I moved this from another thread, for It's a specific question by ChrisM, but did not want to hijack the "how fast can you go thread" with another topic.

this will be a much longer subject to discuss.

Originally posted by Chris M View Post
.. I'm still working on my advanced techniques, particularly the six count thing, I forget what you call it. I can only get the double punch followed by the side punch about half the time and I'm using a 10x12 bag to learn this technique. I pay particular attention to hitting with my fists in the right order, RCP, LCP, RSP with one bounce in between each hit. I'm not too good on the abbreviations you use, so forgive me.

When you do it, it looks so easy, but you sure have to be fast to do it. Maybe I'm starting to see the disadvantage of using the swivel that I'm using, which is this one: http://store.titleboxing.com/dps-ez.html. If you remember, I use this swivel for my indoors unit and the metal ball & hook swivel for outdoors to keep noise down. I guess I could try it outdoors, but I'm not too keen on exercising outdoors when it's 50 degrees outside.

Any hints on this technique? I can't get past the three count, let alone the six count that you do on the DVD. I know practice makes perfect and I never thought I'd be able to easily work the inner, outer, and downward elbows easily into my routine, but it just clicked one day and everything was a piece of cake and it's been that way ever since.

Maybe I need to watch the DVD again?
AHA! Behold the anxieties of the swivel! At this level of combinations, (multiple fist contacts from all around the bag with one rebound) the swivel does make a difference. Which is why I stand by the ball-hook as my choice. This combo's are hard enough with a ball-hook, and even more difficult with a swivel that will interfere with the rebound. Ths easiest answer to your swivel problem is: Tape the bag to the center of the bar so it can't move up off the bar of slide around on it.

By the way, this answer will probably highlight why the text of the Speed Bag Bible Book is helpful, for to explain this in words, it helps to know the abbreviations and text symbols. There are various ways to write the combination ChrisM is asking about....)

Now as far as the "six punch sequence" (which is ultimately a nine-punch, I can only do six consistently..) I would suggest you forget about the 6 punches, and only focus on the next punch in the sequence. Here is where you are going, with each punch written individually:

FCP ' FCP ' SSP ' RSP ' RSP ' SSP ' .....( RSP ' RSP ' SSP ) - repeat.

to put fists to this:

R-FCP ' L-FCP ' R-SSP ' L-RSP ' R-RSP ' L-SSP '..

Now, think about this another way: ( I do this in the book, page 145) Move the two punch sequence to a three punch sequence.

R-L (FDP) ' (R)-SSP. First, let's examine this three punch sequence (two techniques) which can repeat itself after two rebounds:

R-L (FDP) ' (R)-SSP ' ' R-L (FDP) ' (R)-SSP. I find this much easier to visual when the lead technique is the FDP. Now, the FDP has several fist variations. I suggest you make the second fist contact (Left) in the Front Double Punch (FDP) in a Front Straight Punch position. Why? because the FSP connection is an inward motion, and moves your body (shoulders) to the right in this example. and the right side is where your right fist needs to go after leading the FDP. You right (leading) fist will naturally flow to the right side of the bag if it is followed by the left fist going in that direction, which a FSP will do. (The FCP actually angles your body away from where you need to be.) It is a little more difficult to loop your right fist out to the right side after a Left-FCP.

but another practice tip is to try and do a Side Single Punch as an extension of a Front Fist Roll. R-L-R-L-R-L(F-Roll) ' (R)-SSP.

Either way, you now have the THREE punch sequence.

Now, let's make it a four punch sequence. After the SSP, comes the RSP with the other hand.

R-L (FDP) ' (R)-(SSP) ' "L" (RSP) the Left fist "L" was the second fist of the FDP, and passed through to the back. Now this is a four punch sequence. But we can also write the last two connections: SSP ' RSP as a technique: The Side-Reverse Double Punch (S-RDP). That makes:

R-L (FDP) ' R-L (S-RDP). To get the fist movements down for this two technique combination, do this with three rebounds instead of one. ( and it is again easier if the second fist in the FDP is in a straight punch contact. try it sitting there without the bag, and notice how your right fist will kinda end up in the right side position..)

