New Videos "Speed Bag family lol"

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  • SpeedBagSkunk
    Speed Bag Skunk doesn't need a title, you already know

    • Oct 2006
    • 460

    New Videos "Speed Bag family lol"

    This was so damn cute seeing my girlfriends lil 6 year old girl get on the bag for her first time ever and actually be able to hit it!!
    Here is a video of my girlfriend, looks like shes getting better eh?
    And last but not least me hitting the bag in the jungle again with my H2 sitting beside me listen to some jams! Notice the cool move at the end after i finish hitting the bag. "This is why im HOT HOT" also do you hear the puppies start barking when i start hitting the speed bag lol
  • jaguiler
    Speed Bag Guru
    • Jan 2007
    • 289

    Skunk - please tell the little person that the platform is too high... ask Hispanic about this... also tell her to keep her elbows up.... she can start by going to ... Billy what do you think of the little blonde speedbagger....

    what is her screen name ? The blondeterror ? BlondeMakingMagic ? BoxerBlondie ? BlondieMac ?

    you know I'm kidding.... right ?

    do you always take a platform out to your picnics ? what kind of dog... (I'm almost afraid to ask, I have a feeling they will eat mine for dinner) cool truck.
    My wife is afraid of my bags...but I think I can get my mother in law hitting by the end of summer....

    I ate a clown for dinner.
    Last edited by jaguiler; 05-10-2007, 08:32 PM.


    • BillyMack
      • Sep 2006
      • 310

      Blondes have more fun!

      Originally posted by jaguiler View Post
      Billy what do you think of the little blonde speedbagger....
      We got ourselves another Doris De Green, except Doris started when she was 8 and Lizzard is only 6!?!


      • hispanicmakingpanic
        Senior Member
        • May 2007
        • 219

        Family fun

        Hey skunkman you know what they say, the family that speedbags together stays together. Great videos. Soon I will copy my man skunk and put my son up on one. He's three now and a fast southpaw.


        • SpeedBagSkunk
          Speed Bag Skunk doesn't need a title, you already know

          • Oct 2006
          • 460

          yall are too funny

          How bout "Blondie McSpeedBag" lol j/k I will be building one for me to sit and hit and it will be the same hieght for her to hit standing up so im in the process of makin a better platoform but at a growing age like that i will need an ajustable platform. Thanks for the compliments and comments they both will be pleased to hear them. Keep it SpeedBaggin " Skunk"


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