New from the High Desert of Idaho

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  • Over43
    Speed Bag Trainee
    • Jun 2011
    • 19

    New from the High Desert of Idaho


    I used to use speed bags and heavy bags "religiously" when I was in my 30's. Either at the Roseville (CA) P.A.L. or in my 100*+ garage (in the summer). Over the last 10 years or so I got side tracked by other tools, i.e.: kettlebells, at home "90 Day" or Six Week" programs, or whatever else has caught my short attention span. In the mean time my bodyweight has slowly crept up and sleep apnea has set in.

    The last 2 weeks I have "rediscovered" speed bag work, as well as finding my Lifeline Power Rope, speed rope and heavy rope in a box in my shop. So I set up the speed bag platform and started at it again. I have also included a fairly low glycemic diet to go with it. (Excluding the Coke I bought at the truck stop this morning.)

    I feel good. Looking forward to getting into good skiing shape via the speed bag and skipping rope.

    Nice to meet you all.
    Last edited by Over43; 06-14-2011, 11:33 AM.
  • MsDeville
    Senior Member

    • Oct 2009
    • 1301

    Welcome aboard the speed bag train, Over43.

    I'm not really big on fitness, but this activity has me in its grip. I managed to get trimmed up (a bit) just hitting on a speed bag. I still have a few pounds to lose... I just have to stay away from the tantalizing lure of sweets!
    sigpic Contact me anytime for information about Deville Swivels Email:
    I'm also on Facebook: |


    • novaspeedbagger
      Speed Bag Guru
      • Aug 2010
      • 470

      Originally posted by Over43 View Post

      I used to use speed bags and heavy bags "religiously" when I was in my 30's. Either at the Roseville (CA) P.A.L. or in my 100*+ garage (in the summer). Over the last 10 years or so I got side tracked by other tools, i.e.: kettlebells, at home "90 Day" or Six Week" programs, or whatever else has caught my short attention span. In the mean time my bodyweight has slowly crept up and sleep apnea has set in.

      The last 2 weeks I have "rediscovered" speed bag work, as well as finding my Lifeline Power Rope, speed rope and heavy rope in a box in my shop. So I set up the speed bag platform and started at it again. I have also included a fairly low glycemic diet to go with it. (Excluding the Coke I bought at the truck stop this morning.)

      I feel good. Looking forward to getting into good skiing shape via the speed bag and skipping rope.

      Nice to meet you all.
      Welcome to the forum! I think you'll find this a great place to spend time during your speed bag training breaks. There is a lot of good info here to benefit from and I'm sure us forum baggers will benefit from your knowledge as well!

      Keep on Baggin!


      • Over43
        Speed Bag Trainee
        • Jun 2011
        • 19

        I do have question on training protocols: i.e. what combinations of exercises do you put together to facillitatethe spped bag work out. Today I skipped rope 1100 times, and the a second hndred with the hevy rope. Followed by 200 skips with the heavy rope. I did six rounds of bag work, and then a final set of 300 skips.



        • Speedbag
          Author of the Speed Bag Bible, founder of

          • Feb 2006
          • 7123

          Welcome Over 43.

          Many here use the speed bag in a variety of "fitness workouts" and I haven't seen one certain way to utilize the bag in a total fitness program.

          The bag workout benefits can be individualized or focused by changing bag size or punching methods. Basically larger bags mean more power and strength, and smaller faster bags mean more movement speed, timing and coordination. Doing either for long periods of time will focus on endurance.

          The single most "standard" method I have seen is utilizing the speed bag in a boxing circuit, using "X" amount of rounds when moving from station to station.

          hope this helps. Good luck and welcome.
          Speed Bag

          Put a little Rhythm in YOUR workout!
          *attendee: Every SB gathering so far!
          The Quest Continues...
          Hoping for another Gathering...


          The Art of the Bag


          • Over43
            Speed Bag Trainee
            • Jun 2011
            • 19

            Originally posted by Speedbag View Post
            Welcome Over 43.

            Many here use the speed bag in a variety of "fitness workouts" and I haven't seen one certain way to utilize the bag in a total fitness program.

