques to hitting the bag until i saw Alan and Zach's videos on youtube.

    I recently got with Alan and Zach and conducted some written interviews with them. Both of them were excellent. Please have a look if you have time, everyone.

    Go to the link above. It is the interview section of my website. Their interviews are down to the bottom of the cluster.


  • Tim
    Administrator and Founder of

    • Jan 2006
    • 3464

    Neat idea, the interviews.

    It's nice to get some insight into the minds of the champs.

    Speaking of grip strength, I bought an Ivanko super gripper about a year ago. it was kind of fun for awhile but I just couldn't get good gains with it. My grip was strongest when I was deadlifting 275 for reps. i guess that's a timed hold of sorts. I hope to get back o deadlifting in the spring
    Last edited by Tim; 08-28-2007, 09:29 PM.


    • Speedbag
      Author of the Speed Bag Bible, founder of

      • Feb 2006
      • 7126

      Yes, I was surprised and honored that Jedd wanted to do an interview. You just never know what speed bag fans are lurking out there under the board. Some of his grip demonstrations and powerlifts are incredible. I imagine a few of the Dieselcrew crowd could pop a speed bag with their grip. Just squeeze it 'till it blows.

      I thank you Jedd. Hopefully when others read the interview with Skunk and Myself it will inspire a few and bring more folks under the board.
      Speed Bag

      Put a little Rhythm in YOUR workout!
      *attendee: Every SB gathering so far!
      The Quest Continues...
      Hoping for another Gathering...


      The Art of the Bag


      • Jedd Johnson
        Speed Bag Trainee
        • Oct 2006
        • 18

        I hope so too.

        Hopefully this will increase the knowledge base.

        As for the Ivanko - you need to apply several different techniques to see increases in the ivanko. Cheat closes, holds for time, reps at lower strength levels, manipulating the number of fingers on the implement are some that come to mind right off the bat.


        • Chris M
          Speed Bag Guru
          • Mar 2006
          • 750

          Originally posted by Speedbag View Post
          Yes, I was surprised and honored that Jedd wanted to do an interview. You just never know what speed bag fans are lurking out there under the board. Some of his grip demonstrations and powerlifts are incredible. I imagine a few of the Dieselcrew crowd could pop a speed bag with their grip. Just squeeze it 'till it blows.

          I thank you Jedd. Hopefully when others read the interview with Skunk and Myself it will inspire a few and bring more folks under the board.
          I have to say Alan, the single thing I respect about you most is your humility. It really shows not only in your interview but in your reply in this thread. It is an enviable quality, and the fact that I am envious shows my own lack of humility.

          You are a worthy of emulation and a leader to those of us that appreciate your qualities and dedication.


          • Kyle
            Speed Bag Guru
            • Nov 2006
            • 581

            Originally posted by Chris M View Post
            I have to say Alan, the single thing I respect about you most is your humility. It really shows not only in your interview but in your reply in this thread. It is an enviable quality, and the fact that I am envious shows my own lack of humility.

            You are a worthy of emulation and a leader to those of us that appreciate your qualities and dedication.
            cudnt have said it better myself

            thanks alan
            Last edited by Kyle; 09-11-2011, 07:35 AM.


            • Speedbag
              Author of the Speed Bag Bible, founder of

              • Feb 2006
              • 7126

              Originally posted by Chris M View Post
              I have to say Alan, the single thing I respect about you most is your humility. It really shows not only in your interview but in your reply in this thread. It is an enviable quality, and the fact that I am envious shows my own lack of humility.

              You are a worthy of emulation and a leader to those of us that appreciate your qualities and dedication.
              Thanks, Chris. I really appreciate that. Not to sound too corny or sappy, but I do hold one thing very close to my heart, and it is my foundation or core belief:

              This is all about the BAG. What I post, my own website and when I hit in public at a seminar of demonstration - it is all about the bag - and the uniqueness of the activity. That is why I spent the last 17 years of my life developing and refining a training system to teach everyone else. If it was about ME, I would keep it all a secret and let everyone figure it out for themself. But when you do that, what you know - and what you can do... (your legacy) dies with you. I think that sucks.

              I like helping people, and I really love teaching, but I never try to take myself too seriously. As long as I keep the ability to laugh at myself, I will never cease to be amused.
              Speed Bag

              Put a little Rhythm in YOUR workout!
              *attendee: Every SB gathering so far!
              The Quest Continues...
              Hoping for another Gathering...


              The Art of the Bag


              • SpeedBagSkunk
                Speed Bag Skunk doesn't need a title, you already know

                • Oct 2006
                • 460

                Thanks Jedd

                When jedd came to me i was very excited that someone wanted to write an article about me and after he got all my answers he put it together very well. It was soo good that i sent it to my mom and she sent it to everyone she knows so i had plenty of people come up to me and tell me how good oof an interview it was. So again Jedd johnson Thanks a hole bunch U the Man!


