Speed bag work and Parkinson's disease

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  • Prospector99
    Speed Bag Trainee
    • Aug 2016
    • 4

    Speed bag work and Parkinson's disease

    Hi all new guy here. A few years ago, at age 40, I was diagnosed with young onset Parkinson's disease. Recently I started taking Rocksteady boxing classes and have found them to have a positive effect on my symptoms. I had so much fun working the speed bag I decided to build a platform myself. So here it is built form scrap wood in my garage. I'm using an everlast bag and swivel (just ordered a Deville 13 today ��). It is solid as a rock but noisy as hell. Thanks for all the DIY platform pics! I'm happy to answer any questions about Rocksteady and or Parkinson's disease. Jeff
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Prospector99; 08-10-2016, 02:24 PM.
  • rehamco1
    Speed Bag Guru
    • Aug 2013
    • 541

    That looks like a nice platform and I love my Everlast bag and I have been known to use a swivel of Miss D. would love to see a video of you in action.


    • paranday
      Speed Bag Guru
      • Sep 2009
      • 2515

      Welcome aboard, thanks for posting.


      • Speedbag
        Author of the Speed Bag Bible, founder of speedbagcentral.com

        • Feb 2006
        • 7126

        Originally posted by Prospector99 View Post
        Hi all new guy here. A few years ago, at age 40, I was diagnosed with young onset Parkinson's disease. Recently I started taking Rocksteady boxing classes and have found them to have a positive effect on my symptoms. I had so much fun working the speed bag I decided to build a platform myself. So here it is built form scrap wood in my garage. I'm using an everlast bag and swivel (just ordered a Deville 13 today ��). It is solid as a rock but noisy as hell. Thanks for all the DIY platform pics! I'm happy to answer any questions about Rocksteady and or Parkinson's disease. Jeff
        Welcome Prospector99. I am happy that you are finding the speed bag enjoyable and useful. I have always believed the repetitive movement and SOUND of the speed bag, particularly when hit with the basic punching pattern (from the front) that creates the "Triplet Rhythm" would be very beneficial as a repetitive auditory cueing (RAC) system (* sometimes referred to as RAS rhythmic auditory stimulation). for guiding movement. There is a lot of research to back this up.

        This forum has been a long time enthusiastic supporter of The RockSteady program. Awesome program that is spreading all over the world.!

        Rhythm is being found to be beneficial in several other learning modalities, such as reading.

        The Reading & Rhythm Program is featured in a short film funded by The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and was aired on PBS. The Reading & Rhythm program b...

        Anyway, We hope to see some video of you soon!
        Last edited by Speedbag; 08-13-2016, 03:16 PM.
        Speed Bag

        Put a little Rhythm in YOUR workout!
        *attendee: Every SB gathering so far!
        The Quest Continues...
        Hoping for another Gathering...


        The Art of the Bag


        • Prospector99
          Speed Bag Trainee
          • Aug 2016
          • 4

          So I got my deville no 13 and was not surprised to find it was a lot harder to hit than the everlast swivel. But 2 weeks into it and I'm getting a lot better, it's funny how how your body learns new patterns and all of a sudden I'm hitting it 30 seconds straight instead of 5. Working on a vid just gotta figure it out. Jeff


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