Bag recommendations

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  • mikerehab
    Speed Bag Trainee
    • Jul 2008
    • 12

    Bag recommendations

    I am hitting an Everlast 4200 that is a couple of years old. One of the gyms I train at has switched to an S shaped hook. The strap on my 4200 is too tight for the hook, making it very difficult to remove from the setup. Does anybody have a recommendation for an equivalent bag with a strap that can more easily fit on this hook?
  • Speedbag
    Author of the Speed Bag Bible, founder of

    • Feb 2006
    • 7126

    Originally posted by mikerehab View Post
    I am hitting an Everlast 4200 that is a couple of years old. One of the gyms I train at has switched to an S shaped hook. The strap on my 4200 is too tight for the hook, making it very difficult to remove from the setup. Does anybody have a recommendation for an equivalent bag with a strap that can more easily fit on this hook?
    that's hard to say, for hook sizes and shapes are not the same.

    look here to see some subtle differences in hook shape. ( 3rd picture down)

    The big problem I have found is getting the newer thicker and longer bag loops to fit into through the slot on hook types 1 & 2.
    With the 4200 I never really experience a hook problem.
    Speed Bag

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    • Tim
      Administrator and Founder of

      • Jan 2006
      • 3464

      Have you tried any of the Title bags? They hit very nice and have enough loop so that it's easy to put them on and take them off. That said, not every one likes a long loop!

      I hit on a variety of bags, but I always come back to these as my mainstay:


      • toolboxdiver
        Speed Bag Guru
        • Jan 2008
        • 516

        Originally posted by Tim View Post
        Have you tried any of the Title bags? They hit very nice and have enough loop so that it's easy to put them on and take them off. That said, not every one likes a long loop!

        I hit on a variety of bags, but I always come back to these as my mainstay:
        I agree with Tim, alsothe title Pro Mex Bags are top notch also


        • sidecarr
          Speed Bag Trainee
          • Jul 2008
          • 22

          just brought a title classic 8x5 ,its a little bigger then my century bag ,but it punches great ,very fast bag , have a title pro mex 9x6 on order cant wait till it comes


          • Speedbag
            Author of the Speed Bag Bible, founder of

            • Feb 2006
            • 7126

            Originally posted by sidecarr View Post
            just brought a title classic 8x5 ,its a little bigger then my century bag ,but it punches great ,very fast bag , have a title pro mex 9x6 on order cant wait till it comes
            I have the pro mex 8x5 and it's a well balanced, fast bag.
            Speed Bag

            Put a little Rhythm in YOUR workout!
            *attendee: Every SB gathering so far!
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            The Art of the Bag


            • Brad
              Speed Bag Trainee
              • Apr 2008
              • 18

              I was surprised to find that pro mex bags are made in China. When I contacted Title about it, they implied I was the only one to question it. Does anyone on here not find that a little misleading?


              • riqal
                Speed Bag Guru
                • Aug 2006
                • 570

                I was just at the Title website looking at the promex bags. It does not say anything about where they are made. Pro Mex, I believe, is simply a brand name. I have to admit though that I assumed that they were made in Mexico simply because they were "pro mex" bags. In the end the only thing that matters is the quality and the action.


                • Brad
                  Speed Bag Trainee
                  • Apr 2008
                  • 18

                  Even more than the name, the fact that the word "Mexico" is a prominent part of the logo suggested to me that they were made in Mexico.

                  They are also advertised to be made of goatskin but I did not detect any significant difference in the leather. I'm certainly not saying, however, that they are not made from goatskin. Furthermore, until I have firsthand experience with a bag actually made in Mexico; any review of the pro mex SB by me could not be considered an informed one.

                  For what it's worth, I understand that the pro mex gloves also come out of China.

                  Finally, while I believe that Title is not completly upfront about this product; I have far more concerns about Ringside's business practices.


                  • sidecarr
                    Speed Bag Trainee
                    • Jul 2008
                    • 22

                    just placed my first order with ringside,usualy order from title thought id try ringside out ,wondering about their busieness practices


                    • Brad
                      Speed Bag Trainee
                      • Apr 2008
                      • 18

                      Please let us know your experience with the pro mex 9X6 and whatever you've ordered from Ringside.

                      As far as the latter's business practices, I'm mainly referring to expensive shipping charges as well as the difficulty to find a schedule of those charges anywhere on their site or in their catalog; how they have different prices on the web, in their catalog and in sales flyers and the difficulty of getting their lowest price for each item all on one order; and that they advertise gloves as all leather when, in fact, they are not.


                      • sidecarr
                        Speed Bag Trainee
                        • Jul 2008
                        • 22

                        promex is ok, think the 8x5 title clasic is much faster , took over as my favorite bag ,did notice the shipping from ringside seemed a little on the high side compaired to title


                        • Speedbag
                          Author of the Speed Bag Bible, founder of

                          • Feb 2006
                          • 7126

                          Originally posted by sidecarr View Post
                          promex is ok, think the 8x5 title clasic is much faster , took over as my favorite bag ,did notice the shipping from ringside seemed a little on the high side compaired to title
                          I also find myself going back to my little title 8x5 classic, particularly since my yellow 8x5 seems to have a recent bladder problem

                          Speed Bag

                          Put a little Rhythm in YOUR workout!
                          *attendee: Every SB gathering so far!
                          The Quest Continues...
                          Hoping for another Gathering...


                          The Art of the Bag


                          • Brad
                            Speed Bag Trainee
                            • Apr 2008
                            • 18

                            How do the Title bags compare to Title Classic bags in terms of leather, weight, etc? Alan, I found the photo of four bags side-by-side that you posted previously to very helpful. Do you happen to have Title and TC 9X6 bags of which you could post a side-by-side comparison?


                            • Speedbag
                              Author of the Speed Bag Bible, founder of

                              • Feb 2006
                              • 7126

                              Originally posted by Brad View Post
                              How do the Title bags compare to Title Classic bags in terms of leather, weight, etc? Alan, I found the photo of four bags side-by-side that you posted previously to very helpful. Do you happen to have Title and TC 9X6 bags of which you could post a side-by-side comparison?
                              I can do that....

                              On the left hand picture (2 bags) I put the 9x6 classic on the left of the 9x6 regular. Notice the 9x6 regular is fatter toward the bottom, and the 9x6 classic narrows more toward the bottom. 9x6 classic is also noticeably smaller.

                              I also added another picture, (3 bags) with the 8x5 regular (yellow). The classic 9x6 is in the middle, and notice it is about the same size as the yellow regular 8x5, except the yellow bag appears wider and fatter toward the bottom.

                              The classic bags are a bit lighter than the regular models.
                              Attached Files
                              Speed Bag

                              Put a little Rhythm in YOUR workout!
                              *attendee: Every SB gathering so far!
                              The Quest Continues...
                              Hoping for another Gathering...


                              The Art of the Bag


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