R-L (FDP) ' ' ' R-L (S-RDP) ... repeat.

So the fourth punch is the RSP behind the bag.


When you can do the above easily, focus on the FIFTH punch, which will require taking the Fist making the SSP (R) to get behind the bag after one rebound. As the left fist hits the RSP, just let the right fist Roll up into the back of the bag, like doing a R-Roll. (This shouldn't be too difficult, for the right fist probably connected in the Side-reverse panel of the bag anyway, making it more like a reverse contact than a side contact)

If that is hard to do, break it down again to a simpler practice exercise. Try doing a R-L Side-Reverse Double Punch, followed by a R-RSP after THREE rebounds.

R-L (S-RDP) ' ' ' R (RSP)

or by individual punches: R-(SSP) ' L (RSP) ' ' ' R-(RSP)

when you can do that, change three rebounds to one rebound.

R-(SSP) ' L (RSP) ' R-(RSP)

another practice tip to get these fist movements: try this: start with three rebounds:

R (SSP) ' ' ' L-R (RDP) - [then go to one rebound] R (SSP) ' L-R (RDP) in time this will feel much like a three punch R-Roll.

So, now this FIVE punch sequence can be written using three techniques from the front, side and reverse areas of the bag.

R-L (FDP) ' (R)-(SSP) ' L-R (RDP)

Practice the above sequence without the bag. Air punch and move the fists slowly. On the bag, You will notice that it may help to drop your elbows a bit to get the upper part of the forearm out of the way of the rebounding bag. the fists and the bag are in very close proximity in this combination, and sometimes the forearm angles need to be adjust just a bit to make room. Especially the Right Arm after the SSP.

Just for fun, try doing this. Instead of ending with the (RDP), make it a Reverse Fist Roll

R-L (FDP) ' (R)-(SSP) ' L-R-L-R-L-R.. (R-Roll)

for a better grasp, Try going Front-Fist Roll (F-Roll) Side Single Punch (SSP), Reverse-Fist Roll (R-Roll)

R-L-R-L-R-L(F-Roll) ' (R)-(SSP) ' L-R-L-R-L-R.. (R-Roll)

(* notice in the above combination (F-Roll) ' SSP ' (R-Roll) that you just Rolled your fists around the bag with One Rebound inbetween. Pretty Cool )


Now, for that Six Punch, A SSP from the left side of the bag. Let's break it down. Behind the bag, we just ended with a (RDP) and the last fist to hit was the Right fist. You want to follow this with a Left SSP. (Actually these two punches create the R-L Reverse-Side Double Punch - but we won't write it that way)

Try this to learn the motion, again starting with three rebounds.

L-R (RDP) ' ' ' L-(SSP). as the Right Fist connects, let the L roll outward and upwards into the SIDE area of the bag. It will be more of a Side-Reverse contact, but no matter. it will work.

after you can do this with three rebounds, move to one. L-R (RDP) ' L-(SSP).

Once this motion feels comfortable (going from RDP to SSP on one rebound), then add it onto the five punch sequence, creating the SIX punch sequence.

R-L (FDP) ' (R)-(SSP) ' L-R (RDP) ' L (SSP)

Practice this sitting wtihout the bag. Start from any technique in the sequence, and air punch the moves. They happen extremely fast on the bag.


As you can tell from the above, it is very complicated to explain this in a text format. that was the challenge I faced in creating the book. You can see it and hear it on the video, but can you remember it when you get to the bag?? Most people I originally worked with could not, which is why I wrote the book so people could follow the TEXT exercises under the board to remember all the fist orders and highlight some variations.

by the way, I called these "super advanced" combinations, because the advanced punching combinations join techiques from the SAME side with one rebound. These combinations discussed above join techniques from "different sides" and chose to call them "super" advanced to make that distinction. ( so now you know....)

Just look at the sequence and do the technique movements. You have Two Double Punches with a side single inbetween, or you have two side single punches with a Reverse Double Punch in between. finally, practice this last sequence by itself.

R-(SSP) ' L-R (RDP) ' L-(SSP)

anyway, ChrisM, I hope some of these tips help you.