                • Jedd Johnson
                  Speed Bag Trainee
                  • Oct 2006
                  • 18

                  Glad you liked them guys. Keep up the good work!


                  • metaldad
                    Speed Bag Guru
                    • Apr 2007
                    • 1514

                    Originally posted by Speedbag View Post
                    Thanks, Chris. I really appreciate that. Not to sound too corny or sappy, but I do hold one thing very close to my heart, and it is my foundation or core belief:

                    This is all about the BAG. What I post, my own website and when I hit in public at a seminar of demonstration - it is all about the bag - and the uniqueness of the activity. That is why I spent the last 17 years of my life developing and refining a training system to teach everyone else. If it was about ME, I would keep it all a secret and let everyone figure it out for themself. But when you do that, what you know - and what you can do... (your legacy) dies with you. I think that sucks.

                    I like helping people, and I really love teaching, but I never try to take myself too seriously. As long as I keep the ability to laugh at myself, I will never cease to be amused.
                    Speaking of which,(teaching and helping people that is) I FINALLY ordered your book from the Title catalog! I'm impatiently waitng for it to arrive. I was torn between getting the book or the dvd. I'll start with the book first. Great interview with Jedd! Man you've been at this a LONG time! I gotta see or hear the Blue Man Group with you on the bag.Can I find it on YouTube?I'm hoping to get some great insight on technique and drills form your book. Now all I gotta do is something about that blasted stand my platform is attached to LOL Gotta check out DieselCrew as well
                    Last edited by metaldad; 09-01-2007, 12:48 PM.


                    • Speedbag
                      Author of the Speed Bag Bible, founder of

                      • Feb 2006
                      • 7126

                      Originally posted by metaldad View Post
                      Speaking of which,(teaching and helping people that is) I FINALLY ordered your book from the Title catalog! I'm impatiently waitng for it to arrive. I was torn between getting the book or the dvd. I'll start with the book first. Great interview with Jedd! Man you've been at this a LONG time!

                      I gotta see or hear the Blue Man Group with you on the bag. Can I find it on YouTube?.
                      I'm hoping to get some great insight on technique and drills form your book. Now all I gotta do is something about that blasted stand my platform is attached to LOL Gotta check out DieselCrew as well
                      I'd love to see it also - but Blue Man Group is the only one who has any footage of me hitting in their studio. I was never given the footage, and it belongs to them. Youtube doesn't have it either. But here is the song: "Time to Start" that I hit to. They were experimenting with speed bag rhythm solo's for the eight measures within these time frames: (32sec - 46sec) (1m:06 - 1m:20sec) (3m:02sec - 3m:30sec). They didn't go with the idea of using a speed bag for the rhythm solo's but it was a lot of fun hanging out with them for a weekend and recording. Also fun to get a little time on their instruments.

                      Here are a few more songs by them.


                      Megamix (* old and new songs..)
                      Last edited by Speedbag; 09-02-2007, 03:16 AM.
                      Speed Bag

                      Put a little Rhythm in YOUR workout!
                      *attendee: Every SB gathering so far!
                      The Quest Continues...
                      Hoping for another Gathering...


                      The Art of the Bag


                      • speedbag4life
                        Senior Member
                        • Jun 2007
                        • 139

                        Originally posted by Chris M View Post
                        I have to say Alan, the single thing I respect about you most is your humility. It really shows not only in your interview but in your reply in this thread. It is an enviable quality, and the fact that I am envious shows my own lack of humility.

                        You are a worthy of emulation and a leader to those of us that appreciate your qualities and dedication.
                        A long time ago (5 years?), I met Alan in person. I haven't seen him since, but to this day I can't think of very many people I'd rather spend time with. He's just as UN-self-centered, down to earth, and real in person as he is online. I agree, Chris, if anyone is looking for a role model, Alan is the Man.


                        • Tim
                          Administrator and Founder of

                          • Jan 2006
                          • 3464

                          Originally posted by speedbag4life View Post
                          ...but to this day I can't think of very many people I'd rather spend time with. He's just as UN-self-centered, down to earth, and real in person as he is online. I agree, Chris, if anyone is looking for a role model, Alan is the Man.
                          I'll agree to all of the above as well.


                          • Busta Knuckles
                            • Jul 2007
                            • 37

                            Originally posted by Tim View Post
                            I'll agree to all of the above as well.
                            Haven't met Alan in person (yet), but i guarantee it would be hard to find anyone as giving and willing to help out others, especially someone who is considered the "KING" of their game!!!!!!!!!.............That said, THE SKUNK is a pretty helpful dude also.....


                            • metaldad
                              Speed Bag Guru
                              • Apr 2007
                              • 1514

                              Judging from all of your positive comments, I hope one day I get the opportunity to meet any of you


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