Everlast Speedbag Problems

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  • rbare
    Speed Bag Trainee
    • Jul 2009
    • 1

    Everlast Speedbag Problems

    Anybody had problems with the professional speedbags? I have bought several and only got 7 hours out ot them before they were leaking. What's the fix!
  • Tim
    Administrator and Founder of SpeedBagForum.com

    • Jan 2006
    • 3468

    How much air does it lose over that 7 hours? Is it un-punchable ? Sounds like the bladder has a leak. That can be replaced cheaply

    I have many bags that require pumping up (a bit, not too much) every time I use them.


    • riqal
      Speed Bag Guru
      • Aug 2006
      • 570

      You want to make sure that you are lubricating the needle before you insert it. Usually I just use my own saliva to lubricate the needle. Sticking dry needles into the valve can damage the valve, thus causing leaking problems.

      Also, replace the bladder instead of buying a new bag. I replaced the bladder in my 4200 and it works better than before. Title has some good rubber bladders.


      • BlackCatXIII
        Speed Bag Trainee
        • Apr 2009
        • 23

        I have the same problem with the everlast bags. I keep my setup it the garage in arizona and the everlast bags deplet air very quick compared to the title bags I have. I air the everlast bags at least everyday to every other day; compared to the title bags which I only have to air up every five or more days. Never replaced the bladders on any of them because they hold the air in them while you hit them so there not unpunchable. If you replace the bladder I would like to know which brand you used and if that made a big enough difference compared to the stock one that came with the bladder.


        • riqal
          Speed Bag Guru
          • Aug 2006
          • 570

          I used the Title rubber bladder ( very good bladder ). I feel that it is better than the original in the 4200. The new bladder is tear drop shaped whereas the original was shaped like a sphere.


          • spinsmashpop
            Speed Bag Wizard

            • Nov 2008
            • 1081

            Originally posted by BlackCatXIII View Post
            I keep my setup it the garage in arizona
            Wow BlackCatXIII... I am in Santa Clarita CA and it gets hot, but man, you must be bagging in a garage that is 120 degrees in the day, or more? You must lose 5 lbs. every half hour you're in there!

            Originally posted by riqal View Post
            I used the Title rubber bladder ( very good bladder ). I feel that it is better than the original in the 4200. The new bladder is tear drop shaped whereas the original was shaped like a sphere.
            Riqal, I too have replaced bladders but have no one favorite. It seems a bit hit or miss, depending on the bag it is going in. Some new bladders feel fine, while others feel like they got lighter and too airy. But with that said, I have only used Everlast bladders.
            I bet Speedbag can give a better breakdown of all this.

            Originally posted by rbare View Post
            Anybody had problems with the professional speedbags? I have bought several and only got 7 hours out ot them before they were leaking. What's the fix!
            Rbare.... unless the bags are totally deflated, I think they all leak over time a bit, like Tim said. Mine do as they are in my garage. You probably need to tell us if they are in a hot garage or something. But maybe there is a slow leak due to a "needle wound". Lube the needle with some spit to save the hassle. BAG ON!


            • riqal
              Speed Bag Guru
              • Aug 2006
              • 570

              Good point about changing bladders, Spinsmashpop. I have only replaced one and it was a definite hit. That's not to say that it will be a hit each time.


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