Hey again guys... Just thought I'd make a little video with my new swivel. I wanted to see what it was like hitting on a swivel with a different set up than the ball hook. I also set up my big everlast red balloon (teaching my fiance how to bag) so I took off the micro cleto reyes I got last week... Hits are prettyt sloppy...but it was fun nonetheless! Have a great day dudes!
and ANOTHER video from a newbie!
Thanks for the kind words brother...its completely a "work in progress" haha...but we ALL know how that goes. - as of now, I have 2 everlast red bags ..TA:L. (Large) I have a blue and red everlast ca:S (small) , a Cleto Reyes white bag 5x8 (I think) and my newest is the black Cleto Reyes xs (micro bag).... I definately suggest the micro bag... Hitting that thing for 2 hours and then jumping to my everlast small is Awesome! I also have the s-hooks and mechanical swivels...I think I'm liking the link-style swivel better, but that will probably change as soon as I start throwing in side punching/linking.....we shall see!
Thanks for taking the time to watch man.
Cool Vid
Those Elbows are Gettin' Good! I can see it's getting easier to throw them into the mix. Awesome Video. I like the Video Editing too. I like the tune as well... I think i first heard that song in about 2000, or 2001 in the movie "requiem for a dream". It's a badass track. That movie is insane.