New guy, just got my bag up today

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  • ROMY
    Speed Bag Trainee
    • Jan 2010
    • 8

    New guy, just got my bag up today

    I just got my speed bag up today, its an Everlast deal with a plastic swivel. I put it up on my wall and it turns out that you don't just start hitting it like Rocky does I just finished hitting it so now im upstairs on the computer trying to learn everything there is to know about this thing. Im a member now for that exact reason. I will hit this bag like Rocky dammit! I got the whole setup on craigslist from a guy who couldnt get the hang of it. $45 for it and a 40lb barely used Everlast punching bag and some new handwraps. What the hell you do with a bag that small and light? I wish i knew. I like the forum already. The timer is awesome... and you guys have speedbag smilies. Speedbag smilies. i really can't wait to use one.
  • Kyle
    Speed Bag Guru
    • Nov 2006
    • 581

    first things first i would suggest you get some weight on top of there. a duffel bag filled with sand will work about 40 lbs or so. you can get sand at your local hardware store. also check out alan's site (forum name Speedbag) a lot of great info on there. start slow. get the rhythm down and the speed will come. start with control and speed will come very fast once you find your rhythm. also any other questions don't be hesitant to ask we are all here to help each other.


    • spinsmashpop
      Speed Bag Wizard

      • Nov 2008
      • 1081

      It sounds like you are on your way to becoming a psycho speed bagger!
      That's cool. I just lived an entire weekend with a handful of other psycho speed baggers, including the webmaster of this forum, and the Speed Bag Skunk.
      We spent the majority of a night, into the late night installing platforms for a 6 station speed bag porch!
      It'll be on youtube and here real soon!
      The only way you'll get like Rocky is to get the feel of the motion of the bag and your timing. Start slow and don't even worry. It'll come and that's when you will be able to dial it all in. But, you may become obsessed with all the finer, more advanced sides of speed bagging, including everything the Speed Bag Bible teaches and the art of Punch Drumming!
      Watch Alan Kahn and Speed Bag Skunk!
      Have fun, cuz it is!
      Bag on!!!


      • sparrky37
        • Jan 2010
        • 250

        Welcome! I started 13 years ago doing a boxing workout so I enjoy all the bags, but nothing gives the satisfaction like the SPEEDBAG. I will still hit a heavy bag at the end of my workouts to wear myself out. Just a suggestion, but USE THE WRIST WRAPS if your gonna do that so you don't buckle your wrists, Then you wouldn't be able to hit the speedbag for a while, and you do not want that.

        I can hit like Rocky! But when I discoverd what these guys can do a few days ago. I'm absolutely Amazed! Now it's like starting all over again. I want to be able to be a Punch Drummer! I'm hooked it's all I want to do is practice practice practice. Good luck and welcome again. I'm new also just joined a few days ago.


        • ROMY
          Speed Bag Trainee
          • Jan 2010
          • 8

          Been hitting it (or trying at least) since i got up today. I can keep it up pretty good with my left hand already but my right isnt as good. When i hit it with my right hand it always seems to go off to the side... ill just have to practice with my right hand more i guess. And whats the deal with the weight thing? what does that do?


          • Tim
            Administrator and Founder of

            • Jan 2006
            • 3468

            Originally posted by ROMY View Post
            I put it up on my wall and it turns out that you don't just start hitting it like Rocky does I just finished hitting it so now im upstairs on the computer trying to learn everything there is to know about this thing. Im a member now for that exact reason. I will hit this bag like Rocky dammit!
            Welcome to the forum. That was my initial experience as well... couldn't hit to save my life but wanted to look good. It takes lots of practice. If you can , get your hands on the Speed Bag Bible, read, then practice a bit and post a video ... we can help you get better quickly.

            ... and a 40lb barely used Everlast punching bag and some new handwraps. What the hell you do with a bag that small and light? I wish i knew. I like the forum already.
            Girl bag I guess the purpose is for putting it on a long chain and chasing the bag all over the gym every time you punch it???

            The timer is awesome... and you guys have speedbag smilies. Speedbag smilies. i really can't wait to use one.
            We like to think of this as the 2nd best web site on the whole internet (http:/// being first place). We're a bit biased though

            Originally posted by ROMY View Post
            Been hitting it (or trying at least) since i got up today. I can keep it up pretty good with my left hand already but my right isnt as good. When i hit it with my right hand it always seems to go off to the side... ill just have to practice with my right hand more i guess. And whats the deal with the weight thing? what does that do?
            It will take time and practice to get your weak hand up to speed. I'm a rightie so I have to go out of my way to bring by left up to the speed/power/coordination of my right hand.

            The weight on top of the platform will help dampen vibration, which can kill the energy in the rebound. You don't want too much vibration in the platform, although a little bit won't hurt.


            • ROMY
              Speed Bag Trainee
              • Jan 2010
              • 8

              Just got back from boxing prac. last 3 rounds were with the speed bag. Its over my head quite a ways. The swivel is awesome on it though. Mine downstairs is right at mouth level like i read on speed bag central. Everybody at the gym also said that there really is no good use for 40lb heavy bag. guess ill throw it on top of the speed bag


              • Biff
                Speed Bag Wizard

                • Feb 2008
                • 1190

                Welcome, ROMY. Take it nice and slowly in the beginning. Develop good habits early and practice, practice, practice. Like Tim said, get your hands on Alan's book and DVDs - money well spent.

                Look forward to seeing some vids of your progress.


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