Tough Technique

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  • Kevdawg0324
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2006
    • 146

    the technique is a little easier to me if i do both dtes instead of otes because my hand wont get in the way when in transition. try it that way billymack. i think youll find it easier as i did.


    • Speedbag
      Author of the Speed Bag Bible, founder of

      • Feb 2006
      • 7126


      I am assuming your "left FSP ' DTES" means the lead fist to the Downward Triple is the FSP? Again, that is a slightly awkward motion, for the FSP moves inward to the bag, and so does the downward elbow. I (just me..) rarely join and "inward" motion of one arm with the inward motion of the other.

      Consider doing a Front Double Punch, (FDP) which I normally mean a leading Front Circle Punch (FCP) (outward motion) with a FSP or FCP. Now trying doing the FDP with a FSP ' FSP. Feels weird to me, but possible. How would you differentiate (name) a FDP with different leading fists? It's not a big deal, but the different fist position really changes the arm movements and corresponding combinations. Writing combo's to include all these differences would be impossible.

      Same thing with a Front Fist Roll, (F-Roll) which is also possible with continuously alternating FSP ' FSP ' FSP ... etc. {The fist don't Roll over each other, but it works} Again, how would you differentiate this (actually, the man who taught me called continuous alternating FSP ' FSP - fist riveting.)

      The point is; I would say your variation with the downward is a "Front Straight Punch to a Downward Double Elbow Strike with one rebound inbetween" and write it like this:

      FSP ' D-DES

      It is a small difference, but there are several variations of writing techniques and it can become confusing to understand what the movement is. I've long known the above movement which is a fist - elbow- fist with one rebound inbetween, was possible, but I didn't think the FSP lead fist was an easy or natural connection with the Downward motion of the other arm so I didn't add it as a technique. there are many ways to join the fist and elbows with one rebound, but some just didn't flow smoothly to me.

      That is also why I wouldn't call BillyMack's movement a "technique" but rather and advanced combination. what would the technique name be? and the set up for the OTES after a FSP of the other arm is not really easy or smooth.

      Actually, if you want to have fun - Do a Downward Triple ES and have the lead fist come back and follow with a FSP after one rebound. Try this combo.

      (LRR)D-TES ' (L)FSP ' (RRL)OTES ' ' (R)RSP ' ' (RLL)D-TES ' (R)FSP ' (LLR)OTES ' ' (L)RSP ' ' ...repeat.
      (* the bag is hit seven times in a row with one rebound in between before the RSP.) This is just doing BillyMack's combo after a DTES with one rebound after the DTES. You might want to air punch it first.
      Speed Bag

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      • Kevdawg0324
        Senior Member
        • Oct 2006
        • 146

        i have messed with this combo a lot today and this is what i have come up with that works really well for me;

        start with split fist with the left hand hitting from the front and right hand in the back, then transition the left hand into (l)fsp ' (rrl)dtes ' ' rdp ' ' (r)fsp ' (llr)dtes.......

        i found that this position that the dtes left me in was much more comfortable as opposed to using the otes.
        Last edited by Kevdawg0324; 02-10-2007, 11:29 PM.


        • Speedbag
          Author of the Speed Bag Bible, founder of

          • Feb 2006
          • 7126

          Originally posted by Kevdawg0324 View Post
          i have messed with this combo a lot today and this is what i have come up with that works really well for me;

          start with split fist with the left hand hitting from the front and right hand in the back, then transition the left hand into (l)fsp ' (rrl)dtes ' ' rdp ' ' (r)fsp ' (llr)dtes.......

          i found that this position that the dtes left me in was much more comfortable as opposed to using the otes.
          Hmmm. Just by looking at your written combination I am confused as to what you're combo is. You are stating a "dtes" with a fist order that I don't understand. your are showing the first two contact points on the SAME arm:

          Your symbol. (rrl)dtes:

          Look above at the fist order of my Downward Triple ES. : (RLL)D-TES.
          Using three lines to show the order of contact: that is

          .R \ L-L
          .f \ e-f

          the lead fist [ R ] in my symbol connects in a Front Circle Punch (FCP) position, but even IF your lead fist connects in the Front Straight Punch position (FSP) position, the order of connection would still be RLL, not RRL. that is the connection order of a Outward Triple Elbow Strike. (OTES).

          I still think you mean a Downward Double, or your written connection order was in error. Or perhaps I need to see it on video. but I also like the Downward movement in this mix.
          Last edited by Speedbag; 02-11-2007, 01:40 PM.
          Speed Bag

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          • Kevdawg0324
            Senior Member
            • Oct 2006
            • 146

            ill post something today in a new thread to see if i cant clear it up for you.


            • BillyMack
              • Sep 2006
              • 310

              Here's some more footage of this technique combined with split stuff


              • Kevdawg0324
                Senior Member
                • Oct 2006
                • 146

                looking good billymack. nice transitioning. keep up the good work. ill work on a couple of fun combos over the next few days and try to post something cool soon. among other things, im working over a (lrr)dtes ' (ll)ddes ' front fist roll......
                a small combo, but still challenging.