            The bag workout benefits can be individualized or focused by changing bag size or punching methods. Basically larger bags mean more power and strength, and smaller faster bags mean more movement speed, timing and coordination. Doing either for long periods of time will focus on endurance.

            The single most "standard" method I have seen is utilizing the speed bag in a boxing circuit, using "X" amount of rounds when moving from station to station.

            hope this helps. Good luck and welcome.
            Thank you very much. I tried this this evening, and liked it. I rotated through 12 round, rope, speed bag, heavy bag. I wore padded grappling gloves so I could grip the jump. It was quite taxing.


            • ExEODCDR
              Senior Member
              • Apr 2011
              • 159

              Welcome! I ran a triathlon in Burley, Idaho once! Beautiful place! Welcome!

              I'm relatively new to bagging, but ill have 1-2 hr sessions on the bag alone working on techniques and patterns. Or I'll hit the gym& work upper body hard with skipping rope and heavy bag work... then come home and speed bag for 30 minutes and get a great arm burner.

              LIKE on Facebook @


              • Over43
                Speed Bag Trainee
                • Jun 2011
                • 19

                Originally posted by ExEODCDR View Post
                Welcome! I ran a triathlon in Burley, Idaho once! Beautiful place! Welcome!

                I'm relatively new to bagging, but ill have 1-2 hr sessions on the bag alone working on techniques and patterns. Or I'll hit the gym& work upper body hard with skipping rope and heavy bag work... then come home and speed bag for 30 minutes and get a great arm burner.
                Burley is a nice spot. Good to hear from you.

                I am going to start on technique when my new bag arrives. My old one has the rebound of a steak being dropped on a counter top.

                I do have a fairly good aerobic base currently since I spent the last few months, (since the last week of January) riding my Schwinn Airdyne 40 minutes 3 times a week.


                • Zaza
                  Speed Bag Guru
                  • Apr 2011
                  • 2000

                  Originally posted by Over43 View Post
                  Burley is a nice spot. Good to hear from you.

                  I am going to start on technique when my new bag arrives. My old one has the rebound of a steak being dropped on a counter top.

                  I do have a fairly good aerobic base currently since I spent the last few months, (since the last week of January) riding my Schwinn Airdyne 40 minutes 3 times a week.
                  Welcome Over43 (I wonder how far over 43 you are...hummm...).

                  Got to love those Airdynes. Back in the day I used to build those as a Schwinn Certified Mechanic...went to Schwinn School & all down in Cherry Hill, NJ. (Fuji & Cannondale too). They can be used for as strong a workout as you like...good stuff.

                  I just started baggin' about 3 months! Great fun...and this is THE place to get the best support and information.

                  Art of the Bag - A Speed Bag Story


                  • metaldad
                    Speed Bag Guru
                    • Apr 2007
                    • 1514

                    Welcome to the forum. You're pretty hardcore about your fitness. I got rid of most of my weights(bench ,olympic bars and plates) and started focusing on kettlebells and bodyweight circuits. I do alot of bag work as well; hreavybag , speedbag and double end bag and skipping rope.(as long as my body holds up that is). I had a routine that went something like this:200 skips on the rope, 1 round on the heavy bag(handwraps only), 100 skips, 1 round heavybag, 100 more skips, 1 final round, 10 neutralgrip pullups, 1 doublened bag round, 10 more pullups another round etc. move on to 10 dips, 1 round on speed bag (changing hitting techniques every 30 seconds)10 more dips, 1 more round etc. finishing with 200 skips on the rope. Kicked my butt I tell you. Might not seem very hardcore compared what you got going. Maybe I should have kept 1 bar and the 45# plates for clean and presses and deadlifts but I think I'm good with what I have. I have tried cross country skiing once in my life and was very comical at it to say the least. Hoping you find this to be a very friendly welcoming and informative place!


                    • Over43
                      Speed Bag Trainee
                      • Jun 2011
                      • 19

                      A very friendly welcome indeed! I have been staying away from the weights for the last few years due to hip and back pain. Kettlebells also have a tendency to make me hurt.

                      As far as being Over 43, I did pass that milestone some years ago.


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