                • Speedbag
                  Author of the Speed Bag Bible, founder of

                  • Feb 2006
                  • 7126

                  Originally posted by BillyMack View Post
                  Here's some more footage of this technique combined with split stuff

                  Very Nice combinations. Great split fisting off the elbows techniques.

                  Originally posted by Kevdawg0324 View Post
                  looking good billymack. nice transitioning. keep up the good work. ill work on a couple of fun combos over the next few days and try to post something cool soon. among other things, im working over a (lrr)dtes ' (ll)ddes ' front fist roll...... a small combo, but still challenging.

                  Your notation of this combo is correct but under the board, here is a tip that might make this combo easier.

                  ...note that the Downward Triple ES is a "Fist-Elbow-Fist" combo. Consider the LAST fist of your (LRR) DTES. If you follow this fist with the DDES, you are really doing another DTES, using the last fist of the first elbow strike as the lead fist of the next downward triple. Basically that fist strike on the bag is the last fist of the first downward Triple, AND the lead fist of the NEXT downward triple.

                  the Same thing with the DDES ' F-Roll. the last fist of the "elbow-fist" DDES (L-L) is also the lead fist of the Front Roll.

                  In that theory, you could also write you combo. (the bold fistis actually the SAME fist contact. )

                  DTES ' DTES.. ' (F-Roll)

                  or your way is:

                  L/R-R.. L-L .... R-L-R
                  DTES ' DDES ' (F-Roll)
                  f/e-f ....e-f

                  I just want you to consider the theory of the last fist on one technique also being the lead fist of another. That will really help when you move to the more complex super advanced combo's when the fists contact from different sides of the bag.

                  You can really get a good snap on the fist of the "Elbow-Fist" DDES to use it as the lead fist of your F-Roll. For me, it makes it easier.
                  Speed Bag

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                  • Kevdawg0324
                    Senior Member
                    • Oct 2006
                    • 146

                    i understand what your saying. im still trying to get the notation down. thanks for being patient and explaining it to me.


                    • Kevdawg0324
                      Senior Member
                      • Oct 2006
                      • 146

                      what makes a super advanced combo by definition?


                      • Speedbag
                        Author of the Speed Bag Bible, founder of

                        • Feb 2006
                        • 7126

                        Super advanced combinations

                        Originally posted by Kevdawg0324 View Post
                        what makes a super advanced combo by definition?
                        Great question. The "advanced cominations" terminology that I use depends on where the fists hit on the bag.

                        Advanced Punching Combinations have two criteria. First, all the parts of the combination hit the SAME SIDE of the bag. Second, they move up to ONE REBOUND inbetween rather than three. A third criteria might be that the last fist of a technique will also be the lead fist of another technique. So your above cominations fit that definition. Same For FDP ' FDP ' OTES. Very easy with three rebounds, not so easy on ONE rebound.

                        Super Advanced Punching Combinations have two criterial. First, the parts of the combination hit DIFFERENT SIDEs of the bag, second is they occur with one rebound inbetween rather than two or three, and usually the last fist of one technique is the lead fist of the next.

                        These combinations almost always require the Side Single Punch (SSP) to be used somewhere in the combination to "roll your fists" around the bag, moving from one side to the other.

                        and example is The Side Double Punch to Reverse Double Punch. written like

                        SDP ' ' ' RDP. Very easy on three rebounds.

                        super advanced combo = SDP ' RDP
                        fist order = [ L-R ' L-R ] ( Front - Side ' Reverse-Reverse)

                        The word "super" denotes different sides of the bag within the combo. I created that term because I had already used the term "advanced" for combo's on the SAME side and decided that term was the most descriptive, for they are normally a little more difficult than those on the same side, and they look "super" when you pull it off, which only happens about 3/4 of the time. This where I accidently discovered lots of combinations. You can really get lost in these.
                        Last edited by Speedbag; 02-14-2007, 06:23 PM.
                        Speed Bag

                        Put a little Rhythm in YOUR workout!
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                        • Kevdawg0324
                          Senior Member
                          • Oct 2006
                          • 146

                          so you use the ssp as a vehicle to get to the front/back of bag through one rebound? like a fdp ' ssp ' rdp?


                          • Speedbag
                            Author of the Speed Bag Bible, founder of

                            • Feb 2006
                            • 7126

                            Originally posted by Kevdawg0324 View Post
                            so you use the ssp as a vehicle to get to the front/back of bag through one rebound? like a fdp ' ssp ' rdp?

                            Absolutely correct.

                            In fact, your exact written exercise is shown as exerice #3A on page 146 of chapter 10, advanced combinations.

                            (* note, the SSP and first punch of the RDP = SSP ' RSP, or the Side-Reverse Double Punch: [S-RDP] )
                            Speed Bag

                            Put a little Rhythm in YOUR workout!
                            *attendee: Every SB gathering so far!
                            The Quest Continues...
                            Hoping for another Gathering...


                            The Art of the Bag


                            • Kevdawg0324
                              Senior Member
                              • Oct 2006
                              • 146

                              cool! ive practiced that before. ill post it for you to look at.


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